Michael was born poor and died rich


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
Some people are able to make something out of their life some aren't. People can be so different, some are hugely successful in whatever field they are in, others aren't. Look at our own Michael the man was born poor, he wasn't born with a silver spoon into his mouth, quiet the contrary he was born into a big household, his parents weren't educated and had to feed 9 children along with themselves, during a time where it ignorance and racism was showed openly. Michael wasn't born to a king, he became a king due to his hard work, talent, passion and drive. I was thinking about what an average person leaves their children behind, compare it to what Michael has left behind to his children, his family (meaning HIS CHILDREN, HIS GRANDCHILDREN), can live off his fortune for generations to come. Michael achieved everything himself, he didn't beg, he didn't leech, nor did he have a rich father to give him all he eventually had. Michael's life is a prime example of where life can take you, as long as you have passion, drive and are a willing to work harder than an animal. I just wish people had appreciated Michael more in life, instead of seeing him as their own ATM machine.
Michael's life is a prime example of where life can take you, as long as you have passion, drive and are a willing to work harder than an animal.
This doesn't make anybody rich in itself. Many performers worked just as hard or even harder than Mike and died broke because of bad record deals, shady managers & promoters, entourages, taxes, perform non-popular types of music, etc. Others have to do continuous "oldies" shows to make money because they don't make any royalties.
I get what ur saying but the bottom line is he worked for eveything he ad, he had no one to give t to him, nor did he leech off ppl
Some people are able to make something out of their life some aren't. People can be so different, some are hugely successful in whatever field they are in, others aren't. Look at our own Michael the man was born poor, he wasn't born with a silver spoon into his mouth, quiet the contrary he was born into a big household, his parents weren't educated and had to feed 9 children along with themselves, during a time where it ignorance and racism was showed openly. Michael wasn't born to a king, he became a king due to his hard work, talent, passion and drive. I was thinking about what an average person leaves their children behind, compare it to what Michael has left behind to his children, his family (meaning HIS CHILDREN, HIS GRANDCHILDREN), can live off his fortune for generations to come. Michael achieved everything himself, he didn't beg, he didn't leech, nor did he have a rich father to give him all he eventually had. Michael's life is a prime example of where life can take you, as long as you have passion, drive and are a willing to work harder than an animal. I just wish people had appreciated Michael more in life, instead of seeing him as their own ATM machine.
Very well said! I never even thought about it like that... Michael is such an inspiration.
Money,Fame, Fortune "IS NOT" everything...

"Child of innocence, messenger of joy

You've touched my heart without ploy

My soul is ablaze with a flagrant fire


Michael Jackson
Dancing the Dream (c) July 1992

As Always

This doesn't make anybody rich in itself. Many performers worked just as hard or even harder than Mike and died broke because of bad record deals, shady managers & promoters, entourages, taxes, perform non-popular types of music, etc. Others have to do continuous "oldies" shows to make money because they don't make any royalties.

yes but some and unfortunately today to a great extent, celebs don't deserve the money they got. like , they get one hit (usually an awful one) and they get rich. just like that. Michael did everything to the max. Everything he did, he delivered.
This doesn't make anybody rich in itself. Many performers worked just as hard or even harder than Mike and died broke because of bad record deals, shady managers & promoters, entourages, taxes, perform non-popular types of music, etc. Others have to do continuous "oldies" shows to make money because they don't make any royalties.

Yep and Motown and many other old school record company did this. I have read so much about this.
yes but some and unfortunately today to a great extent, celebs don't deserve the money they got. like , they get one hit (usually an awful one) and they get rich. just like that. Michael did everything to the max. Everything he did, he delivered.
It's the record business, not the quality business, it's always been that way. They sell whatever is in demand until it becomes oversaturated and dies out and then go on to the next thing. It's like any other kind of business, whoever can sell the most product, makes the most. Supply and demand. If you want to make money, whould you open a McDonald's or a soy burger stand? The main difference is that in the past, labels were usually ran by music fans, so they started a label for whatever music they liked like John Hammond, Ahmet Ertegün, Herb Alpert, Alfred Lion, Estelle Axton, Sam Phillips, or Berry Gordy. Now they're ran by guys who get a college degree and is only trying to please stockholders and don't care about music. It's just a job.
Yep and Motown and many other old school record company did this. I have read so much about this.
They still rip off their acts. Mostly really big veteran acts like U2 have a somewhat good contract. Even though they might not sell as much as they did in their heyday, they're a "brand" name. Even with these acts, the contracts favor the labels. Look at the Madonna deal. Live Nation makes money from her merchandising, touring income, and likeness since albums don't really sell as much today. In the past, the record labels had little or nothing to do with concert income. That's where most acts always made money.
Michael is one of those great American success stories that will go down in history. The odds were stacked against him from the start. And yes, a lot of his early success was due to his parents (although I greatly disagree with Joe's way of parenting). Putting aside the abuse he suffered as a child he still overcame many odds. He could have become a has been after the Jacksons but he went on to pursue an incredible solo career. Yes, he was gifted with rare talents most people can only dream of having but it was his drive, hard work and determination that got him to his level. Even throughout adulthood he overcame so much.

Yes, Michael's life is a great American success story in many ways but why did it have to end in tragedy...
This doesn't make anybody rich in itself. Many performers worked just as hard or even harder than Mike and died broke because of bad record deals, shady managers & promoters, entourages, taxes, perform non-popular types of music, etc. Others have to do continuous "oldies" shows to make money because they don't make any royalties.

all those things were tried against Michael. the shady deals, the bad promoters, the leeches, the attempts by Sony to make him stick to the oldies..the attempts by Motown to stick to the oldies. taxes. everything you said, there. people trying to be his entourages, the attempts to stick it to Mike. but Mike had a belief, and a conviction. and he overcame. and i don't know how anyone could work harder than Mike did. his singlemindedness was legendary. remember, he was the only one accused of not having a 'life' outside of music. he was the one considered 'strange'.

he truly believed in his songwriting. more than most others. he didn't listen to the media. anybody else hear the media say that their songs suck, they crack. MJ didn't listen. and his songs gave back to him.
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