Some people are able to make something out of their life some aren't. People can be so different, some are hugely successful in whatever field they are in, others aren't. Look at our own Michael the man was born poor, he wasn't born with a silver spoon into his mouth, quiet the contrary he was born into a big household, his parents weren't educated and had to feed 9 children along with themselves, during a time where it ignorance and racism was showed openly. Michael wasn't born to a king, he became a king due to his hard work, talent, passion and drive. I was thinking about what an average person leaves their children behind, compare it to what Michael has left behind to his children, his family (meaning HIS CHILDREN, HIS GRANDCHILDREN), can live off his fortune for generations to come. Michael achieved everything himself, he didn't beg, he didn't leech, nor did he have a rich father to give him all he eventually had. Michael's life is a prime example of where life can take you, as long as you have passion, drive and are a willing to work harder than an animal. I just wish people had appreciated Michael more in life, instead of seeing him as their own ATM machine.