Michael wanted to hold a seance to contact Elvis

I'd like to think it was true. Imagine if he did actually contact Elvis, that would have been very cool. (Not that I believe in seances 100%).
sounds like taboid B.S and considering the way mj was brought up it would be totally wrong and not even true interms of belief of the spirit world

If Michael ever got into such things, I think he would have called up people he respected like Walt Disney or Charlie Chaplin or (dare I say it?) J.M. Barrie. He wasn't much of an Elvis fan to want to call him up.
No offense to anyone here, but I this sounds like a 'white' man's tale. Afterall, who wouldn't want to talk to Elvis the king. He was the greatest of all time. :smilerolleyes:

Sounds like a giant ego boost to me.