Michael said, we'll take care of the planet, but it's too late


Proud Member
Jul 26, 2011
Confrontation with the Danish police environmental activists at the United Nations Climate Change Convention in front of the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark.



http://www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-fgw-climate-talks17-2009dec17, 0.6521535. story

Coverage in the international press is very activists on the struggle with police




Hedegaard, who had been accused by representatives of developing countries want to benefit rich countries in the negotiations, will be replaced by the prime minister of Denmark, Lars Lokke Rasmussen.

Danish police made about 250 arrests in Copenhagen Wednesday morning as a demonstration organized against the UN climate conference converged on the Bella Center ahead of crucial negotiations at the summit COP15.

Kristina Larsen, spokesman for Climate Justice Action (CJA) - the group organizing the protest - told CNN that police used pepper spray and dogs to contain the protests.

Some 3,000 activists convened two train stations in the Danish capital early on Wednesday and began its march toward the Bella Center - the scenario of climate talks.

CJA is calling for activists "to take a one-day conference and turn it into a" Popular Assembly ".

While the protesters were marching to the top of the United Nations, a number of delegates were planning to leave the center of Bella.

Larsen told CNN: "About 300 people marched outside the center screaming Bella" regain power '. "

But the planned "Popular Assembly", the activists wanted to pass on the outside so far, was stopped by police.

"There were some confrontations and fights, and some officers fired tear gas, but the protests have been fairly low level." Black said.

CJA say they are holding a "Popular Assembly" to counter the "false solutions and elitism of the UN climate conference."

A spokesman for the Copenhagen police told CNN that most of the arrests took place in the Bella Center, but no serious injuries.

"The arrested demonstrators were taken to a temporary reception center and more are released in the next two hours," said a police spokesman said.

On Sunday, police said they arrested 968 people, accusing the protesters to wear masks, throwing fireworks and stones, breaking windows and burning vehicles. A further 212 people were arrested overnight Monday.

CJA said the protesters are engaged in "peaceful, the non-violent protest" and accused the police of being "out of control."

While the protests were going on outside, inside it was being announced that the Danish Minister Connie Hedegaard has resigned as president of the Summit of the UN climate change.

World leaders began arriving in Copenhagen for the last days of "high level" negotiations. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was among the first to arrive Tuesday in talks with Australian counterparts in Bangladesh and Kevin Rudd and Sheikh Hasina. U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to arrive Friday.

He urged rich countries and developing countries to do more during the Copenhagen summit this week to reach an agreement on limiting emissions, saying it "can and must do more."

"This is a time to stop pointing fingers," said Ban. "This is a time to start looking in the mirror and offering what they can do more."

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote Tuesday that the United States is ready to do its part to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, but other countries, especially the poorest, should play their parts well.

Clinton's statement came as a major international summit is heading for the finish line. "Almost all the growth in emissions over the next 20 years will come from the developing world," Clinton wrote in an opinion article for the International Herald Tribune. "Without their participation and commitment, a solution is impossible."

(See pictures and videos on the increase in heating)


Galera the matter is so serious and so intense that you are seeing what has happened?
How much violence against peaceful gesture just because thousands of people are engaged this march?
I can not stop to make a connection with Michael, that was what he wanted to change the world, he commanded his soldiers of love, and fight to protect the Earth was part of it

Thirteen years this repression began when banned from playing this music in the U.S.


But Michael on his return to the stage had already prepared the poem that would recite:

Michael showed us the way, now depends on us
Weve wounded the world by not caring enough, i suppose ive never truely realized how amazing the Earth is, untill now when your seeing it breaking around you, id treated it well i thought, but i didnt show it appreciation for so long. Now i look at it in great distress thinking what will become of this Earth of ours!