Michael Jackson's Wax Figure Heads to D.C.


Premium Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just ran across this! Any DC/MD/VA fans know if the Wax figure is still there? and for how long?

Here is the link the article and there was also a comment a poster made; I found to be interesting. I will post it here but please click on the link for the article: http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=112460663784&h=fcd9H&u=RCPuR&ref=mf

The Comment:

Death Of Michael Jackson, A Religious Event?

By: Jordan C. Fan, Prophet of Environment

(I am an excellent obituary writer because I am clairvoyant. My Messages could come from the spiritual world.)

After reading this article many of you should agree that this is a fair judgement and remembrance of him. Some people would like to make the death of Michael Jackson a religious event although I, Myself, may or may not be one o those people. I have no doubt that many people would like to make him their god or goddess. I think the term "god or goddess" could be appropriate because Michael Jackson himself may prefer not to identify himself as male or female but a child living in a "Neverland" who would never grow up and never has the needs to have sex. That will exclude him as being "transexual" which some people have wrongfully accused him to be.

The reason why Michael Jackson was so fond of Elizabeth Taylor was because he wanted tailors to make him clothes that will fit for the "Kings" and Queen of England. This is what made him the "King of Pops."

Sadly, Michael Jackson as a likable and non-aggressive person was caught inside a totally violence and unforgiving society -- The United States of America. This society due to greed have to force him to face the harsh reality of adulthood that Michael would utterly deny. Furthermore, he was trapped in an unresolvable Black and White American racial conflict that White disapproved of him as Black and Black accused him of being too White. While Barack Obama has exploited his status as a person who is both Black and White for personal gain, Michael Jackson wanted to be a cool musician who was neither Black nor White for the good of the world.

Michael Jackson should be more than "cool" but very cold by now. In a way, Jackson may also be an Environmental advocate which everyone of you should also be. It is also ironic that both Farrah Fa(u)cet and Mi(cold) Jackson were gone from Los Angeles on the same day. It is My Revelation that Los Angeles and the rest of California even the entire the United States will be extremely hot and dry now to the point of un-inhabitable. It is not only due to Global Warming but also due to their departures.

We should not measure the wealth of a planet by its cash flow. Rather, it should be based on its cultural and artistic heritages. When people of great talents were gone, our world will become much poorer. From now on there will not be any More Michael & Microphone.

Simply because some people don't want some disasters to happen, it doesn't mean that they will not happen. There are theology that some people wish they are not true but it doesn't mean they are not the truth. Those things you people have dreamt up are only your unproven hopes and empty wishes which will never become a reality. Stop wasting My time and those of the Environment. Being skeptics will only accelerate the demise of this planet and its population.

Another comment: I went there today and saw the figure and it brought tears to my eyes when i saw him. It was like I really met the king of pop. I'm just glad i went today with my family and met some fans of his to pay my respects and to honor him I also signed the book to give my condolences to the family if they get the book. Today was a good day I met my Idol.
They should make a statue of mike and put it there!! The guy is a legend!