Michael's changed appearance during the bad era


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
are any of you old enough to remember when michael released his bad album? and if so, do you remember what the reaction was to his changed appearance..the skin mostly

i know he had vitiligo and that i have never ever doubted but i'd love to hear from fans who were around back then and can remember the reaction to michael's lightened skin....i mean during thriller he looked one way and just three years later, he looks another way

i mean no disrespect to mj at all so please dont take it that way
im just curious as i was just a kid when bad was released and cant remember it much
Yeah I noticed his skin on the cover of the bad album was very light, but any other time it was dark.

Either it was just the lighting or his face had turned to the light side and he wasn't wearing makeup to cover it in the pic.
I don't think as many people were as shocked about the Bad album cover as many tabloid driven TV specials seem delighted to report!
What you have to remember, is that Mike gradually became that light, now whether your stance on the matter is the Vitiligo explanation or something else, regardless MJ had been in the public eye during those interim stages.

When MJ appeared in Captain EO, filmed in 1986, his skin shade was much lighter there than anything seen previously and throughout 1985 during various public appearances and interviews Michael was seen being several shades lighter too.
It wasn't an overnight "Thriller short film to Bad cover" metamorphasis. If that was the case, that would have been truly shocking!
Yeah, he gradually became lighter. Although I wasnt even born at that time, you can definately see that the media exaggerates what the public reaction was.

Also, that album cover did not do him justice AT ALL. If you see footage of him from around that time he appeared much darker than he does on the album cover.
Vitiligo doesn't make someone go gradually lighter though, my guess is that he was experimenting with different makeup shades while covering his vitiligo. What vitiligo does is not make skin go brown dark brown to light brown to white, but parts of the skin straight to white, as pigment cells are being destroyed by the immune system.
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Vitiligo doesn't make someone go gradually lighter though, my guess is that he was experimenting with different makeup shades while covering his vitiligo. What vitiligo does is not make skin go brown dark brown to light brown to white, but parts of the skin straight to white, as pigment cells are being destroyed by the immune system.
My understanding of MJ and Vitiligo is He was diagnose with it in 86! Michael had universal Vitiligo! That made it spread faster! Universal Vitiligo covers 50% or more of the body! Treatments to reverse Vitiligo that serious is VERY hard to have done with success! In fact I don't think it's possible since it's spreading faster then it can be stopped!

So the other option for most patients with Universal Vitiligo would be depigmentation to achieve a even skin color! Not sure if that's what MJ did as an option? But, if he did that's fine, his right! Who would want to look like a spotted cow?! But, even with depigmention it doesn't take the Vitiligo away! U still will see ur natural color trying to come back but, Kinda how the Vitiligo blotches first was when u had ur natural color just not as big!

Make-up does the trick which he used to hide the blotches with! Naturally MJ would eventually where lighter make up to cover his blotches because it's much quicker since he had more blotches then his natural brown color!

When MJ appeared in Captain EO, filmed in 1986, his skin shade was much lighter there than anything seen previously and throughout 1985 during various public appearances and interviews Michael was seen being several shades lighter too.
It wasn't an overnight "Thriller short film to Bad cover" metamorphasis.
If that was the case, that would have been truly shocking!
Exactly! U can see MJ in the 86 Grammy's much lighter as well! When he got honored for giving money to the burn center a few months after his Pespi burn u can see him lighter as well! Their are pictures of MJ during the 84 Victory Tour where the flash of the camera shows how lighter he was and you can see his makeup on his clothes and microphone because he sweat it off!

Even during the Off the wall era their are pics that show blotches on his face and in the Triumph tour there are pics with the makeup coming off and u see Vitiligo on his neck! But, no one notice until the bad album that he had a skin problem...Weird! o_O

In my opinion The Pespi burn made his Vitiligo (which he was already suffering from) Much worse! Because trauma to the skin can cause anyone to get Vitiligo and MJ had second and third degree burns to his scalp! And right after that burn is when he started to become noticeably lighter throughout! I don't think that was just a coincidence!
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You can all call me dumb if you want but as a kid i never noticed MJ's skin colour change. When i look at MJ i don't see a light skinned man or a dark skinned man. I see Michael Jackson.

