Michael`s Magic; Interesting Post


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Found this on the internet, decided to share it here cuz i find it humble. What do you guys think?

I don`t even know how to begin my story, how i stumbled upon here, how Michael Jackson changed my life.

I always knew the name Michael Jackson ( i knew the talent that came along with the name) but i never really grew up with his music. Shocking? Yes, i know. Even i am shocked. Like how was that possible? I listened to mostly main stream music. I am 22 years old. Well 21 to be exact since i am celebrating my 22nd in a few months. I dont watch those entertainment shows, where they talk about celebs, i dont read those magazines either.

In the past few years i have really been immersed into my school, work, career etc and Michael Jackson was never really a part of me while growing up. I remember i was in final year high school when the accusations were made against him. I never followed it, cuz to me it was just another celebrity news to which i just ignored. People around me never brought up the name Michael Jackson, so i guess i was never fully aware of him. I didnt know him. I just knew the name, i also keow it wasnt just a name, there was something more to it.

Honestly, i didnt even know about the This is it tour until June 25th. My whole point is that, June 25th changed my fricking life.

I remember i was at work, and someone said "Michael Jackson died!" It didnt hit me until i was on my way home, when all these radio stations started playing his music. Started talking about him. Then out of no where, my mother calls me to say she has bad news..she says Michael Jackson died. My mom doesnt even speak english. I asked her over the fone, "mom how do you know Michael Jackson?" and she said "oh i dunno, his on TV, and his a very good looking man" So i went home, watched CNN, i felt sad. I felt devastated, grief stricken, dumb founded and hurt. I wasnt even a fan!!!! I barely knew the man. WHY?? Ofcourse i cried. Tears rolled down my face, and i didnt understand why. I dont have mental illness, i am happy person. I am a clown.

I didnt understand why i was crying for a man who i didnt know. I spent the whole night on youtube, CNN, and on the internet. i read up on him. I listened to his music. And i said to myself "where the hell have you been Hailey Amann, all these years and never got to know Michael Jackson??". To be honest, i never knew there was a 93 accusations. But i dont even want to go there, its sickening. Its embarrasing to even think about that he went through all that crap.

But here i am, 6 months later to his passing, still in shock, still awe, just completely and totally mesmerised in his beauty, his music, his voice, his talent, his dance, his humanitariun work. And i regret whole heartedly that i who call myself a music lover, never got to hear or was aware of this true genious in music HISTORY. It took his death to make me realise that??

Please dont call me a bandwagoner fan. I never dissed him, i never called him names, i never knew about the charges, i never paid attention. I played soccer in school, i dont watch much tv after school, i was either on the field kicking the ball or home studying, or out with friends. I just lived a normal teenage life.

Michael changed my life since June 25th. I felt such compassionate feelings for someone who i never knew, never met. And it wasnt his musical genious that caught my eye, it was his humanitariunism that blew me off my feet. In the past 6 months i have realised who i am. What i want to be and how i want to live my life. I know Michael Jackson said that "true charity comes from the heart" so i am not going in details what i am doing to make the change. But i am in it. When i heard Man in the mirror for the first time on American Idol 09, i thought to myself, wow thats a beautiful song.

I didnt even know that it was Michael Jackson`s. How pathetic can i be.??? Then when the radio stations started playing the original version and i was like "this is the song Adam Lambert and Kris Allen sang in American Idol that i liked and heard for the first time". I bought the cd`s i listened to it and in it i literally found his message. Everyday since June 25th i think about him. I feel sad, upset and sometimes i feel the joy that i have found this inner peace.

I was lost before, now i have a path and i see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am working towards changing myself. I wasnt a bad person to begin with, but i am different now. I truely love Michael Jackson. Late but i do!. I cant imagine, what his fans who adored him for their whole life must be going through. My pains, my realizations dont even match up to the hard core die hard fans. My deepest sympathy goes out to the fans. My prayers goes out to the fans. Every tear i dropped for Michael Jackson doesn`t measure up to the tears of the true die hard fans that followed him thoughout their lives.

In the past 6 months i have researched alot. I own alot of Michael Jackson CD`s, my absolute favourite is the way you make me feel, you rock my world and you know you did. There`s tons more. Everysingle day i listen to his music, i read up on him, i cry a little. I dream of him. His always on my mind. I am fascinated by this change that happened in my life. I feel his a part of me, i talk to him when i am driving, and his my role model, my sole inspiration and my mentor. I have finally found the true meaning in my life. And its not how much money i make, things i own, the brand name clothes i wear or the car i drive. Its LOVE. I owe alot to Michael Jackson for bringing direction in my life. I owe a lot to him.

Love Hailey Amann.
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I have very mixed feelings about stories like this.
On one hand I'm happy - another member to the family. :) There's enough room for everyone and everyone is welcome. And she is pretty bold about her previous ignorance - which I like also. I'd give her a hug if I ever met her.
But there's another side, too - unfortunately. I just can't help thinking - why it took his death for so many people to relize what a treasure he was?
I also feel sorry for people like this girl, because I know how incredibly blessed I feel to have had the opportunity to experience him for many many years while he was still with us.
Oh well. Good on her. The charity bit pleased me especially - Michael would have liked that.
it gives you another perspective. everybody in the world knows who Michael is..including those, who don't know who he is.
this is incredibly touching. it breaks my heart knowing what we all knew for so long...that Michael is the Truth...he is the embodiment of L.O.V.E. and Innocence and was blessed with the gift to spread that message to the world in his music, dance, and amazing deeds.

I used to cry to myself as a boy/teenager/man wondering why the world tortured such a beautiful Soul. Because I only saw beauty in him...he meant and means everything to me. it's amazing when someone discovers "Michael's Magic" (as you titled it) for the first time, like this writer is...

doesn't it feel like he's got this power? a power that I just havn't seen or felt before...
I have very mixed feelings about stories like this.
On one hand I'm happy - another member to the family. :) There's enough room for everyone and everyone is welcome. And she is pretty bold about her previous ignorance - which I like also. I'd give her a hug if I ever met her.
But there's another side, too - unfortunately. I just can't help thinking - why it took his death for so many people to relize what a treasure he was?
I also feel sorry for people like this girl, because I know how incredibly blessed I feel to have had the opportunity to experience him for many many years while he was still with us.
Oh well. Good on her. The charity bit pleased me especially - Michael would have liked that.

I SO agree
I found this article few weeks ago and i saved it right away. I wanted to contact the original poster and ask her if i could use it on a fan forum. And she finally replied to my email saying it was okay. So i posted it here yesterday.

it gives you another perspective. everybody in the world knows who Michael is..including those, who don't know who he is.

This was also one of my thoughts while i was reading.

beautiful post .

Thank you :)

Aww, so beautiful! Thanks for posting!

Your welcome.

I like how she acknowledges the fans that followed michael throughout their lives.
It is quite believable. Isn't this a familiar tale about recently discovered passions? The journey of her awakening does not matter. She has arrived, and she is most welcomed.
Love this article. The writer's very honest and I could feel how much she laments that she didn't get to know Michael before his death. I respect that. I hope that she continues to love and respect Michael.

makes me feel blessed that i found Michael 'the truth' earlier...in my darkest hour, he was there and will always be..

makes tyou realise how powerful and spiritual Michael's force is.
Wow, I could have practically written this. Her story is SO much like mine. I cried so hard after I came to really "know" him after his death...and part of me was like "Amy why are you crying you don't even really know him!"...but the pain was so strong, I felt such a deep loss...deep in my soul, and I was so overwhelmed and just touched by the love that Michael carried with him in his life...he literally just glowed with it.

It's really amazing, how much he has changed my life since his death. It's amazing to see this change in others too. Oh Michael, we miss you so much.
What a GREAT story, LOVE to read it..

MJ has been a part of my life since I was 9 months old, my mom played the Thriller and Off The Wall album all the time, and I was in love with the Intro to Thriller, the door and sound effects since this age.. This is really the absolutely first memory in my life.

I'm 25 by now, and he had always been right to my side, in my whole lifetime...

