Michael or sosie ?

moon is walk

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

since 1988, i ve seen this newspaper who prtetend that Michael came in this hotel (20 km of my house)
Since ever i have doubt about the fact it's really him.
for me it looks like a sosie.
I have worked 1 day for this hotel. the responsable dosn't know who whas Michael (incredible but right !) so he's sure that it was Michael (i explain him thet there were lot of sosie, but he answer that a sosie can't arrived with helicopter ... perhaps right ...

what do you think about it , here is the link :


another foto here :


for information the responsable of the hotel explain me that he had a reservation one day before he arrived at this hotel . and he should'nt inform the press & close the hotel (it's seems to be a Michael's attitude but the foto leave me a doubt)

i hope someone say more about it ?

Thanks in advance
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Michael is taller then the man in that picture!!!!!!!
yes. for me too.
this man looks like William Hall, a Switzerland sosie.
the Guy is sure to received MJ , he's got an autograph this day, but in fact i'm persuade that it was not Michael.
just little doubt because i came with helicopter ... but i don't thing it was really Michael
I almost burst out laughing when I saw the photo. That is soooo not Michael. :lol:
Definately not Michael for sure.
hahhahahahhaha That's not Michael for sure !
omg that's not Michael just like I'm not him...did you see his face??? I mean c'mon :toofunny:
no it's not him, it's just a sosie we can sse it on his face, and he is too big!! he's wearing the Bad jacket, that's all! why Michael would wear a jacket from 1988 on 2010? it's stupid ;)