Michael loved Sushi :)


Proud Member
Mar 11, 2009
Just came across this and it made me smile since I'm a sushi addict :) Hope it makes you smile too :)

Sushi Lover, Michael Jackson
- King of Pop sings SAKURA at Restaurant Nippon


"Michael loved Sushi" says Mr. Nobuyoshi Kuraoka, the owner of the Restaurant Nippon.

According to him, Michael Jackson ordered Sushi almost everyday during his New York recording session in 1995.

Mr. Kuraoka vividly recalls the first time he received a take out order from the King of Pop himself calling from his van in transit. "I'll be there in 7 minutes and would like to order Toro, Salmon and Tuna rolls, please." Mr. Kuraoka had to request him to allow his staff at least 15 minutes for the next time. From the next day on, just as requested, Michael called exactly 15 minutes prior to his van's arrival at the restaurant. He always waved from inside of the van while his assistant came out to pick up the order.


There's more here http://www.restaurantnippon.com/nippon/mj.pdf but I can't copy and paste.
mm It is delicious. I make it sometimes but it's always better when someone else does (and it's fresh). Thanks for sharing this.
I thought that Michael liking sushi was a well know fact. lol

Personally, Can't stand the stuff. :puke:
haha i always hated sushi until i tried this new place last week. guess i have more reason to like it now!
oh yeah, sushi = yum! I agree with Michael here :clapping:

I know that video where he's eating sushi. yum yum yum :wild:

NO "ED" -

:heart:Michael LOVES Sushi.

how you He doesn't now?!!​

No disrespect, but your posts are really starting to get on my nerves. He's DEAD. He died of cardiac arrest on June 25th 2009. The world has dealt with it, now so should you.

oh and ewwwww sushi's grosssss
I dont really like sushi except the tuna. Michael has great taste..tuna nice ^^ I'm more into other Japanese dishes like tempura,yakitori,chuka idako,etc as they are more tasty. But sushi is good for health.
omg thanks for putting a smile on my face!! i love sushi its my fav food and its so good to know that he loves it too!! i love reading stories about MJ that show me more about the kind of person he is. It just makes him that much more perfect to me. I love him! :heart:
I remember trying Sushi just for Michael's sake. :lol:It was terrible! I didn't eat one complete single one.