Well. I'm writing this, and wanted to comment on the story above, but I absolute lost all my words, I don't know what I would write to begin with.. It's a touching story... sorry!!!
I love this story and I can kind of identify with it. Not that I never knew Michael before, but didn't know as much as I could have before. "seeing a light at the end of the tunnel" yes that about sums it up.
Where did you find this by the way? I'd love to hook up with this girl...if she has like a twitter or something. :)

Found it on MaxJax. I messaged her there sometime ago to see if it was cool for me to post it here. She has msn, so i will ask her if i can give out her address, LOL she prolly thinks i am a goon by now. Shes extremely nice though, which is no surprise since she is a MJ fan. Anywho i will let you know.
I used to cry to myself as a boy/teenager/man wondering why the world tortured such a beautiful Soul.
This was the comment I wanted to write about yesterday, before I went speechless. :(

As I was grown up with MJ, every since i was a kid my soul just hurts EVERY time i think about the MAN behind the Musician. I cry a little every time, and THAT hurts me A LOT!

In one year, I could'nt even listening to MJ or see his shows, cause it hurted me too much.
Every time i saw a picture of the man, I would just like to hug him, and tell him how a beautiful soul he has. Yeah, I can't even think about how this man was TORTURED (yes, that's the right word) by the media, and people all over the globe.. It just hurt too much... :(
wow great post!!

I can kinda relate to this as i didnt become a fan until 2004, as i didnt really know who he was, i had heard of him of course, and knew he did billie jean and smooth criminal, but that was about it, then i became a fan in 2004, and yes sorry to say but i didnt really understand the guy until he died, and ive learnt a lot about him in the last 6 months, than i ever did in the 6 years previous

yeah he really was all about LOVE!!!!!!!!!

I love him so much, i think about him all the time.

What hurts the most, is that most people dont know who he truely was.

Jackie xxxx
That was a wonderful story. I hope she joins the community soon.
Wow!! Michael changes lives. I love this! Thank you for sharing.

I somewhat know how she feels. But I never known a world without Michael, and I was a fan but not such great die hard fans as most of you guys are on here. I never got the pleasure to go to any concerts or buy albums let alone Michael's (I did not grow up with much so money had to be used for the necessities). However, we did have the Moonwalker tape and I would watch the hell out of that. Also, the tv premiers of his videos and the superbowl performance, just AWESOME. Michael always gave me hope and inspiration. I learned to dance from him, to believe in the impossible (as my quote says, he was my only glimpse of what pure Magic was), to know that just because I am an adult doesn't mean I have to stop playing and laughing, also, to be more socially aware of the world around me...ie: Man in the Mirror, my goodness.

Each time I saw him on tv, regardless of what it was (accusations, scandals) the first thing that popped out of my mouth was "Ohhh Michael!!" in such awe and delight. I was completely oblivious of the critics and thought to myself that MJ is otherworldly and folks "just don't get him" but I understood his loneliness in a room full of people, yet his passion to help those in need. :(

One thing that was for sure to me is that no matter how hard I tried to think of another performer/artist/entertainer who was/is my absolute favorite, Michael always came to mind and no one else became a close second. I cried something awful when he passed and had no one to share my deep love and interest for this human being...well I say all this to say that I'm glad I googled this forum and am now a member. Thanks, lol. You guys are awesome and I wish I became a member years ago. You guys always lift my spirits with all the threads I read. It feels great to come to a place like this where the majority of people are optimistic, genuine and filled with love, like I said before...MJ lives in all of us.
Wow, I could have practically written this. Her story is SO much like mine. I cried so hard after I came to really "know" him after his death...and part of me was like "Amy why are you crying you don't even really know him!"...but the pain was so strong, I felt such a deep loss...deep in my soul, and I was so overwhelmed and just touched by the love that Michael carried with him in his life...he literally just glowed with it.

It's really amazing, how much he has changed my life since his death. It's amazing to see this change in others too. Oh Michael, we miss you so much.

