Michael Jackson's Wallet Finally Gets a Break


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
There is ONE person on Earth who claims Michael Jackson doesn't owe her money -- even though she's in a prime position to cash in.

TMZ has learned a woman named Dr. Susan Etok claims she was wrongly added to the ridiculously long list of potential creditors who may have been stiffed by the King of Pop.

Etok -- a friend of Jackson's who lives in England -- claims she has no idea why she's on the list, which was submitted in L.A. County Superior Court last week.

We're told Etok has already contacted the executors of Jackson's estate, informing them that she has no claim on *****'s dinero.

Team Jackson's response -- "Thank you."

Etok -- a friend of Jackson's who lives in England -- claims she has no idea why she's on the list, which was submitted in L.A. County Superior Court last week.

Now that's what I call decency. But how can this be?? Is just that simple to ask money from Michael? You just pick up a name and add it to a list and done?

As I recall this woman never did any work for him. She claimed she was his friend and he wanted her to have his baby. She also claimed he wanted her to get propofol for him. She's an anomaly for sure.

Looks like the estate is trying to clear all of his debts and is running through the list of people they knew had business dealings with Michael so they can start paying what is owed. The judge did tell them, he wanted to see the bills taken care of, so they are being proactive.
There is ONE person on Earth who claims Michael Jackson doesn't owe her money -- even though she's in a prime position to cash in.

TMZ has learned a woman named Dr. Susan Etok claims she was wrongly added to the ridiculously long list of potential creditors who may have been stiffed by the King of Pop.

Etok -- a friend of Jackson's who lives in England -- claims she has no idea why she's on the list, which was submitted in L.A. County Superior Court last week.

We're told Etok has already contacted the executors of Jackson's estate, informing them that she has no claim on *****'s dinero.

Team Jackson's response -- "Thank you."


interesting how even tmz begins with the statement..'there is ONE person ON EARTH'...lol

indeed, even a media outsider(at least, in knee jerk fashion)(perhaps unconsciously) gets the absurdity of the many claims, and the obviousness of the vast envy of Michael...even after June 25.
wow if this story is true..this is big for Etok....She is trying to make people believe that Michael asked her to have his baby...:lmao:...this is laughable by itself...IMHO
i couldn't help and had a laugh at the name of this thread for a min. It's shocking with the amount of folk who are always hanging about looking for money from MJ. But does she really don't any??? we will see in a few months if she changes her mind.
wow if this story is true..this is big for Etok....She is trying to make people believe that Michael asked her to have his baby...:lmao:...this is laughable by itself...IMHO
This is not new, there had been reports about this before ...