Michael would be so proud :D

I love it much better than the celebrity one. This one is special!!! :)
lol I recognized some of those people (Im a youtube artist too)
That was very special. The performances were beautiful and heartfelt. I would love to hear that song live with hundreds of voices singing in harmony. That and Earth Song are such powerful songs. They have the power to transform and inspire.
wow, this is actually pretty good, loads better then the recent remake
soo much better than the auto tune one :p .. LOVE IT!!!
now this should be on itunes i would so buy it
Aww thanks for posting :)

I too like this one better than the new one!
:cry: happy tears!!!! this is beautiful! Yes, Michael would be proud!! :clapping: I am feeling so much listening to them right now!! I love you, Michael, and miss you so much!!