Michael's bracelet?


Proud Member
Aug 3, 2011
New York
I just have a question - i am sorry if this has already been addressed and I didn't see the thread. I also looked online for answers, and found nothing.

Michael's red bracelet - does it stand for anything? He had been wearing it for a few years now, as far back as 2000.

Do you guys have any clues? I assume it's not a kabbalah bracelet, but what is it??

try searching the forum, this has been posted loads of times already.
that was kinda mean adora. =/

I imagine you were trying to be...helpful..ish, but a smiley face at the end wouldn'ta killed ya.

Here's a link to a great thread about them Danae. God Bless. http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69920&highlight=Michael's+bracelets

Well jesus anyone would think I called them an idiot or something. I was only informing them that it's already been posted several times. But thanks for calling me mean out of place. :smilerolleyes:
Well jesus anyone would think I called them an idiot or something. I was only informing them that it's already been posted several times. But thanks for calling me mean out of place. :smilerolleyes:
u were brash and instead of helping u just condemned.

we can all make this a cohesive fan board if we work together
u were brash and instead of helping u just condemned.

we can all make this a cohesive fan board if we work together

Come on, they werent being mean, we all forget to put a smile face sometimes, not the end of the world! Sometimes you just type without properly thinking, there was no need for anyone to call them mean in the firt place!
Come on, they werent being mean, we all forget to put a smile face sometimes, not the end of the world! Sometimes you just type without properly thinking, there was no need for anyone to call them mean in the firt place!

Haha, no reason to argue, you are all absolutely wonderful people, otherwise you wouldn't be mj fans, it's just the way it is!!

Thanks for the help!