Michael's bracelet


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
South Wales

Heres what it says:

The story of the bracelet

Everyone was always asking about the red bracelet Michael Jackson wore around his wrist. It was a friendship bracelet that was given to him, and he was told he had to wear it until it fell off. He wanted to have a bracelet like it made to give to the crew of the “This Is It” tour to solidify the unity in the project and to remind us to heal the world.

Mid-June this year (2009), Michael’s make-up/hair artist and dear friend of mine, Karen Faye came to me and asked if I would be interested in doing it. I jumped at the chance, and quickly designed a piece made of silver and nylon, to look like the friendship bracelet he’d requested. It said “Heal The World” on one side and “Love, Michael” on the other. Karen showed it to MJ and he love it!

Unfortunately, soon after, the world suffered the enormous loss of this talented man.

Karen participated in the preparing of his body for burial. After he was

lovingly dressed, she tied the bracelet he had chosen, around his ankle.

I would like to do something here that might be special, personal and

meaningful for you, his fans. I want to offer you a copy of the piece I

made. When I say copy, I mean that I will make an original,

approximately the same size, and shape, with the same words. If and

when that gets to be too much for me, I will manufacture small batches

of caste silver pieces for you. They will still be put together by hand, and

with love, the way Michael intended.

I wonder is this is true? He always looked so cute with his bracelets :) How much do you think he'll charge?
I wonder is this is true? He always looked so cute with his bracelets :) How much do you think he'll charge?

From the site: "The price of the bracelet: (not including shipping and handling) $40".
From the site: "The price of the bracelet: (not including shipping and handling) $40".

I was enjoying what I was reading until I saw the names associated with this project as well as the $40 price. I perfer donating to St Judes Hospital in honor of Michael then pay for this bracelet.
I was enjoying what I was reading until I saw the names associated with this project as well as the $40 price. I perfer donating to St Judes Hospital in honor of Michael then pay for this bracelet.

Anything is for cash! I am really tired of it. I prefer to donate my 40 $ for the needy kids or whatever...
Karen approves it. She indicated it and posted on her Facebook. She said she did put it in his ankle and put a link of the site on her page so I think she approves of all this.

To me all this is so vulger and tasteless. I am giving my money to St Jude's. Sorry.
i agree with others, i would much rather give $40 straight up to charity, that's a lot of money for me :unsure: although the bracelet is lovely and i would be proud to wear it if i had that kind of cash to spend on bracelets :)
I also heard of this................but us MJ fans are not going to be dupped into buying this just cos..................oh man................sorry
money making spin yet again...........:-(
Any cash I have is going to a charity that MJ supported........thats my bracelet..........worn around my heart...........
Is the money from the cost of the bracelet going to any charities or anything? Is there a link to Karen's facebook?
I wouldn't pay £30.00 for it either.. lol, sorry!
Are these the original bracelets that would have been given to the crew or just copies. If they are then it's worth it.
$40, NOT including shipping. Sheesh. Too rich for my blood. I have no problem with people making something, selling it, and making a profit. But really, that just seems very pricey to me. :(
How do we know Michael really planned to give bracelets to TII crew? because Karen said so. I'm on her facebook site to spy. She has got so many fans for sure, they admire her & adore her. Some even sent her gifts for God's sake. Ridiculous.
Everyone was always asking about the red bracelet Michael Jackson wore around his wrist. It was a friendship bracelet that was given to him, and he was told he had to wear it until it fell off.

Do we know who gave him the red one? :)
It is a nice bracelet. But I rather donate my 40 dollars to a children's or animals charity. And besides I can always make my own friendship bracelet. And do something like that. Friendship bracelets really are not that hard to make.
Thread cleaned as it was clearly slipping off topic. Please, stay on topic, which is the bracelet. Thanks :flowers:
" I want to offer you a copy of the piece I made. "!!!!! OMG, do you call charging 40$ an offer???? another person trying to get money out of Michael, what a shame!!!:(