^^ditto. My goodness!!!


i do so love when newbes post about this stuff.

He did so in a respectable manner, why ignore the subject?

Wouldn't you rather educate those who are willing to learn, rather than ignoring the subject all together and leaving people uneducated on the matter?

It's natural that people will have questions, we just need to learn to not be so touchy.
He did so in a respectable manner, why ignore the subject?

Wouldn't you rather educate those who are willing to learn, rather than ignoring the subject all together and leaving people uneducated on the matter?

It's natural that people will have questions, we just need to learn to not be so touchy.

:agree: I agree that's why I answered! :)
You can all call me dumb if you want but as a kid i never noticed MJ's skin colour change. When i look at MJ i don't see a light skinned man or a dark skinned man. I see Michael Jackson.
Dumb? No, That's awesome of u! MJ Vitiligo nor plastic surgery was never an issue for me at all! I simply never gave a damn!

But, I did looked up Vitiligo just to educate myself on the disease that was hurting MJ so much! So when people ask about in a respectful way I don't mind discussing it! Same with the Plastic Surgery! All anyone has to do is know that he was tease terribly and how can u not understand!? It's Really that simple!
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I see this mentioned all the time.

People talking about haters on youtube or whatever and they call them stupid...ignorant...UNEDUCATED.

But the minute A FAN brings the subject up looking to be educated.....you want to avoid the subject.....

I'll tell you right now, when I first became a fan I also wanted answers for these questions so I asked about it on mjnewsonline just like angelofmj is doing.

He/she did so in a respectful manner and was very careful about offending anyone, but some of you still manage to get offended somehow.

I had to laugh at a few of the reactions I saw here, most of the time your level of shock is nowhere near as high as you would like us to believe. Allways with the drama....
I see this mentioned all the time.

People talking about haters on youtube or whatever and they call them stupid...ignorant...UNEDUCATED.

But the minute A FAN brings the subject up looking to be educated.....you want to avoid the subject.....

I'll tell you right now, when I first became a fan I also wanted answers for these questions so I asked about it on mjnewsonline just like angelofmj is doing.

He/she did so in a respectful manner and was very careful about offending anyone, but some of you still manage to get offended somehow.

Nice one. Michael's skin colour change was another part of him (if you'll pardon the pun), like his genius & his personality.

As long as the subject is approached sensitively & with respect, what's the issue?

To answer the OP, I was 15 when Bad came out, and although it was noticeable, this was before the weird Jackson image in the media so we didn't think anything of it. Looking back at the album cover it seems strange that it wasn't a bigger deal but it was put down to lighting. Expecially as in TWYMMF video he seemed much darker.

It was only when the Dangerous promo shots came was it really noticeable.
This has been discusdef numerous times on the board however. As a matter of fact, in the legacy forum they have a huge thread dedicatd to Mikes vitiligo. Perhaps to a person new to board, it would be better to first use the search button to find similar threads first, before starting a new thread.
Sorry for typos, I am using my phone.
You can all call me dumb if you want but as a kid i never noticed MJ's skin colour change. When i look at MJ i don't see a light skinned man or a dark skinned man. I see Michael Jackson.

I became a fan during Bad when I was about 10, so my first encounter with MJ was while he was already "white". Then I saw older pics of him, Thriller era, but I didn't think or care much about the change in the skin color. I was in love with his heart (and I still am). Michael was right: children don't care about unimportant things.
I was mid 20s when Bad came out and I can just remember thinking WOW hot,hes even more gorgeous now.

