Michael sliding down the stairrail - was it him?

Remington Steele

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Can anyone tell for sure whether it's him or not? To me, it seemed like him, but I didn't have a HD source to look at it slow motion yet...
Can anyone tell for sure whether it's him or not? To me, it seemed like him, but I didn't have a HD source to look at it slow motion yet...

I think it's him. When he lands, he turns and looks up and I think it looks like him there :)
no, that was definitely a stunt man. it was the same guy that jumped through the glass at the end.
Haha, so funny at the guy who jumps through the window. You can CLEARLY look on his face that it's not Mike.
wow, you all got a HD source to look at already or watched it 100x in theatre? I really couldn't tell so far. Thanks for your info, I'll have a close look when I get the BD.

Would have prefered it was him, but oh well...
I dunno if it's Mike


But he's TOO skinny to be stuntman :D

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what are you trying to say? Thanks for the pictures. I'd really be grateful for a definite answer - is it him or not...
For the "stairwell" and "jumping through the glass" scenes in Smooth Criminal a stuntman was used. Case closed. :yes:
Hm ok, maybe we'll see that stuntman in the SC making of on the BD.

I'm positive though Michael could have easily done that himself (stairrail) :) - maybe his insurance didn't allow it.
It is a stunt man. what if MJ fell and broke a bone or something?
it just makes sense to use a stunt man for that bit.
such a shame that people like to pick apart movies.

What's the problem? Don't get me wrong, but I see no major problem since no one's disrespecting MJ or something... Some people just enjoy little details - i me myself included.

Back to topic: I'm pretty sure it's not him. You can quite notice it just by looking at that face pic posted. And of course he's skinny, you wouldn't have an "all muscle" guy doing Michael's role, right?
I remember Frank Dileo said in an interview somewhere (sorry I can't remember which one) that it wasn't Michael for safety reasons. I bet he would have wanted to slide down the stairs lol. I am just guessing on that.
If you watch TII close enough during that part, when Michael walks toward the green screen to sit in the chair, you can clearly see a man talking to a choreographer in the same smooth criminal outfit...Look close, I promise you he's there.