Michael's Bodyguards...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have always wondered a bit about the bodyguards i became accustomed to seeing with michael over last years...

They must have seen it all and even if they didn't go into meetings or maybe they did go into some? well, they would still know alot about michael jackson's day to day life. Their job, the one thing they had to do,was protect michael whatever happens, right?

So would they of consented to michael 'being controlled' or 'used' if they did know?Surely there were not in on any foul play or dodgy dealing? I am merely posing what ifs..

Michael had certain bodyguards go with him whenever I saw him..This can't of just been for when he goes out? But if michael was paranoid of thinking people were out to kill him, wouldn't he of kept his bodyguards close by?

We may never know, but their roles have alwas been curious to me.I hope they had his well being at heart but why not stop the madness that may of been happening? Who would get in their way ? lol.

I'll hopefully get someone who will shine a light and know more specifs like names or when they came into play..Wasn't when Michael converted to muslim was it? and when was that to 'meant to of happened?'

What are everyone's view on mikes bodyguards 2...it's hard to say i know lol..they just stood there holding umbrellas,holding michael and always looking tough!
The security and long time personal assistant, I wonder? I'm sure they've seen and heard alot and all we can do is pray to God if they have information to provide it's being given to the right people.
Legally they might not be able to and so never do an interview and be another few people who knew important things about michael but moved onto a new job and dissapearing into the crowd and becoming lost in the abyss of people in the world...who knows but they definatelly know things.duno bout the personal assistant, who was it?
People have claimed that Michael was offered help and he refused to take it so I'm not sure what bodyguards and personal assistance would have helped if he didn't listen to the people that were apparently close to him.
What if he wasn't offered help? look at the flip side of what you are saying ...but who are they ? when did they come into the picture...i for one when i saw conrad murray thought to myself whooo the ??? same with tohme tohme..anyone i guess who you don't hear about..just curious bout his inner circle which did have those body guards
I think that everybody in his inner circle (bodyguards, housekeepers, close friends) must have known what was going on. The problem was that if they said something to him he would probably let theme go or kept theme away, as he allegedly did with the nanny, the nurse and Deepack Chopra, so they kept doing what they where paid for.
could they not of told someone else?they had legs..they could have lied and in reality gone to see a member of the family or police if things were that bad? i guess the 'painkillers' would put michael at risk but say police investigated when he was alive, i doubt michael would be at top of list for the finger pointing ...i don't think it would have ruined him but actually people who had felt more sympaththic to his situation perhaps
His bodyguards were absolute professionals.
And most of them were good pals, friends..they are grieving and is unlikely they will come forward for a while..(Mike was an exception, great guy, respect!)
Some of them saw things that made them worry, some of them did not but most of them had funny moments ...loads of that..but above all they are all professionals...

being a professional bodyguard at that level means confidentiality..some of them still work in the business and they will not share private moments, that wouldnt reflect good on them..
some who have ritered for various reasons -OK I share this much ..one guy retired cos he wanted to be with his own family and all that travelling made it difficult so he went to MJ and told him how sorry he was but he cant do it any longer,- might come forward..I hope they share those bits and pieces...in due time..
I have worked in the music industry so can speak from experience.

When you work in the business whether it be as a bodyguard, PA or whatever, you are there to do a job. You are paid money to fulfill that function and that function alone. You are not there to be the stars friend. Sure music managers etc are different but as a PA if I walked up to any artist I worked for and told them how to live their life (however well intentioned I might be or right for that matter) I would be fired in a heartbeat. It is none of my busines what they do and however much you see someones faults or see them making what you think is a mistake you keep it to yourself. You are not their friend, their mother etc, you are paid to do a job. It sounds harsh, but this is the truth and the reality of being in that type of job in the music business.
I have worked in the music industry so can speak from experience.

When you work in the business whether it be as a bodyguard, PA or whatever, you are there to do a job. You are paid money to fulfill that function and that function alone. You are not there to be the stars friend. Sure music managers etc are different but as a PA if I walked up to any artist I worked for and told them how to live their life (however well intentioned I might be or right for that matter) I would be fired in a heartbeat. It is none of my busines what they do and however much you see someones faults or see them making what you think is a mistake you keep it to yourself. You are not their friend, their mother etc, you are paid to do a job. It sounds harsh, but this is the truth and the reality of being in that type of job in the music business.