PS I also had a major perm so my hairstyle was similar, I thought we'd make a great couple:wub:

BTW the vitiligo thing was never something I questioned, my husband has it and now my 14 yr old son has developed it, they are both white and it is extremely noticeable more so in the summer. My son has got a some patches on his face and I am praying for his sake that it doesnt spread any further on his face, he already has nasty comments made about it at school, kids are so cruel:(
i was about 13yrs old when bad came out,i never even questioned his appearance,i just remember thinking how hot he was,lol
the media did make abit of a deal out of it as i remember,
but i didn't really take much notice of the media,i learn't that from an early age,i also think on the ba album over it was definatly the lighting,because you only have to look at the bad concert footage we have and michael is still very dark,
we also didn,t know about the vitiligo at this stage,

mjsdot sorry to hear your husband and son has vitiligo,
children can be very cruel,
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I think Michael seemed a lot lighter in the BAD video and on album cover than any other video / photo. When you look at TWYMMF, Smooth Criminal or Dirty Diana he seemed much darker even on BAD tour 88 he looked darker. I was 19 when BAD was released and I can't remember any nonsense in the media about the way he looked.

Michael started to appear lighter far back when Off the Wall was released, even the transition to Thriller days he seemed lighter and when you look at Captain EO he changed, so there was never that 'overnight' shock, for me the only thing that shocked me when BAD was released was his hair length and of course his nose, his skin colour was never an issue.
What I'm saying is that vitiligo doesn't make dark brown skin go to medium brown to light brown to white, it would make patches of the skin go directly to white. My guess how his skin appeared to get gradually lighter is because of changes in makeup/lighting until 1992 when he couldn't hide the vitiligo any more.
^ Yes, well he did say he used makeup to even out his skin tone! And the bigger the blotches became would be the reason to use lighter makeup!
BTW the vitiligo thing was never something I questioned, my husband has it and now my 14 yr old son has developed it, they are both white and it is extremely noticeable more so in the summer. My son has got a some patches on his face and I am praying for his sake that it doesnt spread any further on his face, he already has nasty comments made about it at school, kids are so cruel:(

Im so sorry to hear bout ur son & husband mjsdot

i wish kids wouldnt be so cruel
What I'm saying is that vitiligo doesn't make dark brown skin go to medium brown to light brown to white, it would make patches of the skin go directly to white. My guess how his skin appeared to get gradually lighter is because of changes in makeup/lighting until 1992 when he couldn't hide the vitiligo any more.

