Michael & Marilyn ; was he a fan???


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
As a M&M fan, I can't help but to notice the parallels in M&M's career and life & in Michael's: The media trashed M&M, Marilyn had no father figure (Although Michael did have a father figure but wasn't too close) she had very little friends, had trust issues, insecurities, then of course her problem with pills / alcohol.

I think Liz Taylor I could be wrong, but Liz worked with her on a picture. Maybe I'm wrong.

Was Michael a fan of Marilyn Monroe? Did he ever talk about her / her life?? Did Michael have any art /pictures of hers??

in Tabloid Junkie he says "heroin and Marilyn"
erm.. I think he says in the Oxford Speech from 2001 that he wonders what their work would be like if they had lived.. i am really not too sure about that now though. sorry!
I was hoping I'd be the first to post the Tabloid Junkie reference!! :lol: And the "she's blonde and she's bisexual" part refers to her as well, not Madonna as it was rumoured.
As far as I can remember Aphrodite Jones mentioned him having a framed photograph of Marilyn next to his bed in Neverland.

I found it. Well, actually he is not the one holding the picture but at least two of them are in the same pic. I also love M.M. very much. She was the most gorgeous women in the world for me.
I don't know, what's her talent? I know MJ admires people with extraordinary talent.

she may not have been the best actress but maybe Michael had sympathy for her. He had sympathy for alot of ppl and M&M was one of them. - NOT for her "talent" or lack of.
Marilyn was actually a very misunderstood woman. She was a super intelligent person. High IQ, well read. But in films she played dumb because those were the roles that she was offered. She had to pay her bills and rent so she pretty much had no choice in the matter.

Arthur Miller (her ex husband and legendary author) said she was one of the smartest people he had ever encountered in his life and was devasted when she died.

Like Michael, they had a witch hunt on Marilyn. I can see why he liked her.
I think there where many things that were misunderstood about Monroe. She was living in a time, when a strong independent woman aware of her power over men (;D) was not exactly welcome.
MM was regularly dragged through the mud, same with MJ. MJ fought similar battles against prejudice "why does he look like a white woman?" (I swear, I'm not making that up, people just looooooooooove black and white gender stereotypes, any deviation from the "norm" upsets certain folks).

I personally figured that if an Arthur Miller loved her, there must have been a lot more to her than the broad public ever knew.
And it's the same with MJ. What does the public think of? Fedora, glove, Thriller and rumors. Maybe he identified with her as a public figure who got misaligned, misunderstood and dragged through the mud. Just venturing a guess.
MJ himself got described a book worm with a vast library- most people only heard about Bubbles.
Monroe seems to be a somewhat similar, misunderstood character.
As I said, theres more to M&M; not because she was this 'great actress.' And p.s. everyone, I am looking for a good bio on her that details her death as well. I have heard so much about her death: the enema, the housecleaner washing the sheets that night around the time Marilyn was found, the drugs in her blood and then actually no drugs were found but an empty bottle was found.... I have asked someone else here afew weeks ago, please forgive me I do not remember the names. I am still looking at amazon.com & infact I have both of the books that were mentioned to me in that PM (thank you) on my amazon wish list. Anyone else here know of a good bio that will say definate what was found on the scene, why house-maid was washing sheets...etc. ?
awww Marilyn Monroe is beautiful lady. I would assume Michael would have liked her because he enjoyed the classical movies. Theres actually a big Marilyn fan on the board. I think her sn name is MarilynMonroe. Maybe you can talk to her?
in the book ":heart:Michael Jackson's's tapes" He mentions her name.

Yes,there is a picture of Michael holding her portrait...I just have to find it...
u sure its her? i think it's lisa. There is a pic of her made up as Marilyn Monroe. and i have seen that pic in :heart:Michael's room back when police raid in his ranch.
in the book ":heart:Michael Jackson's's tapes" He mentions her name.

u sure its her? i think it's lisa. There is a pic of her made up as Marilyn Monroe. and i have seen that pic in :heart:Michael's room back when police raid in his ranch.

I am 100% sure it"s M.M. I have the same portrait of her in my room.:D
Yes...some people even these days say she was "A stupid blonde".omg .
The truth is they were offering her only that kind of roles to play and when she said that she would like to act something else they almost fired her.She was missunderstood and treated badly. Just like Michael in some ways...:(
She just had that special something...sweet and honest.
I would assume Michael would have liked her because he enjoyed the classical movies.

I would think this. :) as well as he could probably relate to her being misunderstood perhaps. Surely he must of talked about her maybe? Quotes around somewhere?

zpredra5 - I love your siggie :wub:
The truth is they were offering her only that kind of roles to play and when she said that she would like to act something else they almost fired her.She was missunderstood and treated badly. Just like Michael in some ways...:(
She just had that special something...sweet and honest.

I agree!! I love Marilyn Monroe!!
OMG..Nice thread.. im big fan both of them :)
And marilyn is a beautiful woman.. Her personality reminds me of michael ..She loves children too, and want one so much.. sad she never got children :( and she had a hard life.
interesting thread. She was very very pretty! I have a posters of her and Audrey Hepburn in my room....funny how I've never heard of him meeting Audrey Hepburn-or anything about the two of them together
yea she had a hard life! on the set of Some Like It Hot, she had at least 2 miscarriages.
interesting thread. She was very very pretty! I have a posters of her and Audrey Hepburn in my room....funny how I've never heard of him meeting Audrey Hepburn-or anything about the two of them together

I have posters of those two in my room as well lol I thought I was the only one.
yea she had a hard life! on the set of Some Like It Hot, she had at least 2 miscarriages.

I read somewhere she had endometriosis, Poor thing! That is a painful, horrible condition to have. I can relate all too well :(
I have her poster in my room and I like her as an actress.

I read Michael was going to buy some rare books with her photographs in.
I read somewhere she had endometriosis, Poor thing! That is a painful, horrible condition to have. I can relate all too well :(
I know she had a scar on her belly (I think the surgery was the removal of the appendix :unsure:). There is a picture shoot she did in that you can see that scar.

love this dress!!! When she visited the troops.

She was so beautiful and charming. God, I always remember her singing "Happy Birthday to you" to President Kennedy. :wild: lol! She was stunning that day.
I know she had a scar on her belly (I think the surgery was the removal of the appendix :unsure:). There is a picture shoot she did in that you can see that scar.

She was so beautiful and charming. God, I always remember her singing "Happy Birthday to you" to President Kennedy. :wild: lol! She was stunning that day.

^^ I have that on a cd. The announcer introduced her as "the late Marilyn Monroe" because she arrived ....late. lol. & she was on something , had afew drinks prior.