Michael will vist tonight, Pls light your Candle


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I belive it that Michael's soul will come back for a short vist tonight cause today is the 7th days after his Gone...

and people said, regards Mercy of God, the dead man will be given a Chance to say goodbye to his beloved Family and Friends in the 7th night after his Death.

To our Angel Michael, i'm Sure he won't forget his Fans, he would come to see us and wish that we all fine.

So please keep your Faith, light a Candle for Michael during the whole night to guide his Wag for coming home and return to Heaven...

Pls do it tonight, when you go to bed, pls call his name softly and he would come to your dream...:angel:

Remember the Promise:

"One day in your life
When you find that you're always lonely
For a love we used to share
Just call my name, and I'll be there."

--- Michael Jackson
I will beg the Angel to bring Michael back tonight, and if Michael would come, i indeed wish he direct take me off... :cry:

i have just heard a series of little Boys Laughter!!! Just now!!!

it came from my Computer, so loud and so clear! i pledge, i havent touched any of Keyboards or changed my Webs!

Is it Michael ???????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i just went out and shouted “are you there? Michael!” but no responses..:no::no::no:

by the way, ive lighted my Candle for Michael with Flowers and written a Card to him.
I lit a candle at church today but will light another at home tonight.Im still so devasted
I will burn an another stick of incense again i guess. I don't have candles right now (only fake ones with a battery) and i think insence is safer while i sleep
:unsure:I'm kinda freaked out now. I don't if I'll be able to sleep....
but what I DO know is I will light a candle, for Michael.:angel:

I belive it that Michael's soul will come back for a short vist tonight cause today is the 7th days after his Gone...

and people said, regards Mercy of God, the dead man will be given a Chance to say goodbye to his beloved Family and Friends in the 7th night after his Death.

To our Angel Michael, i'm Sure he won't forget his Fans, he would come to see us and wish that we all fine.

So please keep your Faith, light a Candle for Michael during the whole night to guide his Wag for coming home and return to Heaven...

Pls do it tonight, when you go to bed, pls call his name softly and he would come to your dream...:angel:

Remember the Promise:

"One day in your life
When you find that you're always lonely
For a love we used to share
Just call my name, and I'll be there."

--- Michael Jackson

*cries so much* :( Thankyou for posting this...it gives me some hope, maybe he will visit all of us....I wish he will visit me in my dreams tonight.
I did have a dream with Michael in it last night..
not sure what it was but he definatley was in my dream