Michael vs Elvis (vote for Michael!)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
please pass this on! just two days ago Michael was losing! But then MJ fans started spreading the link. And now, he's definantly ahead! Us fans REALLY make a difference!!



(the second line is continuation of the first, i had to post it like that because something went wrong. so just copy the entire thing and paste. simple. and the stars at the end of the second line is supposed to read 'j-a-c-k-o' w/o slashes. the forum wouldnt show the words)
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What happened to the other Michael vs Elvis thread?
Why did it disappear?
michael is in the lead
65.1% :clapping:

Who's sold the most records?

Our two Kings have sold so many records it's hard to pin down the exact amount. While Jackson is said to have sold 750 million records, sources say Presley has sold over one billion records worldwide, more than anyone else in music, even Crazy Frog. Elvis wins.


Who's had the biggest album?

Michael Jackson's Thriller album has sold between 100 and 110 million copies since its release in 1982. None of Elvis' albums even come close, yet his 960th single It's Now Or Never is one of the biggest selling singles ever. But Jackson bags this one.
MJ is the King !!

Elvis is great too but i prefer MJ anyday
Elvis hasnt even got ONE album in the top 100 biggest selling albums of all time but they claim he has sold a over a billion? :lol: The math don't even add up cause it was always ever only PR and not actual facts! His people came up with that figure yet it has NEVER been proven!
EP has released 58 albums - obviously he had a few more than MJ. EP had only one number one in Germany so when did he sell the claimed billion?
Isn't Elvis selling 1 billion records just a myth made up by Elvis fans?
come on say it with me!!!
Voted. I agree that Elvis was massively influential, but he's also somewhat inaccurately called the King of Rock & Roll, isn't he? I'm a casual listener of Elvis - I've got his number ones CD somewhere - but from the little history I know, I understand that he also was more marketable than his colored peers doing the same music and then hailed as the king of it... :dntknw:. I have no doubt that Elvis has sold many records, but is there any accurate way of really knowing if he sold more than MJ? Didn't the RIAA not keep track of the sales the same way before? I know there's some difference but I'm not sure what it is.

In any case, MJ has been massively influential himself. He was basically the prototype for all the pop stars today. He and his albums have been copied every which way since Off the Wall - heck, even J5. There'd be no Chris Brown, Ciara, Britney, Justin - basically whoever is considered a popular pop star nowadays - without MJ. So while I can see how influential Elvis has been, I think that Virgin Media underestimates MJ's influence.