Michael the Archangel & our Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael the Archangel is only mentioned four times in the bible, that I know of. The second reference says this about Archangel Michael:

Daniel 12:

the Angel speaking of the end of the world and the Antichrist says: "At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people."

I couldn't help notice how similar this description is to OUR Michael. I think if this was a prediction in Nostradomos instead of the bible, it would be all over the news as some either coincidental or apocryphal something or other! I put this observation in the Christian thread but I think it scared them all off. :) I don't mean to be an overzealous fan, but c'mon, isn't this so cool?

At the very least, maybe our Michael had a LOT in common with his archangel namesake!
I really do believe that Michael was very special like a prophet... Like Jesus had his disciples and Michael had his fans. I dont want to offend anybody but Michael was so pure and he definatley was different then other humans. He had such an amazing musical gift and gift to help others. He had such a compassionate heart I have not seen anyone as gracious and beautiful ever.
I totally agree with you MJstarlight. And I had read in another MJ messageboard that I am a member of. That Nostradamus had predicted Michael's own death. The quatrain saids:

'The boy king who walked backwards is silenced
And the children gather no more around the throne
Tears fall across the territories
And fires will rage thereafter'

I have always been a big believer in Nostradamus's predictions. And I think this is pretty accurate about Michael.
He had such an amazing musical gift and gift to help others. He had such a compassionate heart I have not seen anyone as gracious and beautiful ever.

He was SO beautiful, yes! When I read this bible verse about Archangel Michael I just thought it was all so amazing, that likeness. :wub:
I totally agree with you MJstarlight. And I had read in another MJ messageboard that I am a member of. That Nostradamus had predicted Michael's own death. The quatrain saids:

'The boy king who walked backwards is silenced
And the children gather no more around the throne
Tears fall across the territories
And fires will rage thereafter'

I have always been a big believer in Nostradamus's predictions. And I think this is pretty accurate about Michael.

WOW. This is the first I've heard this. Wow.

I am processing this... that is just amazing!
I totally agree with you MJstarlight. And I had read in another MJ messageboard that I am a member of. That Nostradamus had predicted Michael's own death. The quatrain saids:

'The boy king who walked backwards is silenced
And the children gather no more around the throne
Tears fall across the territories
And fires will rage thereafter'

I have always been a big believer in Nostradamus's predictions. And I think this is pretty accurate about Michael.

wow "the boy king" that seems to fit Michael so well..
that whole verse seems to fit so well... it is amazing!!
I really do believe that Michael was very special like a prophet... Like Jesus had his disciples and Michael had his fans. I dont want to offend anybody but Michael was so pure and he definatley was different then other humans. He had such an amazing musical gift and gift to help others. He had such a compassionate heart I have not seen anyone as gracious and beautiful ever.

I am with you on that one :yes:

I find myself quite often comparing the simularities between Michael's life and Jesus life.
I too am not saying he was Jesus and I don't want to offend anyone but Michael was very special.Maybe one day we will be stunned at just how special he is.
I really feel that each and everyone of us are supposed to learn something from Michaels life.

MJsBollywoodGirl7 That quote is really something! Wow!
I will have to read up on Nostradamus can you recomend anything? :)
I am with you on that one :yes:

I find myself quite often comparing the simularities between Michael's life and Jesus life.
I too am not saying he was Jesus and I don't want to offend anyone but Michael was very special.Maybe one day we will be stunned at just how special he is.
I really feel that each and everyone of us are supposed to learn something from Michaels life.

MJsBollywoodGirl7 That quote is really something! Wow!
I will have to read up on Nostradamus can you recomend anything? :)

Well yes but the problem with that quatrain is that I am not exactly sure if it is real or not. But there is this site you can go to:
