Michael Joseph Jackson Is Dead (So Leave Him Be) ALEXANDER HARDY SAYS THE KING OF POP CAN'T BE DUPLI

Anyone and anything can be duplicated. This hologram was simply not what it could have been.

Sorry but I disagree. There will only ever be one Michael Jackson. No fancy special effect will ever duplicate him
You can only duplicate a presence of a performer. Not the drive, passion, dedication, blood sweat and tears in the studio and on the stage. The innovation and genius that most of us can only wonder at and most of all his heart and soul. His humanity. That all passed with Michael.
Duplicate Post. Sorry, computer problems.
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Ebony can kick rocks (I can't post what I REALLY want to say)! This is the biggest load of bovine excrement I've read in a long time. I can understand and respect that some people didn't like the Mike illusion, but to go off the deep end and suggest that Michael's legacy should be "left alone", i.e. die with him is stupid as F*CK.

Mike knew he wasn't going to live forever (none of us are), but he certainly didn't want his music/dance/artistry to die with him and he went to great lengths to make sure that it wouldn't (re-hiring Branca and McClain to run his estate and excluding his family's access to it).

People don't have a problem with the estates of other dead artists to continue on and generate revenue, so why should it be any different for Michael Jackson? :wtf:
^^^ I sooo agree. I follow Ebony on Facebook and saw that they posted this. I didn't even bother to read it because I think it's total bull.
I know it's a very one-sided article, just thought I would share it. Also sorry for messing up the title...
Article pretty much sums up how i feel. Have not purchase xscape. Recorded the billboard awards,just can't bring myself to watch.
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Sorry but I disagree. There will only ever be one Michael Jackson. No fancy special effect will ever duplicate him

Well the fact is it can. Yes there will be one MJ and there will always also been one of everyone... what is your point? Digital technology can duplicate anything this 'virtual michael' was simply terrible in comparison to what it potentially could have been.
Well the fact is it can. Yes there will be one MJ and there will always also been one of everyone... what is your point? Digital technology can duplicate anything this 'virtual michael' was simply terrible in comparison to what it potentially could have been.

Does virtual Michael have the heart, the blood, sweat, the passion that the real Michael has? No
Does virtual Michael have the heart, the blood, sweat, the passion that the real Michael has? No

Of course not. And it's not meant to - it just is what it is, an illusion, an essence of a man.
Does virtual Michael have the heart, the blood, sweat, the passion that the real Michael has? No

...Obviously not because it is a digital duplication. When I say it will be able to duplicate Michael I mean visually for an audience with dance moves which is what the STTR 'virtual michael' did but to a poor standard.
I agree with the article for the most part but I don't think the issue needs to be divisive. It may simply have to come down to how the Estate markets future projects.

I don't think the Estate should market the music as new MJ music (if indeed that is what they have done). It is not new in the traditional sense of the word and its largely people's interpretation of and experimentation with Michael's music. Which is fine. But call it what it is. (Although why we thought it would have been Michael is beyond me. How likely is it that there would have footage of Michael performing a song that he never released as a single?)

Same with the hologram - it was not Michael but a representation/interpretation of him. Which is also fine, if you state that upfront.

As a fan, I am not interested in people's interpretation of Michael's music. At some point I may be, but not right now. And I will gladly support a release of demos (raw and unfinished) with accompanying notes/interviews that talk about the process, and that put the music in a proper context, adding gravitas to Michael's legacy as an artist.

I do not agree that we need to leave Michael's work alone. His estate has to make money - that's their job. In order to do that they do have to find new and innovative ways to connect with casual fans and the general public (especially that prized demographic of buyers). With that innovation and exposure Michael's very lucrative brand could diminish. And no matter what people say about Michael is brand STILL brings in big money. The Estate just needs to get the balance right. No doubt this will trial and error for a few years to come.

But you know, I say all that to say - that hologram has hit home because what it was lacking showed us what we are all missing - the power, the energy, the magic of Michael on stage. We miss it. Casual fans miss it. Even some critics miss it. That man had something indefinable and unrepeatable. No-one performing today has that. We all miss the feeling of anticipation of a new video or performance or feeling of elation and excitement afterwards (just like the article said). It is most poignant now, approaching the 5th anniversary of his death.

The entertainment needs someone for whom we can all focus our attention and say with awe "this is proof that we can be and do so much more!"

At least, that's what I think. LOL.