Michael's Awe-Inspiring Talent!


Proud Member
Oct 28, 2009
Sometimes, when I'm watching Michael perform, or one of his videos, I get almost jealous...I can't sing or dance AT ALL, but I always imagine how happy Michael must be on stage..We all know he is the most comfortable on stage..he looks like he is having the time of his life!! All those amazing dance moves, he must be experiencing a natural high in the highest form...Simply put, I wish I could dance like him, and experience what he experiences whenever he hits that stage....Anyone else feel like this ??
When I was a kid, I thought he was the coolest thing on earth, and wanted to be like him.

Heres a question for you. If you could have been him, and experienced all that, would you? Because he took a lot of cr*p too.
When I was a kid, I thought he was the coolest thing on earth, and wanted to be like him.

Heres a question for you. If you could have been him, and experienced all that, would you? Because he took a lot of cr*p too.

That's an interesting question...I'm not really sure...I can imagine the pain he went through, and the "abnormal" life he was forced to live, but i mean, he doesn't regret any of it...he lived for the stage...
I really envy him for his talent. I started dancing with about 12 (in fact the first dance I ever learnt was "Thriller" from the Making of VHS :D ) and I wished I could move like him. And I started to sing and writing my own songs then. Well, I have to admit that I can't sing very well, but it was worth a try and I recently found all my songs and all of them sound like MJ & JJ song copies (esp my song "Mystery" which is a mix of "Ghosts" and "Thriller" :lol:). But I still write little songs now and then (I did some little parodies on Youtube for example).
Gooosh, I talk too much :lol: All I wanted to say is that I wish I could have his talent :) :wub: