michael's birthday coming up


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
so what have you got planed, is it a party,get together or tribute or what?
I have no idea since I'll be away from home. Hope there will be a tribute or something nice in Paris..if not, I'll find a way to celebrate Michael. ;) :wub:
Dunno, I was going to plan on watching some of his performances starting with the Motown audition and ending at This Is It. Watch to see how he had evolved over the years. Thought it would be a cool idea. :)
I know.. bittersweet. :hug:

Here are some things we could do to help 'get through together & celebrate Michael's Birthday.

Holding Hands ..supporting the fans all across the world:


Spike Lee's Michael Jackson 52nd Birthday Bash:

Donate to a Charity: Voting may end soon,but you can always donate or do anything for the planet or things that Michael loved dearly.

Help plant flowers & maintain them at the garden in honour of Michael at the Dance Hall Of Fame:

Plant Trees in Honour of Michael Jackson:
Info. here:

Plant Trees for Michael through these orgs.

I Love You Always,Michael*
As Stevie Wonder says we should be celebrating the day that Michael came into the world and blessing every single one of us with his presence in our lives, not mourn his passing but to celebrate him and that's what I plan to do. A bunch of us are going to Thorpe Park, a British theme park in Surrey for the day as obviously Michael loved roller coasters and rides. Afterwards because in the UK the following day is a public holiday and no work, yay, we're going to a pub to have a few drinks to celebrate. Someone small and fun but something that Michael would have loved.
I am going to NYC with 2 friends (also MJ fans) for Spike Lee's party. And after that we will be going to other Michael places - Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Motown museum in Detroit and Michael's house in Gary.
Well since last year I had celebrated Michael's birthday in bed sleeping. Because I was way too sad and depressed to want to celebrate it like I used to. And since I can't go to that party that Spike Lee is giving. Even though I live only a couple of hours away from New York City. I am just going to spend that day playing video games. Since Michael was like me and we both have a L.O.V.E. for video games. And maybe I will try and watch and listen to him as well. Even though I have been having such a hard time of trying to watch and listen to him. Because of how bad my depression has been lately. And I would L.O.V.E. to try and make his favorite kind of cake. I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that Michael had L.O.V.E. a yellow cake with chocolate icing. And that is the kind I am going to try and make.
Just thinking about the 29th is making me cry. :boohoo: I think I am going to sing out to the Heavens a Happy Birthday song and then pour out my love to him through my tears.
Since 29th is going to be a sunday we're having a birthday party for MJ already a day before on saturday with over 30 fans :) We're gonna have an MJ impersonator there to perform, a birthday cake and a raffle with MJ related prizes a few people has been so nice to donate to us. It's gonna be fun :yes:
I'll go to Mike's monument with a fresh supply of sunflowers (which, btw, are my fav flowers as well :) )
We'll be at a MJ-birthday party in Amsterdam, Holland...

Janena and Angela-MJ - where is this party being held ? I want to go there too!
( Meaning - where in Amsterdam ? Is there an entrance fee ? Do you have any additional information for me and/or a link ?) Thanks!
carrot cake with cream cheese frosting was his favorite. So we're going to bake a carrot cake and order some KFC.
I think allot of people will go to his grave or atleast fans will try and go there to respect him.