Couldn't this come from the depigmentation treatment he took due to his Vitiligo, though? I'm not sure how this works but I picture it as a cream that slowly fades the colour of the skin until it is completely devoid of pigment. I don't believe MJ during the Bad era was as dark as MJ during Off The Wall with blotches as white as MJ during Invincible. If you look at concert footage from the Bad tour where the sweat is streaming down his face, his skin colour remains the same. If that's all make up it's a pretty good brand lol. And I have seen pictures of MJ from the Bad era where he was not wearing any make-up and his skin was caramel-coloured (although he did have white blotches, particularly one on his forehead and one on his neck, couldn't see the rest because he was wearing long sleeves).
Discussing his appearance and his Vitiligo was always a sensitive topic for him, and it would be to many. His medical history is getting dissected now moreso than ever before, with him passing and his killer still being a free man, so topics like these should get diminished, and should end on public forums. Tabloids and their lovers (not referring to anyone in this thread, but in general) do it a whole lot. It should be common knowledge that he was using make-up to even out his skin affected by the Vitiligo, that he had that skin condition and that's all there is to know really, what's the point in delving in deeper, and speculate on why was it of a lighter tone during an era as opposed to another era?
To the original poster, I can see that if you weren't around back then it's a valid question. I was a huge fan since Thriller and was 15 when Bad came out. Honestly, I would say I did notice, but I didn't really think that much about it. It just didn't matter to me. When others would bring it up I just figured that it was his business, there must be reasons I'm not privy to and ... wow, he's gorgeous, lol. :wub: I've thought of this before, how it could seem almost strange to someone else that it just wasn't an issue for me (or us, fans). Perhaps it had a bit to do with my age, as it was mostly the adults who felt the need to rip him apart for every little thing, but in the end I think it's just because I loved him so much, you know. I loved him as a person from the beginning. He wasn't some inhuman idol figure placed on public display for me to judge. He was Michael, a person I cared about deeply. If a family member gets gray hair or your friend comes back from vacation with a tan, you notice at first, yeah, but it doesn't matter. You just adjust to the new look and forget about it. It quickly leaves your mind, because that doesn't define who they are or your relationship with them. I do remember the interim, though, before we learned about Vitiligo specifically, when idiots at school would come to me ("the Michael Jackson fan") and I was expected to be able to explain to them why his skin appeared lighter. That probably happened more than you'd believe. :rolleyes: I'd just say something like, "I don't know. Why would I know? And why does that matter to you anyway? Does that hurt you in some way? Does that impact your life somehow? Does it threaten you in some way? No. So shut up and leave everyone else alone." ;)
LindavG;3221991 said:
Couldn't this come from the depigmentation treatment he took due to his Vitiligo, though? I'm not sure how this works but I picture it as a cream that slowly fades the colour of the skin until it is completely devoid of pigment. I don't believe MJ during the Bad era was as dark as MJ during Off The Wall with blotches as white as MJ during Invincible. If you look at concert footage from the Bad tour where the sweat is streaming down his face, his skin colour remains the same. If that's all make up it's a pretty good brand lol. And I have seen pictures of MJ from the Bad era where he was not wearing any make-up and his skin was caramel-coloured (although he did have white blotches, particularly one on his forehead and one on his neck, couldn't see the rest because he was wearing long sleeves).

Michael used Benoquin to treat his Vitiligo! That cream was found in his house! But, he did used makeup as well for appearances and concerts!

I got this info from this website! http://www.nvfi.org/pages/info_depigmentation.php

Aaron B. Lerner, M.D. - Department of Dermatology
Yale University School of Medicine​

It is a rare event that a patient with vitiligo inquires about the option of depigmentation. The usual course of action I take when I see a patient for the first time who has extensive vitiligomore than 50 percent loss of pigment of the exposed areas including the hands, arms, and face — is repigmentation. But if repigmentation techniques fail, we should consider depigmentation. Even after we have been unsuccessful in repigmenting their skin with PUVA and topical steroids, patients are sometimes still reluctant to undergo depigmentation. They want to be of one color again, but they fear that they will be too light, that they will burn when they go out in the sun, and that they will not be able to repigment if a cure for vitiligo becomes available in the near future. Additionally, other concerns such as obtaining the medication, allergic reactions due to the depigmenting cream, pigment spots reappearing on the face, extensive repigmentation and even hyperpigmentation occur in a few cases. In spite of all these real difficulties, when one becomes one color, that is totally white, the patient, the families, and the physician have a feeling of great accomplishment. I have never had a patient who was unhappy after being depigmented. Some patients state that they are now cured. More than 50 percent of the patients who begin depigmentation therapy are able to go on to total vitiligo — that is, complete depigmentation. The key to depigmentation is the topical application of a cream containing monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone, an antioxidant, that has the generic name monobenzone. The most widely used commercial product is called Benoquin that contains 20 percent monobenzone. Other compounds such as hydroquinone simply do not work. It is a shame that moneys from industry and government have not been available to find other com-pounds and other ways to bring about total vitiligo. The major source of Benoquin in the United States has been ICN Pharmaceuticals in Costa Mesa, California. They always find some excuse not to make it. I believe that there is not enough money to be made from a cream that serves only a single purpose — to depigment completely only those people with extensive vitiligo who will accept being totally white. But for those who need it, that cream is essential. Benoquin should never be used as a general lightening agent for people with normal dark skin because most will end up with disfiguring white streaks that can be worse than vitiligo. Patients with an unstable pigmentary system, such as those with vitiligo, depigment easily and usually completely.

