Michael loved animals


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0z0biZHXnWA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Isn´t he beautiful?
Michael truly cared for the living, humans, animals, all that lives he cared for. Some awesome pictures in there too, i always thought the photo of him with that giant spider was not real, but it definitely is.
I always admired how he was so much at ease with animals, even the most exotic ones, whereas I'm scared of every living creature that isn't a human, birds, dogs, snails, snakes, hamsters, grogs, rats, mice, pigeons, etc I'm scared of all of them.
Those animals must have been really honered to have met him
They say animals can feel if a person is genuine or not, if a person has the right intentions. You can see how at ease and relaxed all these animals are towards him. It's just another sign of the many that he was incredibly genuine.
I love this ;
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HJtluuZCMK0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Michael´s bodyguards told a story :

Michael and his children caught a cockroach in the Las Vegas house.He couldn´t go out for safety reason so he told the guards to release it outdoors.
I think it was 2008.
MIST;3578047 said:
I love this ;
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HJtluuZCMK0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Michael´s bodyguards told a story :

Michael and his children caught a cockroach in the Las Vegas house.He couldn´t go out for safety reason so he told the guards to release it outdoors.
I think it was 2008.

Yes. :wub: I also do it here at home. :blushing: I have no courage to kill. :no:
Michael + Horses = love. I have always loved horses. Michael looks so regal when he's on or next to a horse.
How do people here feel about Michael having a chimp as a pet, dressing it in human clothes, having it attempt tricks and having it out of the wild? It's my one of very few troubles with MJ? How do you all feel about it?
I dont think people should have chimps as pets. But back when Michael had Bubbles it was more common. I believe he got Bubbles from a research lab so i think he gave him a way better life than he would have otherwise. Also Michael organized a fund raiser "tea party" with Bubbles and other chimps to benifit one of Jane Goodall's chimp foundations. I believe she even attended.
Animals can certainly sense a kindred soul. From the old Jackson Five publicity photos taken at their home, it's apparent that the family dog, Lobo, adored Michael and followed him around.


This is just one photo, but I've seen plenty like it.

I've also read that a wild Blue Jay used to fly straight into Michael's hand to feed. So yes, animals definetely know who to trust.
Animals can certainly sense a kindred soul. From the old Jackson Five publicity photos taken at their home, it's apparent that the family dog, Lobo, adored Michael and followed him around.


This is just one photo, but I've seen plenty like it.

I've also read that a wild Blue Jay used to fly straight into Michael's hand to feed. So yes, animals definetely know who to trust.

Camel;3580289 said:
How do people here feel about Michael having a chimp as a pet, dressing it in human clothes, having it attempt tricks and having it out of the wild? It's my one of very few troubles with MJ? How do you all feel about it?
I don´t like if anyone have exotic animals,pet chimps whatever,it´s bad for the animals.
But I think Michael´s animals had a much better life in Neverland than other exotic animals with private owners.
When Michael got Bubbles there were so many things we didn´t know about animals behavior,what was good and bad for them.

The world have learned a lot about wild animals since then,and I think Michael learned too.
At least I think Michael wouldn´t have bought another pet chimp if he had a chance.
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Michael definetly loved animals :ciao: he said that he thinks that his love for animals came from his father :unsure: i think it was the Oprah Winfrey Interview
Thanks for the lovely video Mike looks so happy he really loved animals and people. He was a
beautiful soul Michael.
How do people here feel about Michael having a chimp as a pet, dressing it in human clothes, having it attempt tricks and having it out of the wild? It's my one of very few troubles with MJ? How do you all feel about it?

Bubbles came from a research lab. If Michael had not have adopted him, his life would have ended up being used in experimental research. I think the alternative as being Michael's pet, was a much better life for Bubbles, don't you think?

But I do agree that it's best chimps be left out in the wild. That's where they belong. But I have no problems whatsoever with Michael taking Bubbles in because his life would have been horrible without Michael.
Jane Goodall also spoke against that, she didn't like it and then contacted Michael about it. I'm not sure but i think she visited Neverland and saw what an amazing new life Bubbles had gotten and simply couldn't complain about it anymore. From there on, i believe she was a supporter of MJ all the way in terms of that. What was the reason MJ eventually brought Bubbles to a zoo, though? I'm sure it was a very wise decision cause at the end of the day, they really are not pets and can be quite dangerous too. It wouldn't surprise me if the latter is the case.

And i also recall that stupid PETA going against MJ, because apparently he had 'abandoned and abused' his animals in Neverland.