Michael would be proud of this guy


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In this video you can see a guy named Menderes Bagci and he's a canditate from "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" the german version of American Idol, Pop Idol etc. He is a huge MJ fan. The german forum members will probably know him;). He is well known in Germany because he participates in EVERY season of the show always being dismissed in the castings just like this time. But he doesn't give up and I think Michael would be very proud of him and I just wanted to show him to the fans because he is a very fine guy.
As you can see in this video he got a little "gig" in the bigger shows as a reward for his persistence.
I know he can't sing but I think he deserves the love of the fans;)
Now enjoy:)


Dats the funniest thing!!!!!!!!!!

But its people like him that make people think that all MJJ fans are nutters!!!!

Dats the funniest thing!!!!!!!!!!

But its people like him that make people think that all MJJ fans are nutters!!!!
I don't know how ppl in other countries are thinking about .. but in Germany we can distinguish if one single men is acting like he did and probably will do in the future *g* or the entire MJ fan-community on this planet.

Menderes is only a very, very huge fan of Michael.
In July or something, he went over the borders in Neverkand *g* - just to get close to MJ whom he could never met as he was alive - and therefore he had many troubles.

He is a really poor boy who has nobody to give him a little bit of attention or some love. :(
I do not think Michael would be proud ... but he would recognize his emotional distress
IMHO, I think its sweet. He's giving respect to Mike in his own way, like we are doing in our on way. Nobody is perfect. Mike had fans all over. And y'all know damn well that if y'all couldnt sing, you wouldnt be out there, me too :lol:...but he went out there. Lil' respect...

I think Mike would've been proud in his efforts. No matter how it sounds...he gave it his all and theres nothing we gain from belittling him! is there? :scratch:

Tnx for sharing...:D

oh i like him, he is sweet and lovely...

no matter he can sing or not, the main thing is that he seems to be kind and good...

and he loves micheal...