Michael, we LOVE you.


Proud Member
Feb 19, 2006
So, I was thinking. And I'm tired of all the fighting between fans, negative crap from the family, arguing about this and that. I'm tired of it all, so for just one thread (at least lol) lets all say why we love Michael, share anecdotes, just celebrate the man we all love and be there for each other like he would want us to be. Lets look after each other, after all it's him that bought us together! We shouldn't forget that.

I'm really struggling today, I miss him so much it hurts. Like, really hurts. I hope this thread makes sense, I just wrote what I was feeling. :blush:

Michael, I love you from the bottom of my heart, because you're you, true to yourself and gave so much of yourself to the world for the greater good. If everyone in the world took a part of your kindness and humility it would be a very different far superior place.

I love you! And I'm so proud of you!

Go ahead guys, pour your heart out...
Michael, you were there for me from the moment I was born. You were a part of me and as I grew up you were always there right by my side, through the good times and the bad. You were always there for me when people threw away my trust, you never did that.

Words cannot express the love I feel for you. My heart bursts with pride when I saw you recieving an award, every time you had the crowd in the palm of your hand, and the way you stood tall every day when you walked into that courtroom I was proud of you.

Thank you for giving me the greatest moment of my life when I saw you at the WMAs in 2006. It was freezing and was wearing the highest heels possible as I needed to be able to see you, I'm only 5"4! I queued for hours and my feet felt like they were going to drop. But as soon as I got in I became overwhelmed by your presence and when you appeared on that stage I thought to myself 'nothing will ever, ever top this.' Nothing has and nothing ever will.

The most uncomprehendable thing happened last summer and I was not in a good place. You brought some amazing people into my life who helped me when I was struggling and didn't think I could take much more of feeling that way.

The pain is still raw and I have days where all I can do is cry. I miss you so much and know that one day I'll see you again. But for now I just want to say this. Thank you. Thank you for always being there to pick me up when I fell. Thank you for making me believe that anything is possible. Thank you for all the love that you gave to the world and I promise that I will do everything in my power to make you proud.

I love you more than you will ever know

Sophie xxxxx
I wish I could say what hasn't been said before. I don't wish to praise and adorn you, remake your life, but only to revive you. Recreate a day called June 25, and bring you into a new, safe place, where the air is made from fluttering birds, water is clean and fires calming. Nothing else.

Oh, and lambs of black and white grazing fresh pastures everywhere… And… just that.
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Michael, I will always be in love with that cute little boy who happens to be the lead singer of one of my favorite Motown bands. I'm so sorry that as I grew up I wasn't there for you when you were going thru a lot in your life. I wish I was there for you. Since your death, I was INCREDIBLY heartbroken and I felt like I lost a brother. Thru some new friends on FB, I decided to find out who you TRULY are. I cannot believe people will trash you so much! You are the most beautiful, caring, loving soul I ever witnessed. Michael, I miss you and LOVE you sooooo much and been thinking about you lately. I hope you're having a great time up in Heaven with God and Jesus and I know you're smiling down on everyone. Me, other fans, families, and friends will continue with your legacy.

I can't wait to see you up there, sweetie! :)
Michael, I truly, deeply love you with all of my heart. You have completely changed my life and I will never forget the impact you've made in my life and the inspiration you've given me. You are my true hero. You have a strong, beautiful heart that cannot be duplicated or replaced. Your love is magical and you have me Speechless every time I hear your angelic melody or watch your magical dance. I know you are still here with all of us because I feel you here. I feel your love. I love you, Michael. I carry you with me in my heart. :heart:
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My dearest Michael... :blush:





I miss you every day :cry:, but know that you'll be with me forever. :wub: Where I go, you will always be with me, in my heart, in my dreams and my thoughts... FOREVER in my life! It is impossible to find words to describe the size of my love for you and all I'm feeling right now.... BUT it is a fact that I love and will always love you... FOREVER! :give_heart: :give_rose:

I love you sooooooooooo much my dear! :girl_in_love:

*big sigh*

Michael *sigh* :(

Thank you for being my guide
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a father figure
Thank you for being there when I needed a shoulder
Thank you for bringing the best people into my life
Thank you for July 1997: the best evening of my life at the HIStory tour at Wembley

...Michael :weeping:

What can I say...

From the first moment on that I learned to know you a bit through your music, I have loved you, Michael. You have a very special place in my heart and my soul. It is because of you that I am who I am, because you were there and shared your wonderful gift and your love with all of us. I never met you - unfortunately - but I feel thankful for having been on this earth at the same time with you.

I love you Michael :heart:
Always and Forever...

I'd like to Take time to tell you, I really care...

Thanks for all the wonderful and M A G I C A L entertainment!

And your kindness.

~ L.A.* 'Shila'

*love always :)
I love & miss michael daily.. I wish fans could attempt to let a lot of things go and focus on the most important reason why we are here on this forum - For michael! I have only been a fan for 17yrs and to me that is a very short time. Every memory I have ever had of Michael always puts a smile on my face. to me nobody can ever replace.
We do love you Michael and Yes, So much more. :p No seriously, We do. :heart:

I don't want to get too emotional right now.. So I am not going to say anything else just yet. I do tell you everyday, So you do know already. :)

Love you much. Always. :heart:
Michael ever since I could remember I have been a fan of yours. Nearly 30 years later my L.:heart:.V.E. that I have for you has just gotten bigger. And that L.:heart:.V.E. will remain forever eternal. There really no words in any language that can even come close to saying just how much I truly miss you. I am still am in mourning for you and I know I will be forever. My mother has told me many times to get over of what had happen to you. And to snap out of my depression that I am still in over you. But I just can't she doesn't understand the L.:heart:.V.E. and the feelings that I have for you. Even I don't understand sometimes. Which is why ever since it happen I have continuously worn one of my many MJ t-shirts and I always will. The same goes for these 3 MJ necklaces that I wear around my neck. Which I almost never take off now. Except for the occasional cleaning for 2 of them. I see it as my way of showing the world just how much I truly L.:heart:.V.E. and miss you and I always forever and a day will.:heart:
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Even though not physically, you've always been my "shoulder to lean on", Michael. A special place in my :heart: for a very special person.

"So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters..."
dear michael i love you with all my heart,ever since the day i set my eyes on you for the first time,we really do love you more,there isn,t a day or a minute during the day where i don,t think of you,i miss you so much,
First of all, Thankyou Stacey for starting this thread!!! God knows we all need it!!!

Michael, :cry: What can I say. NOTHING has been the same since… I want to say Thankyou for what you've given me, Inner peace! For giving me confidence, For helping me through tough times. I Love you Because you were there, still is there for me. I Love you for who you were/are! I Love you for being so Loving, Forgiving, Caring, For Giving a lot, Especially yourself to us, the world… And for Being Human! I thank God for giving you to us while he prepared a space for you to stay at when you went back home… You are a gift, a miracle and I will NEVER FORGET YOU or STOP LOVING YOU!!!

GOD Bless YOU!!! MY Love… May you have the Happiness that You never really experienced here on earth. But Know that BILLIONS of People Loved you, LOVE YOU Still and Will forever LOVE YOU!!!

Dear Michael,
I love you so much. You are my perfect example of how true LOVE should be. You are my example of how we should live our lives. With forgiveness, dignity and always love.
When I was young I always thought if we could just meet you would want to marry me!!:wub:
I smile when I think of all the people who aren't even born yet, who will fall in love with you like we all did.
I know that you are in some beyond beautiful place.:angel: And you are waiting for us. This comforts me more than anyone can imagine.