Michael: Thank You for the Mirror!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This by far has captured the very essence of who Michael was. I warn you that you may weep for the injustice done to him, but you may also weep for the joy of who he was. This was written by a previous doubter, but I can see that she has been forever changed by the spirit of MJ. Please check this out. I think you will all be inspired and even changed after reading it. Video too is awesome, goes well with the article.

http://onewordsmith.blogspot.com/search/label/A Thank You Letter to Michael Jackson
Thank you for sharing this. I particularly like this bit:

"The grand genius of his works, and especially his concerts were the transcendental experiences. "Transendental" takes us somewhere else beyond the personal self, to a place where the self and the world become something more and we become something more. Michael was loved for what he showed us was possible. He was the man in the mirror and the one holding it up for us to look."
Thank you for sharing this. I particularly like this bit:

"The grand genius of his works, and especially his concerts were the transcendental experiences. "Transendental" takes us somewhere else beyond the personal self, to a place where the self and the world become something more and we become something more. Michael was loved for what he showed us was possible. He was the man in the mirror and the one holding it up for us to look."

yeah, I like that too