Michael was mobbed???

God, that makes me feel sick.

how can you invade someone like that? It's horrible.

Imagine what he must have felt like. As much as he loved his fans, he also wanted to be normal. That's not normal.

I know people loved him so much that they just wanted to be near him, and tell them how much they loved him, but I find that mobbing - to any celebrity - really horrid.

Why can't they give celebrities space, and just yell from a far if they are that desperate to be heard? Don't squash them!
Holy Cow. It's like living in the mosh pit at Warped Tour. :|

Fans like that should be ashamed! What makes you think Michael appreciates being mobbed and harassed like that when he is just trying to go somewhere with his kids?

Just because he IS 'Michael Jackson' does NOT make it okay. *sigh*
Thats actually quite frightening to watch! I know people were excited to see him, but that was really too much. I mean gosh, I guess he was used to it somewhat but it can't be comfortable to have people pulling at you every which way possible.
I know sometimes people are intentionally pulling trying to get pieces of hair or shirt or something. Hoping to be able to sell it. How disgusting.
He fell, with Michael people just went nuts, i dont blame them, but poor Mike, he must have felt very watched ALL THE TIME, i would have become paranoid:(
I really don't understand how some fans can be like that. If I were to see a celebrity on the street that I absolutely loved, I would never run up screaming and grabbing at them like that. I remember Michael saying in an interview before "it hurts to be mobbed" :( I feel like it's so disrespectful to not give them their space. I'm the type who wouldn't even be taking snapshots or asking for autographs though. I know that celebrities get that every where they go and that's part of the "down side" to being so famous, is that you can never be left alone! I would never want to feel I was intruding or bugging them.

I remember when I was working at the airport when I was 19, and John Lithgow walked right up to my counter to buy a newspaper. My heart jumped when I saw him...and I was super excited, but I just smiled and took his order without a word. Not because I was nervous, but just because I wanted to treat him like a normal human being when everyone else around me was like "omg!! it's John Lithgow!" ya know? :p
one time I saw a video from Bremen/Germany when a fan jumped on Michael. That was so damn crazy. Michael fell on the floor with the "fan" on his back. The Bodygurads couldn't prevent it. It was horrible to look at. Michael was so scared an maybe hurt, because he fell on his knees... my poor baby...
OMG...it's just so rude of these people! :( Poor, poor Michael! I really don't understand you would do something like that. It's not cool, it's not fun, you didn't make Michael happy with it, you could have hurt him and last but not least; what's the benefit of doing that?!
Where's the respect? :cry:
You can see clearly in the vids that he even found a way to escape from it every time, he ducks down and just sprints...in a matter of seconds he's out of it.

Here's another one, in Moscow in 1996. Pretty scary!!!:bugeyed
Look at how he holds his hat and just runs away as fast as he can....dang!

i know sometimes i joke about what i would do... but gawd.... its beyond scary.

these clips are the true evidence of why mj needed to created neverland.

i don't know a soul that had as many hysterical fans as MJ did. vast majority are great and have self control but......... SAD REALLY.
:( I cannot but to wonder, looking at this incredible power he had over the masses (cuz that's what it is, to make people behave like this, like brainless animals, even if its not intentionally) what would have happened if he decided to use it to manipulate ppl, a whole masses of people. He could if he wanted to.

Damn Mike, am so sad.:(
God i wanna punch each and every one of these fans how shameful they call themselves fans but don't even think about Michaels safety or his Children
in march at the hotel when he came back from a trip there were alot of non fans there who actually caused a stampede cause they thought it was a laugh to push like crazy and surge to get near him i nearly ended up on the floor
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Michael was not 'impressed' by all of it I'm sure. Jumping on him and shouting at him and pulling at his hair and his clothing doesn't make him want to sit down and listen to what you have to say, or let you hug him or take a picture with him. I imagine if anything he would have loved to just walk around the world in a big plastic bubble so no one could get in to touch him and pull at him. Maybe it would even be sound proof so he didn't have to hear all the BS spewed about him as well.
that video after coming back from the 02 they drove off again round the block and went in a side entrance.god it hurts watching that.nothing sinks in anymore everything is surreal
in march at the hotel when he came back from a trip there were alot of non fans there who actually caused a stampede cause they thought it was a laugh to push like crazy and surge to get near him i nearly ended up on the floor

jesus what you're saying is totally creepy. What the hell is wrong with people, like in general?
He fell, with Michael people just went nuts, i dont blame them, but poor Mike, he must have felt very watched ALL THE TIME, i would have become paranoid:(

um..no I don't think so actually. one person on youtube posted this:

He didn't fall. He crouched down so he could get through the crowd quicker. I also seen some pictures of him leaning down to get away from the crowds. :)
Rest in peacee michael i lovee you 4ever.xo

and I agree with it.. I think he did that to get in quicker..he always does that
yeah crouching down is something he learned over the years. he did it at paddington train station aswell. but if im thinking of the right day he didnt get out the bus at all they closed the doors and drove off around the block and came in a different route
Michael didn't like it all :

"Being mobbed hurts. You feel like you're spaghetti among thousands of hands. They're just ripping you and pulling your hair. And you feel that any moment you're gonna just break."

Why would people do this to someone they loved?

Horrible :(
I have to add something hear and i am more than likley going to get my head bitten off but... I have been in these situations and it really is crazy,(i just wanna add have never pulled his hair or hurt him in anyway) the problem is people become taken over in just complete emotion! It is not normal to act like that no, but it is also not normal to see your hero every day of the week and people are just overwhelmed by the whole situation! I am not saying it is right in any way am just sorta trying to explaine peoples actions!

Hell i have had my hair ripped out during these crazy mob attacks and i also wanna add that most of the people are not fans they are just randomers that wanna get involved!
Disgusting! My question is how do all these people know he was arriving at those locations? Someone from his entourage tipping someone off or what? I don't understand it. Poor Michael, how scary that must have been for him.
All the time!!, That's why he could never go shopping, cinema because he got ripped to shreds.

People grabbing his hair clothes arms, poor guy its like come on people have some respect!!