Michael's Collaboration With Quincy Jones - Why Did It Really Stop?


Proud Member
Feb 25, 2011
Bucharest, Romania
Does anyone know why exactly their collaboration ended after Bad album?

Is there an official story and an unofficial one?

Has something to do with the fact or should I better say the rumour/gossip that Quincy hit on Michael? :bugeyed:

I bumped into this discussion (well illustrated) on internet and I was quite shocked.

I don't know if we are allowed to discuss this :unsure:
oh my god lol :lmao:

I agree with you though! who wouldn't!
Lets not forget the video of Quincy stroking Michael's snake :ph34r:

Or on this next video, Quincy is on the phone to Michael and he says, "I love you, baby" at 0:48


Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/nationa...#ixzz1QfR6KLeZ

Film director Rob Cohen met Michael Jackson in New York in 1978 while producing "The Wiz," the film version of an all-black Broadway production of "The Wizard of Oz" starring Diana Ross.
He was such a sensitive guy that when we would go out to dinner -- he was a vegetarian -- he would apologize to each vegetable before he ate it. He ordered steamed vegetables and he literally would say, "I'm sorry, Mr. Carrot" and "I'm sorry, Mr. Broccoli." He was so empathetic to other people and all living things -- that's really what I remember most about Michael, even more than his dancing and singing. When you talked to Michael, you really felt he was feeling what you were feeling.

I remember one night doing a recording session for "Ease On Down the Road," and Quincy [Jones] was in the studio laying down the tracks. Michael was there with Diana, and Diana was singing her part, and then it was like "OK, Michael, let's bring in your part."' Michael did a riff from "Ease on Down the Road" in that sweet angelic voice, and Quincy's eyes just lit up -- I'll never forget it. It was like watching a leopard looking at a goat. Quincy was just like, "What?" And from that moment on, those two were united, and soon they went on to do "Off The Wall" together and then "Thriller," and it was all started there in that moment.
He loved New York City. We got him and La Toya an apartment on Central Park West and sometimes I'd pick him up or drop him off and I'd always notice tons of crates of Perrier water.
I said, finally, "Michael, what's with all the Perrier?" And he said, "I like to bathe in it. I like the bubbles." Every once in a while I'd get him to come out with me to Studio 54 on a weekend night, and we'd always go with a big group of fashion models and he would get out there and dance and just ignite the place. He already had those moves, you know? He didn't just invent them for his videos. He didn't go as far with it back then, but he did the spins and the moonwalk, a little Fosse, a little Astaire.
He had no idea the effect he already had on people. We'd get back in the limo with him at the end of the night and I'd say, "Michael, you know you could go home with this girl, or you could go home with that girl. Why don't you take some of these girls home with you?" And he'd say, "Really, you really think they like me?"

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/nationa...#ixzz1QfPaGU48
I just believe that Michael wanted to try something new, he has always been like that. On that time Teddy Riley stood for the socalled New Swing Jack, which also was used for the Dangerous album. They made great music together! Dangerous is my favorite album of all time!
Ok, first time I've heard that one lol :unsure: I don't know the real reason, but I'm glad he did and went on to make the great albums Dangerous and HIStory.
I think the partnership ended because it was time to move on and try new things. Michael didn't want to do the same thing over & over again. He knew there would come a time when he'd have to change the people he worked with. MJ photographer Todd Gray said this in his book Before He was King, for example.
I just believe that Michael wanted to try something new, he has always been like that. On that time Teddy Riley stood for the socalled New Swing Jack, which also was used for the Dangerous album. They made great music together! Dangerous is my favorite album of all time!

i Agree
I believe their recording relationship ended on mixed terms. Quincy is a musical genius (and shouldn't be compared to Michael, so let's not go there) and so was Michael to a certain degree at that time. Michael had more to learn and I think he wanted to have more control than in his past albums with Q. I also think Quincy felt he had his time with Michael, made his mark on pop music, and was looking for a new project. I don't think they ever planned on continuing their successes with each other for the rest of Michael's musical career. It was a fun ride while it lasted now let's move on - sorta thing.

