Michael went on and so can we (Have to keep his spirit alive)


Premium Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey All,

I just wanted to write because I know alot of us; well all of are sad and mourning the loss of our good friend, mentor, and angel on earth (now in heaven) Michael.

We also have to be able to carry on living, laughing, loving and working just like Michael did.

Michael himself to has lost people in his life that he felt the same way about as we are feeling about him right now. I understand that our circumstance in which we lost him was too early and he was young but still he had losses in his life as well. Even that MJ found strenght in those God and those people's spirit to keep going. I think MJ would want us to do the same.

Yes we are gonna be sad...terribly sad and it will take a long time to overcome. I truly believe MJ wants us to keep his happy spirit alive! and spread it all over.

Think of it this way..Michael will live forever like he said through his work. His spirit is now wrapped all around us and you can feel him so much. Stop think about it, close your eye's and you can feel it. I sometimes feel as though he is sitting right next to me.

As hard as it will be..we have to celebrate his life in this time..we can't do that if we are not eating, sleeping, and not focusing. We all will be in this rut for awhile but at some point we will emerge and that's when we have to stand up for, give, and love just as Michael has taught us to do.

God Bless,
Beautifully said! Thanx for this, comforting and encouraging words. Very true indeed.
Beautifully said! Thanx for this, comforting and encouraging words. Very true indeed.

Thanks Tink..I'm glad it bought comfort. This is how I have been feeling. I still cry everyday but I know MJ's spirit is still here with me and I'm gonna keep living, loving, laughing, giving, as he..to keep his spirit and legacy alive.:wub:
I really know what u mean, I'm experiencing so many things, listening to his music gives me new point of views. Everytime I hear the lyrics it makes me go think over things and I feel more connected with Michael than ever before.
As if I've known him for real and understanding him better every single time, that's how it feels.

Got a strange thing, this afternoon I was listening to a song and all of a sudden my shoulders were lifted up really fast, like as if u would do a dancemove with your shoulders. The one that Michael always did.

I was like....WHATTHE? It felt like as if u have a convulse but then with way more speed and movement. Maybe it was just a convulse, but I thought it was really weird and exactly on the beat.