Michael will be in "we are the world

All I know is that just like 25 years ago that catchy tune has been replaying over and over in my head, lol. Make it stop. I just remember that song and video being played on a constant basis. I was about 21 at the time (aww).

It makes it more exciting that Michael will be involved. NOW I am looking forward to those opening ceremonies tomorrow night (which are usually excrutiatingly long and tedious - sorry watching too much American Idol).
It is an after thought from Quincy & Lionel because they initially said ... if Michael was alive, he would have wanted to be in the back-ground & that none of the old cast were involved in the new recording.

Only Janet was going to sing Michael's part.

EXACTLY! Michael was never meant to be apart of the new version.

Now they have changed things because ...

Here's what they said ...

“To have Michael’s presence singing his part is the best gift we could ever get,” Richie said. “His original image and him seeing his part.”

Richie called the duet with Janet Jackson “magical.”

“She’s singing with Mike,” Richie said. “It was all put together with fabulous choreography. It’s magical.”

The request came straight from Katherine Jackson, Michael’s mother, herself, the pair told

For whatever reason, its now okay to include Michael.

Just watch Michael shine again!

I'll be catching this on You Tube though, 'cause I had no intention of watching the opening ceremonies and this has'nt changed my mind.
Oh wow. It's definitely going to hear Michael and Janet singing together. I'm sure it was/is emotional for Janet singing with her brother.
I am sooooo glad he will be included for whatever reason they decided to include him, it really does not matter, just be happy he was.
I am so pleased Michael's part will be included. At the end of the day, the Lionel and Qunicy 'issues' do not really matter to me. I am so pleased that Katherine requested this, I cannot imagine what a hard time she's having. I'm also thankful to the fans who petitioned for this.

It definitely would not have been the same without Michael at all. WATW is Michael; the message, the melody, the spirit. I think the whole profile of WATW 25 will now be raised and this will benefit the Haitian people and Michael's message will be passed on to new generations as well.
I'm sooooooooooo happy to know that! relieved I needed his voice there..cuz that's what is makes it Magical
It is going to be very emotional to hear him on this :(
For real! :( Just watching the clip on AH and seeing MJ singing WATW back in 1984 was hard.

Did you hear that voice!!!??? :wub:
Just as it should be. :wub:
Yes.... :wub:
I am so glad. I always smile when the camera focuses on Michael's sparkly socks and shoes at the beginning.:)
I LOVE that!! ^_^
Now this is why I wish people would wait before getting in uproars here :)
All that hatred for no reason. I am guessing maybe the kids are not in it,
it probably would have been mentioned. I am looking forward to the premiere of this Friday!
On AH they said that the children will not be a part of the remake.
According to this, "AEG is co-producing this event."

Wait wait.......COURTESY OF AEG??????
Theyve got their hands in anything related to MJ!
I know, right?! They bucking for some more credit!
Thank goodness this project is for charity.

Thank you and bless you Mother Katherine.
It's better for the kids not to be a part of anything. I'm glad they ain't a part.
As for the family funny how they never seem to be invited to anything, yet 3T were there.. and considering MJ is the only original member of WATW, I don't see what there is to talk about in the first place. tbh

I was thinking the same thing... 3t and Janet are singing in it..ren't they family??

...I guest Jermaine and Randy want personal invites to things..
we are the world song is Michael... ..and that how its been over the last 25yrs..
Katherine came thru again for her son..
I'm glad Katherine spoke up. imho Michael should be apart of the 25th.. He dreamed this up. I'm pretty sure I remember reading awhile back when Michael was 'creating' the lyrics for WATW he would awake from his sleep and go 'Wooohh'. I think Katherine has said this in an interview some time ago.. I am now curious as how Michael & Janet's vocals will sound together or in duet style?
I think it's great that Michael is in it. And Janet is singing along with him sounds just perfect.

First many people were complaining that Michael could not be in it and now complaining that they are using him? WTH? Yes, they are using him for a good cause.

Sorry, this negativity really bothers me. Sure, everyone of us doesn't want Michael to be used for the wrong cause - but it's about Haiti, people!

And afterall ... IF you don't want to support WATW 2 - don't buy it and support/donate to RedCross, Unicef and/or similar organisations. No one is forced to support WATW 2 in order to help Haiti.

Well said, I agree.
It is an after thought from Quincy & Lionel because they initially said ... if Michael was alive, he would have wanted to be in the back-ground & that none of the old cast were involved in the new recording.
so when Michael said THAT????
I'm loving this. I'll be crying tonight. To see Janet and Michael together no matter how they got them together would be an something to see. I'll be watching tonight....
Thanks To Lionel and Q and everyone who put this together Twenty five years later and at a time like this, the help for Haiti is truly needed.
Are they definitly using 1984 vocals for Michael's part, or will they be using a more recent version?
I believe I read they will be the original vocals. As for Jermaine he was at the recording I wonder if they told him he couldn't sing. There were pictures f him in the studio
This is all so exciting. You go Katherine. I gather she's a tougher woman than we all realize (maybe even herself).

I thought I saw Orianthi in the brief clips of the video for the song shown this morning on the Today Show.

Weren't Jermaine and some of the other Jackson siblings involved in the original? So they probably weren't invited because they only wanted people who had not participated in the original (making an much deserved exception for Michael).
Just watched the old video and I think Janet will basically sing Diana's part. Will be lovely

I just saw part of the new video on Oprah, it sounded really good to me!
Lionel told a story he said had never been told. He said they were writing on the floor in Michaels house. And some records that were on the floor started moving. And Lionel said he saw this huge albino snake hissing. And Michael just looked and said "Lionel oh there he is I found the snake".
Lionel told a story he said had never been told. He said they were writing on the floor in Michaels house. And some records that were on the floor started moving. And Lionel said he saw this huge albino snake hissing. And Michael just looked and said "Lionel oh there he is I found the snake".

I just saw that too......crazy ass Michael!:tease:I just bet Lionel wanted to hit him:D