Michael: Thought and Support Thread (RT-2011)


Proud Member
Dec 18, 2010
This thread is not a game.

I'd like to create a thread on Random Thoughts where everybody can post his actually thoughts about Michael and we can give support each other because of the upcoming trial.

What do you think...?:angel:
I think Michael Jackson was one of the most relevant figures in music history, and in contemporary (late 20th century and early 21st century) history for his involvement not only in music, but in philanthropy and art. Regardless of what happens, no one can take that place away from him, nor can they take him from the hearts of the millions of people who truly love him until the very end.
I know that Michael was the most talented and generous human being that ever lived, and no one can become greater than him. R.I.P. the God of Music.
I wish he would be here with us.:(:cry:

Actually I am scared and sad about the upcoming trial and all the mess from this so called Dr. :mat::angry:
I wish he would be here with us.:(:cry:

Actually I am scared and sad about the upcoming trial and all the mess from this so called Dr. :mat::angry:

Same here

I don't even bother going in to the case section any more. Because it just makes me so damn angry and even more sadder than I already am that this is happening at all. This whole thing should not be happening at all. Michael should still be here with us and his children. And what makes me even more angrier about this that this cold blooded killer is still walking around free. When my beloved Michael is never ever going to do that ever again especially with his children. Because of him I am still suffering from depression over what he did. He forever shattered the happiness that I once had when we still had him. I would L.O.V.E. nothing more to put that murderer in the same exact place where my Michael is now. Maybe that is the only way Michael is going to get the justice that he deserves.
Michael was an amazing artist and a man I look up to and respect and love. He was like a well aimed dart that hit the center of my heart and changed me and nothing will ever take that from me. The one thing I feel most sorry for is his children, it must be very hard for them without a daddy; for him...I can say I am happy, I believe he's in the best place he could be and he is infinitely more happy than he could have ever been on earth and that makes me happy. As for the trial...I don't know anything about Murray and to be honest I haven't followed the case from Eve. I don't know who and how guilty that person is but I'm 100% sure that even if this man walks free now justice will be served one way or another at some point