GOOD ANSWER...That is probably exactly how it is.
Very true steven..but what about that bodyguard who worked wit uri and spoke out? You can't discredit what he said at the moment and he certainly was in same position as the bodyguards now...and can anyone tell me who they are, when the came in an who brought them in? thanks
Very true steven..but what about that bodyguard who worked wit uri and spoke out? You can't discredit what he said at the moment and he certainly was in same position as the bodyguards now...and can anyone tell me who they are, when the came in an who brought them in? thanks

I am not aware of the incident you are referring to but it was not his place within his job to live someone else's life. It would be like me commenting on your life or anyone else’s life who posts here. How you would like me trying to tell you what I think of your actions, telling you that you are making mistakes. I might be right but it is very unlikely that you would want to hear those things. I know that I would not want someone else telling me what they thought about my life unless they were family or close friends.

Yes if you conscience says say something, then do so, but be aware that you are very unlikely to have a job once you have said your piece; you are not paid to live someone else life. You get a lot of people who confuse the job with the person they work for. They work in the music industry to get close to those people they admire and forget they are paid for a job, a professional job, not paid to be someone’s friend. At the end of the day it is a business.
It was the guy who did martial arts and did a interview saying he was concerned with micaehl apperaence on this is it announcemt and that he and uri banned packages being sent to him...these bodyguards havea job to do obviosuly...but they also care greatly for him as they would have related to him as a person over the years...i would have risked my job to help someone who became a friend and not stood idly by and watched..regardless of if i lost the job after..i would have to try...
It was the guy who did martial arts and did a interview saying he was concerned with micaehl apperaence on this is it announcemt and that he and uri banned packages being sent to him...these bodyguards havea job to do obviosuly...but they also care greatly for him as they would have related to him as a person over the years...i would have risked my job to help someone who became a friend and not stood idly by and watched..regardless of if i lost the job after..i would have to try...

I am not saying it is wrong to want to help.
I am not very sure the two guys who are talking about: Matt Fiddles and Uri Geller care so much about Michael. Uri was the one who pushed Michael to do the interview with Bashir and Matt Fiddles was the one who sent the press and all the paparazzi to wait for the Jackson family when they went to England to look for a second home.
He even threatened to sue Tito stating that the latter owed him money.
In addition, these two so called "friends" went on all TV shows claiming that Michael was a heavy drug addict.
Excuse me but that doesn't sound very friendly or caring to me. The Guy (Michael ) is dead for God's sake and cannot defend himself, so People think it is ok to come forward and tell whatever they want!
Lastly this Matt Fiddles lies by saying that Michael had a lover or whatever, but the funny thing is that he was not in contact with Michael for several years now!

'' It was said that one of Michael's bodyguard's referred the doctor to Michael becuz Michael had just arrived in Vegas and one of his kids was ill.''

ok so if thats true these bodyguards are def going in the dodgy pile..Does anyone know THINGS about them ..like who the heck they are and when they came into his life...giving michael a choice of doctor could just be an unintentional passing reference...or it could be something else
MJ's bodyguards are professionals.
They all have received the best training they are higly skilled invididuals in all areas of their profession: being it managing crowd, security checks, survelliance, body contact hinderance etc or driving or putting together schedules, or just simply: being there and listen to their client.
They all understand how to "read" humans - that is part of their job..They also understand where the boundaries are in a boss-employee relationship

MJ understood that very well to. Nevertheless, with some of them the relationship became like pals (long boring boring flights spent with hours of chats) but some of them never broke that barrier and the relationship was a strict boss-employee relationship...nevertheless the ones in the inner circle are the best and they are true professionals...they will not come forward and gossip
I have known some professional bodyguards and their employability relies on them being discreet. They would never leak things to the press for example. No other entertainer would hire them if they did and word travels fast in the business if you cannot be trusted.