Michael working his soul forever


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am not saying goodbye to Michael. I would like to hear similar stories, touching stories,examples of how Michael already worked his magic in our lives. Inspite the hurt, inspite all the confusion you may feel as I do.
Since Michael has left the Earth I could feel this magic sparkle, a ablessing,a comfort. But then it as gone, then it was back, and it happened in waves generally.
But then I started to feel physical heartache each morning again. I had to face the day, the job, the people again. And, astonishingly, it was not the silence and reflection, which I mostly prefer, but being with people, acting, interacting, that made me feel better and BE better.
I have studied all "Dancing The Dream " recently, and I feel comforted, I feel whole and the one with Michael essence. He always was and will be because we are and everything is made of the same energy. He never left. People are not crazy seeing things in the clouds or rain or anything or anybody. We are all one essentially. It is so comforting. It is awful not accepting his passing in the form he took on this Earth, his childrens' whatever-may-be future and all else, and all whys.....BUT- i SEE AND HEAR THINGS IN PEOPLE i NEVER HEARD/SEEN, OR NOT FULLY, I was able to experience connectiveness with eg. workmates and people I would normally give up on. I feel inspired,and priviledged, and armored with all that is happening proves. And it proves that it is still woth living, that life can and will surprise you, that there is still love and friendship you can give and be given. The LIFE is still there, Michael can be felt with every (especiallly unexpected) act of kindness that you experience, or have someone experience.I am blessed and wonder, and wish, that you too feel the same.

"I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought
I am the seeker, the seeking,the sought
Pure unbouded consciousness
Truth, existnece, Bliss I am
In infinite expressions I come and go
Playing hide-and-seek
In the twinkling of an eye
But immortality is my game
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I'm sustained
To Bliss I return"

By Michael Jackson