And in the end i'm glad they eventually went their separate ways. Otherwise we might never have gotten the works of Dangerous and HIStory which I hold very dearly. Dangerous is my favorite album.
Sometimes I wonder how the rest of Michael's career would have turned out had he stayed with Quincy for every album after Bad.
Too much?:scratch:.....:giggle:


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Look at how happy Quincy looks when Michael offers a hug:


Has something to do with the fact or should I better say the rumour/gossip that Quincy hit on Michael? :bugeyed:


I believe their recording relationship ended on mixed terms. Quincy is a musical genius (and shouldn't be compared to Michael, so let's not go there) and so was Michael to a certain degree at that time. Michael had more to learn and I think he wanted to have more control than in his past albums with Q. I also think Quincy felt he had his time with Michael, made his mark on pop music, and was looking for a new project. I don't think they ever planned on continuing their successes with each other for the rest of Michael's musical career. It was a fun ride while it lasted now let's move on - sorta thing.

This. I think Michael just wanted to expand his horizons and try something new. But who knows, really.

:lol: @ Quincy, :wub: @ Michael
:2cents: For all those "happy" pictures, well i'd be jumping up and down excited too if I produced OTW, Thriller and Bad and see them do so successfully. I'd freak in public and everything! But the idea of Quincy having a little man-crush on Michael?! And the possibility of it being more than that?! I'm sorry, but isn't all this just speculation and hearsay? And are we also using this as a possible reason for why they split ways?

I'm gonna end this in hopes that you guys are having just a bit of fun with the idea and don't think it could honestly be true. Other fans might come in here and think we're just a bunch of speculating MJ weirdos. I don't enjoy flirting with that line myself.

I'll head out then. :ciao:
:2cents: For all those "happy" pictures, well i'd be jumping up and down excited too if I produced OTW, Thriller and Bad and see them do so successfully. I'd freak in public and everything! But the idea of Quincy having a little man-crush on Michael?! And the possibility of it being more than that?! I'm sorry, but isn't all this just speculation and hearsay? And are we also using this as a possible reason for why they split ways?

I'm gonna end this in hopes that you guys are having just a bit of fun with the idea and don't think it could honestly be true. Other fans might come in here and think we're just a bunch of speculating MJ weirdos. I don't enjoy flirting with that line myself.

I'll head out then. :ciao:

More than that?NEVER I would think such a thing.

As for a crush why is so hard to believe?!!!I don't understand.Anyway Michael seems kind of embarrassed.

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I for one am having fun with the idea. And, for two, I believe it. :ninja:
However, explanation about would be far beyond the scope of this forum. If there is anything like this I want to discuss, I don't do it here. People are very fixed in their perception of MJ and those around him and won't even fathom anything outside of it.

Claudiodina, you might do better going to the actual forum you got this from to discuss this idea. If it is the website I am thinking of, they gave plenty of information to help you decide what was probable or not.

I for one think it was a combination of things including what was said by Ivory Keys.
Lol, I think Michael just outgrew Quincy really, from an artistic standpoint - you can see the transition from something that could almost be construed as a Quincy Jones album with Michael's voice on it (Off The Wall) to one where Michael wrote almost every song (Bad). Quincy's role seemed more distant at the time of Bad and there was no good reason for them to stick together for so long that people would ask whether MJ could even be a success without Q. It had been almost a decade that they'd been working together, they had to move on at some point. Or am I taking this thread too seriously? :lol:
^^Spot on, actually! :lol:

What also caught me off guard about Quincy was some of the things he said about Michael in the later years after they parted ways. Some being really rude considering he once worked with Michael on a deep level. Anyone remember these instances? Those instances always made me wonder if they might have parted ways on semi-bad terms.
If that story about what he said after Michael died is true, I'd say they definitely ended on bad terms.
I think it was just time to move on for both of them, I think Michael wanted to take a more hands-on approach and creatively. That would be the simple answer I guess. "I'm not going to the funeral,there's been too many" was Quincys response in 2009,just one of those things that made me wonder whether he was having an off day which would explain that rude behaviour or whether there was a whole backstory as to why they parted ways.