Michael's charitable work must have brought him so much satisfaction and strength....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
got to think how Michael's life was divided between making his marvelous music and reaching out to others and doing all the humanitarian work. Judging by just how much he accomplished, he never wasted any time...

Helping so many people and knowing what a difference he was making to the lives of so many people in need must have been so satisfying for him, it must have given him a degree of inner peace .... and just having such a strong sense of purpose. It made me feel that during all the tough, awful times, it must have been a source of strength to him to know how all his good deeds had positively impacted people, how he had never lived in vain....This thought bought me comfort.
I agree with you. Michael Jackson loved people, and he accepted them just as they were.:yes:
Have you seen this video: Michael Jackson with Orphans?
Click on the link below:

My prayer:angel: is that God, will please, allow Michael Jackson to remain forever close to his children and us fans.

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In that video you can clearly see that he was completely at ease and relaxed when aruond children, great video. I honestly believe he was the most kindest soul to ever live on this planet. If you look at how much good things he has done for charity, never bragged about it, you only have to watch his face and how he behaves to see that this man only meant good with everything he did. Amazing person, treated horribly by alot of people.
He was like a different being. He always talked about Jesus and the good he did. He talked about being "Christ-like" (not in a controversial way) in many interviews. He was always kind and giving to others, and never asked for anything in return.:angel: He was humble and always trying to heal the world. He was so much more than a great entertainer..he was an angel that brought light into many people's lives while he was here.:wub: The world needed Michael. Well, the world STILL needs Michael.

Oh I miss him so much..:( sorry for rambling.