Michael talking about immortality/mortality (audio clip)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ebony magazine snippit - “Let’s face it. Who wants mortality,” MJ said in the Ebony interview. “Everybody wants immortality. You want what you create to live, be it sculpting, painting, music composition. Michaelangelo said, ‘I know the creator will go, but his work survives’. That is why to escape death I attempt to bind my soul to my work. I give my all to my work because I want it to just live and just give all that I have.”


This is why he will never die.
This is so sad to hear at times like this, but yet comforting somehow...
yeah i did a thread with that quote,isnt just beaustiful? now i feel closer to him than ever
I'm going to miss the way Michael leaves S's out of some of his words.
"I always wanna do music that influence and inspire people..."
"Everybody want immortality..."
Ahh had to listen to it again... its so cute how he talks isn't it
his voice is angel-like

now he is teaching angels how to moonwalk in heaven ;)
where is this clip from? could you post the whole please
Thanks for sharing. Michael will live forever.
I do love listening to his voice. Its comforting.
I made a youtube playlist just for him talking..
The one with the Bashir interview creeps me out because Michael mentions its a gold casket and years later he was buried in a gold casket. I got shivers.
This is bittersweet watching this. I have the song "Puff the Magic Dragon" going through my head. Makes me sad.
Sorry I don't have the full thing, I just found this clip. I don't know how to make it into an mp3?...If you could tell me how, I could do it for you.
Did anyone see or hear the convo he had with Uri Geller? he really wanted to be cloned! I think he thought that he would actually live again. I guess a little realism can escape when caught up in something you are really in to.

He said he would 'love to get it done'... money was no object... mmm I wonder!

Re the gold sarcophicous - yeah I laughed a little at his 'oh no, i dont wanna be buried in that'... bless.
cloned? eeek! how would that work? I read a crazy article saying that he had missed the deadline for cryogenic freezing so he would be 'plastinated' instead, whatever that means, by Gunther von Hagens. Load of rubbish as always..
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cloned? eeek! how would that work? I read a crazy article saying that he had missed the deadline for cryogenic freezing so he would be 'plastinated' instead, whatever that means, by Gunther von Hagens. Load of rubbish as always..

Remember Dolly the Sheep?

In fact didn't they recently clone a human or two for their stem cells or something. There was alot of hoo har about it.

All u need is a little bit of DNA.
But to actually make another Michael Jackson :/ I haven't heard of a person actually being cloned and growing up as a person.

Ew, it wouldn't be Michael though...could look like he looked when he was young but it wouldn't be him..
Remember Dolly the Sheep?

In fact didn't they recently clone a human or two for their stem cells or something. There was alot of hoo har about it.

All u need is a little bit of DNA.