Michael kissed me last night...

*Billie Jean*

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In Heaven with Michael
I've been dreaming of Michael almost every night. But nothing beats last night...I can't remember the details, what was said, etc.

The only thing I can remember was the kiss!

Okay, it was just a dream...But, he kissed me on the lips!!! :wub:
I've had MJ dreams too, me being a guy I don't really dream about him kissing me :p.
The best one was the FULL AND COMPLETED This Is It Concert. There was light man, full costume, all the songs all the dancing and air MJ, I was in the crowd around about where I would have been in B3 Row V.
All I can say is it was AMAZING and I was so sad when I woke up :(
That is so nice to hear Billie Jean. Michael had kissed me many, many times in the dreams that I had of him over the years. Those kisses were very, very nice. But they weren't anything like the dreams I had of him where we did some very intense love making. And a couple of them Michael got me pregnant with our love child. I am not kidding you either. I had so many dreams of Michael over the years. But sadly a lot of them I can never really post on here because it was always XXX rated. Especially the best dream I ever had of Michael making love to me. I had that dream probably 10 years ago. And OMG Michael was so very good to me in that dream. If you know what I mean.
I've had MJ dreams too, me being a guy I don't really dream about him kissing me :p.
The best one was the FULL AND COMPLETED This Is It Concert. There was light man, full costume, all the songs all the dancing and air MJ, I was in the crowd around about where I would have been in B3 Row V.
All I can say is it was AMAZING and I was so sad when I woke up :(
Aw, I know how you feel. :hug:I have a lot of dreams of Michael, most of them are day-dreams. :happy: I love dreaming about him. Makes me think that he's happy up there. Especially when I have dreams about him running around, with water guns, smiling that beautiful happy smile. That just makes me want to get up and face the day. A few nights ago I dreamed Michael was rehearsing for his This Is It concerts and I was the only person there watching. I seemed to be standing on top of a balcony of some kind and I saw Michael performing but everything was mute but I knew in my heart what he was singing, I had this intense feeling be was singing I Just Can't Stop Loving You. Anyway I looked at Michael performing even though I couldn't hear anything and Michael spotted me up on the balcony area, and I remember him just looking at me, NEVER taking his eyes off me, and he was pointing at me, dunno why, but he was just smiling and singing and just wouldn't stop looking at me, and I was doing the same, like our eyes were locked onto each other constently. And then I woke up. :boohoo:
Aw how sweet! I've only hugged Michael in my dreams. I have yet to get a little (angel) kiss. :wub:
Yes, it was a very nice, wholesome kiss (like what they did in the 50s, 60s). Nothing torrid or horrid. But it lasted awhile.

...it's a kiss typical of the gentle, kind, giving Michael we love.

PS: I wish I could get a part 2 tonight...
Awh lovely :) I've never had a kiss, just a hug but it felt so real...like feeling his hand on my back.
Aw how sweet! I've only hugged Michael in my dreams. I have yet to get a little (angel) kiss. :wub:

Awh lovely :) I've never had a kiss, just a hug but it felt so real...like feeling his hand on my back.

Were you thinking of Michael? With eyes closed, I was saying my night prayers last night in bed specifically for him and when I opened my eyes, tears just started rolling.

I didn't even realize that I was crying.

I guess that's why he kissed me in my dream. He wanted to comfort me and tell me that everything is alright. :weeping:
I've also had a super hot dream about him. I was making love to him. Actually, he was making love to me.. :blushing:

i had one of those too. Actually twice. But when i wake up i feel so embarrased (but happy) I hide my face in the pillow and say out loud "what's wrong with me!" But I didn't do anything, he always does all the work :lol:
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Were you thinking of Michael? With eyes closed, I was saying my night prayers last night in bed specifically for him and when I opened my eyes, tears just started rolling.

I didn't even realize that I was crying.

I guess that's why he kissed me in my dream. He wanted to comfort me and tell me that everything is alright. :weeping:

:cry: Awhh

I think it just happened.. I have my dreams written down with dates in a book, so I can check back when it was, I don't think it was long after june 25th....

I need a hug from him again now :cry:
i had one of those too. Actually twice. But when i wake up i feel so embarrased (but happy) I hide my face in the pillow and say out loud "what's wrong with me!" But I didn't do anything, he always do all the work :lol:
I feel embarrased too. :blush: Michael is a very desirable man. He is beautiful inside and out. He is the whole package. He looked incredible when he annouced his "This is it" concerts. He put other men to shame without even trying. It is sad to say, but men like Michael just don't exist these days. It's like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. God bless and keep him close. Love Michael forever. :heart:

:cry: Awhh

I think it just happened.. I have my dreams written down with dates in a book, so I can check back when it was, I don't think it was long after june 25th....

I need a hug from him again now :cry:
I was thinking of doing that. It might be helpful to just keep a journal during this time. To write one's thoughts, poems, etc.

I hope you'll meet Michael in your dreams and he will give you a hug. :huggy:
I wrote a poem and I'll share with y'all:

In this way that we kiss

Your eyes are closed, still.
I feel your skin on my cheek.
It's so warm, and soft,
and it fills a part of me.

Your lips move with mine,
and mine move with yours.
I inhale, and you inhale,
as though it's too good.

My hands are on your shoulders,
and I pull you closer.
Your arms slip under mine,
you pull me to you.

