Michael's 1998 Signature


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi Everyone! *waves* I know I don't post much, I'm more of a reader. I still feel the need to greet everyone. :)

Anyways, I'm opening this thread because I would like to know more behind the 1998 - ooo ---> Signature that Michael used to do. I do know that he did it because he thought that he would die at the age of 40, but please, enlighten me as to why this was. Why did he put ooo and the arrow? Anyone have more info on this? It really intrigues me.
Yeah, I actually remember being in highscool around 96' 97' dreading the coming of 1998 because I heard somewhere that MJ beleived he would die that year. But nothing happened then...

My thoughts exactly.

Yeah, I actually remember being in highscool around 96' 97' dreading the coming of 1998 because I heard somewhere that MJ beleived he would die that year. But nothing happened then...

How dorky of Michael to think that! LOL! But I really want to know the meaning behind the symbols, the arrow and the ooo.
I remember seeing him write that, I never understood it..
1998 was probably one of the best years of his life since his little girl was born.

I bet he was happy to see 99!
I think he believed that the world was going to end (rapture). I think it was a JW prediction.