Michael Mentioned with the Greats…


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Unites States
I have met five British Prime Ministers, two American Presidents, Nelson Mandela, Michael Jackson and the Queen.

This is a small article about the launch of the iPad and Steve Jobs' Career, but I thought it was interesting what the author wrote at the beginning. Including Michael in a list of great leaders is quite the compliment. That is something you wouldn't see with other entertainers…
Thanx for sharing! Your right, Michael is a giant step ahead of other entertainers, he is a historic figure. Michael Jackson is the biggest pop culture figure in history!
this is really interesting.

I think its a pity that Michael didnt meet the other great figures in society and history, and was so isolated.
^ What do you mean? lol

Michael has meet and was friends with Nelson Mandela, he had meet several Presidents from all over the world, was honored by some and was again friends with some, eg: Clinton. He meet Royalty and was friends with Princess Diana so I'm a little confused by your statement.
Just compare Bono, or Angelina Jolie and Michael.
It was/is about agenda or PR or humanitarian efforts.
As a long time Apple user and general Mac enthusiast, I have a massive amount of time for Steve Jobs and thank the original poster for the link to the Time article, which I have been wanting to read since hearing about it last week. The author is this piece is actually the UK's very own Stephen Fry, just in case you wondered who it was.

Ironically, we almost lost Steve in 2009 too, after the cancer in his pancreas (a rare curable form) metastasised in his kidney. The operation to replace the kidney was reportedly touch and go whether his body would accept it, and thankfully he is on the mend.

Losing Michael was bad enough, but losing both him and Steve in the one year would have been a bit of a blow to me personally.

A good read though, thanks again for posting.
I love Stephen Fry and the fact that he mentioned Michael's name (I didn't even know he met him!) amongst important figures in history emphasises the HUGE impact Michael had on the world.