I can feel my heart beating,
strongly within my chest.
With every beat that comes,
I get deeper into the moment.

I bite your lip and you moan,
and I hear tiny bells inside me.
Your fingers begin to dig,
and your breaths become sharper.

I move my hand to your neck,
and pull you back for a moment.
This is almost too much for me,
I shudder through a breath.

Your eyes are closed, still.
I feel your breath on my lips.
Only you can do this to me,
in this way that we kiss.

omg..haha.. I giggled a lot because when reading this thread. That's very good Billie Jean. I'm very happy for you. A dream is always better than reading a fictional. Michael is LOVE ^^ and you really really deserved all the kisses and sweet moments with Michael :huggy: I know Michael's gonna visit you and you'll get the 2nd part,dear :huggy:

I got a dream of something similar too. But it was back in Dec last year. Michael visited me so suddenly. Actually, to tell the truth, I was so busy with my school assignments and stuff after few months of Michael's passing, my love for him like decreased a tiny bit. But then, Michael came to my dream of all sudden and he..well.. those..with me :blush: No idea why as Michael just bumped to my room. I didnt really think much of Michael that month as I was worrying my exam and assignments :( After the dream, I woke up and my heart was beating so fast. I started to fall in love with Micheal and not just like him. From that day onwards, my heart keeps beating fast for him whenever I saw him on tv,videos,etc. My life changed too. I feel more connected to Michael tool. I would spend some time during night just to listen to his songs and looking at the moon and stars. I love him more than my boyfriend..omg. I dont know how now.. but I wont break my boyfriend's heart. I told him that Michael was the only person I love and you(my boyfriend) also, you shared a place with him. But actually I placed Michael in a bigger portion of my heart.
Were you thinking of Michael? With eyes closed, I was saying my night prayers last night in bed specifically for him and when I opened my eyes, tears just started rolling.

I didn't even realize that I was crying.

I guess that's why he kissed me in my dream. He wanted to comfort me and tell me that everything is alright. :weeping:

Mine was like that.

I was reading the "Concert Experiences" thread crying my eyes out. I just thought to myself why couldn't I have seen him live, and I think the dream was a gift because it just felt so real and the show was AMAZING !!
How lovely :wub:
I've only had one dream about a kiss...but it was an almost-kiss. We were getting ready to when I realized I had to go brush my teeth. :lol: :doh: Come back Michael! I'll be ready next time!
Lucky. I wish I could have a dream like that. Whenever Michael shows up in my dreams it makes me really happy. :wub: I wish I could dream about him every night.
I feel embarrased too. :blush: Michael is a very desirable man. He is beautiful inside and out. He is the whole package. He looked incredible when he annouced his "This is it" concerts. He put other men to shame without even trying. It is sad to say, but men like Michael just don't exist these days. It's like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. God bless and keep him close. Love Michael forever. :heart:

I was thinking of doing that. It might be helpful to just keep a journal during this time. To write one's thoughts, poems, etc.

I hope you'll meet Michael in your dreams and he will give you a hug. :huggy:

Thank you, I need a good Michael dream :)

What I highlighted in bold - very true. He has qualities that I admire so much and would like to find in a guy but no guy I ever meet is anything like that.

Yeh I started writing down my dreams at the beginning of 2009, something interesting to look back on I think. Plus, if its a good dream I don't want to forget it.

I wrote a poem and I'll share with y'all:

In this way that we kiss

Your eyes are closed, still.
I feel your skin on my cheek.
It's so warm, and soft,
and it fills a part of me.

Your lips move with mine,
and mine move with yours.
I inhale, and you inhale,
as though it's too good.

My hands are on your shoulders,
and I pull you closer.
Your arms slip under mine,
you pull me to you.

I can feel my heart beating,
strongly within my chest.
With every beat that comes,
I get deeper into the moment.

I bite your lip and you moan,
and I hear tiny bells inside me.
Your fingers begin to dig,
and your breaths become sharper.

I move my hand to your neck,
and pull you back for a moment.
This is almost too much for me,
I shudder through a breath.

Your eyes are closed, still.
I feel your breath on my lips.
Only you can do this to me,
in this way that we kiss.


:heart: Another great poem.

Lucky. I wish I could have a dream like that. Whenever Michael shows up in my dreams it makes me really happy. :wub: I wish I could dream about him every night.

Yep I :heart: dreaming about Michael, when its good of course.

Maybe I'll go find my book and share some Michael dreams.
Michael will visit your dreams...just be open to it. It WILL happen. :heart:

((hugs to all of you))
omg..haha.. I giggled a lot because when reading this thread. That's very good Billie Jean. I'm very happy for you. A dream is always better than reading a fictional. Michael is LOVE ^^ and you really really deserved all the kisses and sweet moments with Michael :huggy: I know Michael's gonna visit you and you'll get the 2nd part,dear :huggy:

Aw, you are so sweet. Thanks :huggy:
Mine was like that.

I was reading the "Concert Experiences" thread crying my eyes out. I just thought to myself why couldn't I have seen him live, and I think the dream was a gift because it just felt so real and the show was AMAZING !!
Aww :cry: :hug:

I'm so grateful to have seen him in concert when I was a little girl - a special moment in my life I will never ever forget.

:heart: Another great poem.

Thank you. :flowers: