Michael wanted to play the Phantom?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
Is this true because I read that Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote it in some essay but it was from a UK tabloid so that makes it iffy. I hope that would put Gerard Butler to shame for mocking him this week. I used to be a huge fan of his but he's turned out to be just another narcissistic Hollywood douche bag. It wasn't just that incident either, he's been getting his head inflated since 300. He said he took the role of phantom for all these deep reasons like caring about the story and relating to being a misunderstood outsider. What an effing hypocrite. Nonetheless I hope it's true because that is Michael's story and my favorite musical. I can't even watch the movie anymore because it pisses me off too much so I have to listen to the songs sung by other artists. Can someone confirm or deny this story and help me ease my anger at the whole mess?
Yes it is true. Andrew Lloyd Webber talks about it on his website.


3rd July 2009
Andrew reveals that Michael Jackson wanted to play the Phantom

Andrew recently spoke to the Sunday Telegraph about his personal recollections of Michael Jackson.

Andrew met Michael in 1988 when The Phantom of the Opera was playing on Broadway. Michael came to see the show several times and loved the theatricality of the show.

Andrew said, “I think he had a connection with the lonely, tortured musician. He found the idea of somebody working through music and having a girl as a muse very intriguing – and he loved that there was illusion in the show.”

Michael approached Andrew about the idea of making a film of the musical, with himself as the Phantom. However, although an interesting concept Andrew felt at that time that it was too early to make the musical into a film.

Andrew went on to speak about Michael Jackson’s immense talent. “I saw him a couple of times in concert. Thriller was probably the best stage event Ive ever seen. From my musical-theatre perspective, I could see that he was bringing a completely new vision about dance to the stage. A tremendous amount of what he was doing then you see in musicals now.

“I would absolutely put him up there with the all-time greatest performers. I’ve seen most of the top rock acts – I saw Elvis several times – but with Michael’s concerts, his showmanship was consummate.”


You can read the full article at the The Telegraph website http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/...wanted-to-appear-in-Phantom-of-the-Opera.html

Phantom is one of my favourite musicals, and I've loved it since it first was shown in London back in 1985 I believe. I've been to see it twice on stage and I also own the film.

Michael would have been a fantastic Phantom, I would so love to have heard him sing Music of the Night or Past the Point of No Return.
really? i never knew that before. i loved the Phantom of the Opera, We went to go see the actual play in Chicago for a Choir trip once. Always thought Christine should have ended up with the phantom....

as far as Butler goes.... shows how mature he is.

I want Mike to sing "All I ask of you"... i love that song....
Phantom of the Opera is my favorite musical too. I could see Michael playing that part. I didn't know that about Gerard Butler. What a shame. :(
How interesting! I love POTO and Andrew Lloyd Webber. I think Michael should have done another musical because I thought he really did wonderfully in The Wiz.

I used to like Gerard Butler, also, from 300. But I've noticed that he is a real dickhead, so full of himself. I've also noticed that his career has gone down hill since 300. So, no worries! LOL!

Michael's legacy is set in stone and this guy is just another actor.
It's sad. Really sad. When I saw the pic, my first reaction was "ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST".

Just one more to add to my boycott list.

. It wasn't just that incident either, he's been getting his head inflated since 300.


I used to like Gerard Butler, also, from 300. But I've noticed that he is a real dickhead, so full of himself. I've also noticed that his career has gone down hill since 300. So, no worries! LOL!

Michael's legacy is set in stone and this guy is just another actor.

Wouldn't it be great if Michael had secretly recorded some of the music from Phantom or other Broadway shows? I would totally pay for that, especially if he did Music of The Night. I guess in the case with Butler, the forty year old frat boy who basically played himself in The Ugly Truth, I'll just have to separate the actor from the story and remember to love those who the character really represents, wink wink nudge nudge.
I would love if he'd done that! But I'm unsure how his voice would be... hopefully he wouldn't be singing with that "opera" voice...
I'm pretty sure Michael would have given the songs that essential Michael Jackson sound. In my opinion the music of Phantom is best sung by those who go for more of a romantic ballad sound with edge like Brad Little (favorite stage phantom) or Michael Crawford.
Never seen the Phantom! But from what I know Lloyd Webber stole a part of Echoes (Pink Floyd) in one of the underlying main riffs of a performance. Look it up :)
That would have been a perfect part for Michael!! OMG, how I would have loved to see that!!
I so wish he could have played the Phatom. It's my favorite musical. It would've been great.

But what exactly did Gerard Butler do?
He took a cheap shot at Michael very recently by dangling a plant from his balcony wrapped in a towel and looking quite pleased with himself. He's told some disgusting jokes about him on Leno too. A forty year old man needing to do that for attention has all the maturity of an overgrown frat boy. The worst part is you would think he would have been very compassionate to Michael since he said he played a character like phantom for all these deep reasons of feeling rejection, ridicule and superficiality. This was all before 300 of course so now that he has all the Hollywood skanks and cameras he can ask for. Boycott his films as an act of protest.
That would have been great!! I really wish MJ could have had the chance to be in another film. I loved him in "the Wiz", he really made that film. His acting in the video "Ghosts" was amazing. Looooved him as the Maestro. :wub: And it's almost hard to believe that Michael also plays the Mayor!! MJ was an amazing actor, and it's a shame he did not get to show that talent even more.

As for Gerard Butler....booo to him. He needs to grow up, and quit being so conceited. :angry:
He took a cheap shot at Michael very recently by dangling a plant from his balcony wrapped in a towel and looking quite pleased with himself. He's told some disgusting jokes about him on Leno too. A forty year old man needing to do that for attention has all the maturity of an overgrown frat boy. The worst part is you would think he would have been very compassionate to Michael since he said he played a character like phantom for all these deep reasons of feeling rejection, ridicule and superficiality. This was all before 300 of course so now that he has all the Hollywood skanks and cameras he can ask for. Boycott his films as an act of protest.

Disgusting. That's why Michael was a real star, he had his own light.
As a matter of fact, I never watched any of Butler's movies.