Michael, You Were Loved


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I apologize for taking so long to sit down and write to you. There are some things I would have liked to written to you many, many days ago, but have been putting it off, due to lack of wording to fit my feelings. I think, and hope, that you understand though, I'm sure you have been very busy helping others to cope, who were more grief stricken than I.

First off, I would like to commend you on your lifelong journey as not only an astounding entertainer, but a world renowned humanitarian, who undoubtedly single handedly changed hundreds of thousands of paths for hurting, dying, or starving children. You live on inside each and every child you held, donated to, or loved. They will never forget the day Michael Jackson came to see them, and showed that he cared for, and loved them. The day that you maybe even, gave many children an even stronger reason to push on and beat their diseases.

I would like you to know that as an entertainer you are unsurpassed, and more than likely no one will ever dethrone you of your title as the King of Pop. Your genre of music, true, real music, is almost non-existent now. This makes you as a person, and as an entertainer, a true 'star' in every sense of the word. You were a distinct, shining light in a universe of little twinkles. Everyone around you wants to try and catch your rays, to try and shine as bright as you do, but no one ever will. And now that your star has, for lack of better words, 'burnt out' (and I am sorry, I know they are still painful to say and hear) no one ever will be able to be just like you. You are truely unique, and beautiful and it is saddening to me that many of your rays are just now starting to shine down on so many, myself included.

You lived a life on loneliness, seclusion and unimagineable pain. None of us will ever be able to understand how you stayed so positive and loving towards a world who tried so hard to hurt you and break you. In some ways it makes me think you were super human, it takes someone of super hero ranks in my eyes, to not want to break or hurt the people who have betrayed you so. By always standing up tall, looking people square in the eyes, and telling them that love is the answer, and love will always beat hate, you became a real Angel here on Earth. For the people that chose to open their ears, eyes, hearts and minds to hear you they have been forever changed by your message. The message of love, respect, dignity and compassion that you wanted to pass on to everyone.

And don't worry, we won't let that message die. We won't let it fade, falter, or change even for a minute. Those are standards and morals that we have come to live by for ourselves, Michael.

Though now you have gone, and we all feel an immense emptiness inside our hearts and our spirits that no amount of your music, pictures, or reading of your life could ever fill...we still cherish that emptiness inside the same as when it was full. We will cherish every smile you gave, every curl on top of your head, every bead of sweat that dripped from your body while you gave to us your all night after night on stage. We will always remember the words to every song, we will always try and immitate your movements, your dances. We will always hear your voice and your laughter in our heads. We will always 'ooo' and 'awe' over your sunglasses, your buckles, your golden pants, your fedoras and the biting of your bottom lip. We will always remember our favorite song, or our favorite picture. We will forever try to moon walk, and always be frustrated when we just can't 'do it like Mike'. Your music will always bring us to flashbacks of the most important moments in our lives, because even when you didn't know it, you were there for us.

You have brought together an amazing group of people who are dedicated to never letting your legacy fade. To making sure your name is always held up in the brightest, and upmost respecting light. We have come together to not only mourn your passing, but to celebrate your life. With every photo that is posted on 'Man in the Mirror' or video uploaded on YouTube, with every poem written in 'Dear Michael, I Love You!' and every heart that breaks after reading another piece of tabloid garbage, we come closer together to help further your mission of world wide love and understanding, by loving and understanding each other.

Everyone here is nothing less than accepted, and cherished for their commitment and love to you. And we could never thank you enough for bringing us all together, even in this dark hour in which we have chosen to rejoice in your name.

But foremost, we will always miss you. We will never be the same without you, but we are better because we had you.

We all love you Michael Joseph Jackson, and you should take great pride in your fans and their dedication and love, as I am proud to be a part of something so phenomenal, and I am proud to say that I am a Michael Jackson fan.


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Re: Michael,

Wow...that was just beautiful Casey :)

We all know he's looking over us :)

Wow that was so beautiful to read, excellent. Everything was so true and you could it was from the bottom of the heart, i couldnt have put it better myself.

Your right to, im so incredibly proud to be a Michael Jackson fan.

Thankyou Michael, I love you.
I keep coming back and reading this Casey. You put everything so beautifully. I love and miss you Michael. xx
thank u strawberry pie as ever such eloquent words............just wish I could do same.....
It's all there in my heart to say....but guess it just comes out the wrong way......? :-(

Michael knows my heart, thats all that matters ......
Beautiful Casey..:) Your words are all so true....thank you for putting MY feelings into words also.. This made me cry.
Aw, that is so true Billie Jean. It is not necessary to pour your heart out on to paper for Michael, because he already knows what is inside. :)
Wow, you just had me crying again. That was beautifully expressed. I thank you for it because you wrote it better than anything I could ever write.