Michael On Ice?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Has Michael ever danced on ice? Not necessary with skates but with the specially designed shoes..?
Well.. maybe not on ice.. but Michael has tap-danced before.. :mello: That's a specially design kinna shoe.
When I read the title I was instantly imagining this huge MJ "doll-figure" with an oversized MJ mask on... dancing on ice...sort of in a "Disney on Ice" style....and it totally cracked me up!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No idea if MJ has ever been skating before...
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I don't recall ever hearing of Michael "dancing" on ice in a performance but I do recall he and Marlon going ice skating with some of the members of the Brady Bunch back in the early 70's. :D :cheeky:


I don,t know but he does make a lot of the moves in his dancing like the skaters but i,m not sure .
Remember that rumour about him perfroming on ice in switserland or something??? It was right after Vince had came out, early 2002 maybe. He would supposedly introduce a new move on ice or something.... i don't know... something like that.

Anyone else remember that? Or was I dreaming....?
Nice video. That would be so cool to see! I think he could make it still.
i think people got that idea for dancing MJ on ice from watching mo 25. lol..because he looked like he was on ice when he was on that stage..yet he looked well controlled.
Well.. maybe not on ice.. but Michael has tap-danced before.. :mello: That's a specially design kinna shoe.

He tap danced:blink:?!?! i didn't know that he's done that before! is there any video or pictures? LoL:rofl:

Michael Jackson on ice LoL weird pix come to mind lol
Yup MJ does tap dance :yes:

Thanks Laurenjayne for this video!!:D He tap Dances good too.
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I don't recall ever hearing of Michael "dancing" on ice in a performance but I do recall he and Marlon going ice skating with some of the members of the Brady Bunch back in the early 70's. :D :cheeky:



I've never heard about this,did he really go ice skating with them??
I've never heard about this,did he really go ice skating with them??
:yes: Yes. There was a big article about it in "16 Magazine" way back then. It showed pictures of them carrying their skates over their shoulders and everything.

I'd love to see him ice skating in his music video someday. He could make a video in Lapland of Norway for example or in Finland. Or in Iceland! With Björk! lol

I know but it's so long time ago. I mean he could make a modern video with all the special fx and stuff. Like a short film about Yeti.

In it Michael could be practicing slalom with his girlfriend. Then he would become frustrating because it's hard to learn and Michael starts to play snow fight and then build a snowman. Then it comes night and they go to sleep in a tent. When they have fallen in sleep, then suddenly "the snowman transforms to Yeti", wakes them up and goes after them trying to eat them. All the watchers would thought they are dreaming but in the end they find out it was a friend of them wearing a Yeti suit, who sneaked up there to have a joke. For example Chris Tucker playing that friend.

That would be fun! The song could be called "Abominable Snowman". lol
i remember a picture of him from the Bad tour when he was holding in his hand ice skating shoes, but i guess he just received it somewhere as a present from some team because they were those professional hoky shoes. i am wondering if he ever tried them.lool
It would be nice to see him on ice:yes:

Michael could maybe have a part in "Peter Pan on Ice" Musical. We recently had that show here.

Ohhh...and i haven`t given up yet the hope for seeing the pictures of him snowboarding...Raymone promised it um..like 4 yrs ago :lol:
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^^^wow, it was really amazing!!!! :eek: They are soo fast!!!! OMG!