Michael was an angel?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Some say there are angels here on earth. I believe if that is in fact true then Michael was certainly one of those angels. Don't you agree?
Some say there are angels here on earth. I believe if that is in fact true then Michael was certainly one of those angels. Don't you agree?

funny you mention.. I believe so! After he died, there a lot of things that becomes more clear about his life..
Yes. There are some people put on earth for a special purpose with a special aura. He was one.
I don't mean this rudely but I wish people wouldnt think this, this is part of the problem Michael always had, people forgot that he was just a human being like me and you.
You all are very rude and nasty and need to be kicked off the board! If we all believe Michael is an Angel then he is! He went through so much in his life his childhood was terrible! So before you judge him ask yourself have you seen his childhood! You people come here to start all kinds of trouble grow up and get a life you all are no bodies.
You all are very rude and nasty and need to be kicked off the board! If we all believe Michael is an Angel then he is! He went through so much in his life his childhood was terrible! So before you judge him ask yourself have you seen his childhood! You people come here to start all kinds of trouble grow up and get a life you all are no bodies.

i dont know if you comments are aimed at me but im not being rude or nasty, i was just saying that although Michael was a wonderful inspiration once in a lifetime person, i don't think he was an angel, i dont even believe in angels and I think its important that people remember that he is human just like me and you, all Michael ever wanted was for people to remember that.
i dont know if you comments are aimed at me but im not being rude or nasty, i was just saying that although Michael was a wonderful inspiration once in a lifetime person, i don't think he was an angel, i dont even believe in angels and I think its important that people remember that he is human just like me and you, all Michael ever wanted was for people to remember that.

Nah there was a troll here with the damn mugshot pic as their avatar, mjsoprecious was probably talking to them, but their post must've been deleted by a mod.
An angel, a great soul, here to teach us and inspire us. Whichever word you use to describe them, I believe Michael is one, yes.
Nah there was a troll here with the damn mugshot pic as their avatar, mjsoprecious was probably talking to them, but their post must've been deleted by a mod.

o i see, well sorry if i caused any offence anyway, Im usually quite blunt in what I say but i dont mean to disrespect anyone on here or especially Michael, I just wanted to say that I don't believe Michael was an angel, just an extraordinary (in a good way obviously) person.
I believe that Michael was an angel. That doesn't mean he was perfect because he was still human, but I just think he was too special to be an ordinary human being. When we say how good he was, we don't mean he was without flaw or didn't make mistakes. We just mean he was a great person, full of light and love, and he tried to do more for this world than almost everyone else on earth.
I believe that Michael was an angel. That doesn't mean he was perfect because he was still human, but I just think he was too special to be an ordinary human being. When we say how good he was, we don't mean he was without flaw or didn't make mistakes. We just mean he was a great person, full of light and love, and he tried to do more for this world than almost everyone else on earth.

now that I agree with
Yes Michael is an angel, such a beautiful spirit he has
Yes Michael was an Angel and wil always be!
He saved my life back in 1995.
He gave me a reason to live,hope...he allowed me to find out what love is...he gave me the chance to join his fan family...
Michael is forever a true Angel
My mother said the same thing to me yesterday, she said she believed Michael was an angel. He truly did change the world and there is not a person on earth who doesn't realise this now and who is not grieving his loss.
I don't think that Michael was an Angel. I don't think anybody is. He may have been an amazing man, but....
I'm sure he was, and I think we were blessed to have him here...now he's back home, he was a Gift from God for sure, I'm so proud to say I love him!But he was human being and this is the most beautiful thing about him, he showed us what we can do for this world if we want to...
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Yes but he was a great human being. By saying he was an angel isn't worshipping him as some kind of deity, it is acknowledging that he was a special human being and remembering all the good he did in the world and how he wanted to make a difference. I said before at the BET awards a rapper/singer called MC Lyte (never heard of her before) said she believed we had an angel walking among us...and that he was misunderstood. So true.

I don't mean this rudely but I wish people wouldnt think this, this is part of the problem Michael always had, people forgot that he was just a human being like me and you.
There can be a few incarnated angels here on Earth, but I feel that in MJ's case he was a Lightworker. Search the term and see what it means.
There can be a few incarnated angels here on Earth, but I feel that in MJ's case he was a Lightworker. Search the term and see what it means.

I was interested by this term and googled it.. however - I havent gotten any more information out of that!

Every page I came to was about "classes" and basicly about earning money.. I highly doubt that any so-called "lightworker" would do anything like that..

I do think Michael was a blessed human.. God had a plan with him.. I think that alot of not famous people around the world has the same traits that Michael has. Michael where getting his messages out to a biiiig audience thats all.
People like Michael are often victims to people's negative feelings. When a person is so good and litterally seems like an angel all the time, it irritates other people. They can't handle it.
Basicly they will claim that he is self-centered and that theres something discusting about his way of behaving. Like "he is not normal.." and "he must be hiding something bad".
People like MJ will also often be teased because they are so honest. Both in the way they live their lifes, and also towards other people.

I live that life myself..
I always said that Michael was an angel in human form sent by God to Earth. Michael had a mission on Earth and has been met and now he is back next to God. But to say that, I still can not believe he's gone. Michael was young and I still had many things to accomplish in your career. :(
There can be a few incarnated angels here on Earth, but I feel that in MJ's case he was a Lightworker. Search the term and see what it means.


What is Light?

A form of consciousness or energy that connects everything in the universe
It can be felt with your whole being by attuning to unconditional love
When you feel this energy it radiates effecting those around you positively
This is called Light Work

What is a Light Worker?

In a broad sense anyone who in their heart is committed to helping others grow in love is a Light Worker
A Light Worker is a spiritual being who incarnated for the purpose of spreading love and light. Certain situations act as a catalyst for their own awakening and remembrance of what it is they came to earth to do.
They radiate an amazing presence and through their being a quickening is extended to all they meet
They are therefore a catalyst for others growth
A person who strongly resonates with the information coming from spirit at this time of ascension
A lightworker may be an American healer Indian Native Seer, contact hands healer or catholic healer or other religion spirital healerdefinition of lightworker

A quote from Kristal Vaughn- a Light Worker
"I will hold space and energy to create what desires to be done"
I don't believe Michael was an angel. I think he was an extraordinary human being with amazing talent and personality. The best of what the human race has to offer. Evolution at its peak in humanity. He touched many people and gave many people a sense of purpose. But I do believe that there are others like Michael living on Earth now. We just don't see them or hear about them, but I believe that there are others like Michael and such people gives the human race hope for the future.

But I don't believe in the supernatural, so for me Michael was always a human being, different but still a human being.
He was an angel before he was born. He was an angel while he lived on earth. He IS an angel now!