Michael, Living Forever, and Cryonics.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael has stated many times, on film, and interviews that he wanted to 'live forever on earth'. He stated this on the "living with michael jackson" doc. He also stated taht in the event of his death he would like to use Cryonics. Why wasn't this immediately put into place after his death? Did he not complete the arrangements with Alcor?

New science have come along recently showing that cells can survive longer than thought. IN fact there is believed to be upto a 48 hour window. Plus Michael would have been put into very low temperature before the autopsy.

I have friends, and other from Alcor trying to contact the family to see if they would wish to have this done but so far I've heard there has been no reply. I suspect it's almost impossible to reach the family, or manager.

On personal note. I'm extremely sad about what has happened. I've almost 25 now and listened to michael on my record player when I was around 4 or 5. I lsitened to his music everyday, i watched many dvds and videos about him. He was such a wonderful person. Not just his music, but I miss him as a person.

Everytime I hear a MJ song now I feel like crying :( I have cried many times today and didn't sleep last night. I had no idea I could feel this way if something happened. I hop you're all holding up okay.
I dunno about all that but I have a feeling it was maybe just one fantasy that Michael didn't act upon. Truthfully, I hope nothing like that happens, it would be too haunting for me.
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