Because complete depigmentation will take one to four years, there is no hurry in applying Benoquin all over the body. I always want first to demonstrate to the patient that the process works. Photographs are taken of both arms, but Benoquin with 20 percent monobenzone is applied only to one arm for two to three months. For the first 3 to 4 days, the patient applies Benoquin to only a small patch to one arm as a test to find out whether or not one is sensitive to the drug. A stinging feeling may occur immediately after the cream is put on the skin because of fine particles in the preparation. It is difficult for the pharmacist to grind the crystals of monobenzone fine enough. This stinging is due to physical irritation — not an allergic reaction — and should last only a few minutes. If one is allergic to Benoquin, a rash will appear one to two days after the cream has been applied. If there is no allergic reaction, the patient can apply the cream once or twice a day for the duration of the demonstration period. Benoquin is usually not applied at bedtime because the patient may inadvertently rub the treated arm onto the face and get cream into the eyes. Also, a spouse, if allergic to Benoquin, will get a dermatitis. When the patient returns in two to three months, photographs are taken again. The treated arm should be significantly lighter than the untreated arm. If it is not, the patient should continue treating the arm for another one to three months. When it is obvious that the treated arm has become noticeably lighter than the controlled one, the patient applies the cream to the hands, arms, and the face. While all these areas are depigmenting, other parts of the body where no cream was applied usually lighten as well. Most patients have a wonderful response and are happy to once again be of one color. In public no one comments or stares at them. The hair may or may not become more gray. Eye color will not change. If the patient does not depigment with the 20 percent Benoquin preparation, we have a pharmacist make up a 40 percent cream. Most pharmacists cannot get the pure monobenzone chemical, and they don't have the facilities to make a 40 percent product. At the end of this report I give the names and addresses of four pharmacies in different parts of the country that can fill prescriptions for monobenzone cream.​

The most common and important problem that comes up is a contact dermatitis type of allergic reaction. Approximately 15 percent of the patients develop a rash similar to that seen in people allergic to poison ivy. The dermatitis, even when severe, responds well to treatment in several days. It is striking to see that most of the rash occurs in the normal pigmented skin, and not in the white patches. To counter this allergic problem we usually have the patient stay away from treatment for a couple of months. We then have a pharmacist dilute the concentration of monobenzone in the cream from 20 to one percent. If the patient does not have an allergic reaction to the one percent preparation, we use it for a month and then go on to a 5 percent preparation for another month. If all is well, we repeat the step-up with 10 percent and finally back to 20 percent.​
Once satisfactory depigmentation is achieved, most patients have no further problems. However, a few people may get some pigmented spots on the face during the summer months. These spots should be treated with 20 percent Benoquin or, if available, the 40 percent preparation. Sometimes freezing the spots with liquid nitrogen helps. On rare occasions a patient will initially respond well to Benoquin but then may stop or later repigment or even hyperpigment. In these patients Benoquin in 40 percent concentration will not work. They may even go on to repigment enough so that they no longer need to consider depigmentation.​
I have been a MJ fan practically my entire life. So I do remember the Bad Era I was 7 years old when it had started. And I remember seeing the Bad video a year later. I did took notice of his skin being lighter than it was and I was actually happy when I saw that. Because I finally had someone in my life that knew what it was like to have a skin disorder. I did knew at the time that Michael had a skin disorder. But I just didn't know the name of his skin disorder was back then until some years later. My skin disorder that I have is called Eczema. And it isn't anything like Michael's skin disorder but we both did went through the exact same problem with people not understanding our skin disorder. I was always constantly made fun of by the other kids when I was little for having it.
I also noticed it during the BAD-era. But I also kept hearing that there was no such thing as bleaching your skin, and since my mother has vitiligo I quickly drew the conclusion that maybe Michael suffered from the same - which turned out to be correct.
But seriously.. why care about the color of the skin?