Michael would like us to joy and spread love


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know some of you are really sad and probably even angry Michael's body had to go and it might be hard to understand, but his spirit will always be around us. Just like it was it will.
And his art, his visions, his actions, his moves and his smiles, they are all in our minds saved forever. Nothing can take them away from us. Even if there wasn't any of his records in the world anymore to listen or to buy, you shouldn't jump off the balcony, because memories won't be vanished. And we have those a lot.

Michael might be your inspiration, your idol, your co-worker, your secret friend, your boss, your relative, whatever he was... But in the first place he was one of the greatest human beings I have ever seen. He was a pioneer of peace and love and had in such a level so many attributes of nature most of us like to have, or like to better. He knew that he couldn't change the world by himself in one night or in forty decades, but we all could together by spreading the message of love and trying to have more heart. I can't see any reason why couldn't we and wouldn't continue spreading what he taught us.

That's why there's no time to grieve, because the seed is the joy. By gathering together listening his music it's joyful 'cause it's joyful to understand his missions and his thoughts about living together in peace. Without all the greed and hunger the world would be so much more joyful place to live. And that'd be Michael Jackson's world. It's also joyful just to dance to his dance tracks together and to escape for a while. By doing those things it's easier to work again for the better future. Only the sky is the limit.

Honestly, I believe, if you really try you will find the michaeljackson of your heart.
Beautiful message. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelnigs.

I am just starting to realize more the worth of him now. Maybe it just goes like this... Maybe this is how it should be...