[sorry long post...I have a lot to say]

I totally agree with you and the writer on this. I'm glad there are others like me who felt the same way and were affected the same way.
He changed my life too. He really did bring love, I'm a much more kinder, caring person now because of him. I smile more and I want to help others. Forgive and think positive. I feel like in way, he brought out the "pure" me. You know, people try to act tough and put up this shield. Well, he brought it down. I appreciate that. No one ever did that before. It was all under the influence of watching him talk and sing. You don't have to meet him to love him. That's one of the most greatest things about humans.

I too was crying and crying til my eyes were sore, til I felt like all the muscles on my face were so worn out when I saw the memorial, and I kept saying to myself "I don't even know the man, why is this happening?" I knew I was crying for his family and the fans who lost him, but I just kept crying and crying. I think about him everyday now and I cry or get close to crying. This is my first time really grieving over anyone. And what a person to lose. I'm sorry for the fans who have been with him for so long. I'm sure it hurts thousands and thousands times more. God, what happened to him, it's such a nightmare. I wished he never felt so alone because he never deserved to feel like that.

I didn't discover him until June 25th either. I always knew of him, I saw Thriller when I was like 12 (my brother showed me, but he wasn't a big fan either), but I thought nothing of it (I KNOW HOW DID I NOT GET AMAZED?! I guess I was too "rocker" to listen). I saw "You Rock My World" on MTV one day and I really liked the song, but I forgot its name and it wasn't played on MTV again. I saw MJ perform with NSYNC at the VMAs and I knew, ok this guy is the "King Of Pop", but I still didn't understand what was going on. I knew some of "Beat It", the red jacket, but it just was a memory. Only on MTV, on the day of his death, when they played all these music videos/short films of Michael's and it made me realize, "oh my god, what have I been missing all these years"?

The media--and I know it's not nice to blame, but honestly, I would have loved his music and the man much earlier if the media was kinder to him. Comedians took him down so much, cheap shots to get laugh. They grew up to this man's music and still hurt him like that? Makes no sense.
It's so weird, I can't even remember what I thought about Michael before his passing. I just knew...he was a weird celebrity....you know, it's horrible, I didn't even think about him as a musician. I didn't know about the Jackson 5, the Jacksons. I heard of ABC, had no clue who sang it. What the hell? I can't believe myself.

Today this makes no sense to me. Why are there so many people who still see this about him? What caused it? I know I have plenty of friends who see what I used to see. I'm baffled, how did we get this far? I believe in the in the end, the true character of a person always shows, no matter how much someone tries to conceal it. Well, how did the media warp his character into something that's the opposite of this true gentle soul? It freaks me out and I cry that damn, people took advantage of this man. He gave so much. I'm so grateful of you, the fans were there for him.

I didn't know about the 1993 trial until I kept learning more about him. I saw the Martin Bashir piece of doo doo when it was on ABC, and I thought nothing of it. I'll admit, I thought..."Michael Jackson is that weird? wow." Seeing it today, it cuts my heart every time.
I don't know how people who aren't fans of his could really live with themselves, thinking like that. I don't know how I lived with this prejudice over him. It's unfair.

Also, to learn about the fact that he has been singing and dancing for most of his life, changes perspective. The man is a genius, like a Classical master painter. and why isn't he as revered as he deserves to be? Today he is, but I fear it might be a trend, "oooh love michael jackson!" I hope his message to heal the world, and be a better person, and to love everyone unconditionally affects our society today. The music speaks for itself. Let it speak for itself. His songs are wonderful and they're not cheesy. That's a gift too because you know it's from the heart and crafted to perfection.

Everything about him is magical. I even got my friend into Michael. She loves him as much as I do. He's so beautiful, it's just beyond comprehension. When he sings, when he dances, when he smiles, laughs, etc (you all know what I mean!) just beyond what one can imagine. Pure joy and all humans love to see joy. To see the joy on his face, oh it's wonderful. I wish more people would see the same. I'm very sad that I missed out on so much, but I'm glad I was able to be in a generation that got to still feel that magic.

He's just so beautiful. Speechless. That's how he makes us all feel. ;)
I hope one day, everyone will feel the same.

He's still underrated. King of Pop is not enough of a title!