Then the moment we were all there for, GHOSTS!!! Seeing it on the big screen was so much better! I was taking in every detail, not that I haven’t watched this for two decades already, but I wanted to savour the experience. As expected, we were cheering Michael on when it came to 2Bad, one of his best routines ever! Taking a scan around the room, you could see there were people who had not seen Ghosts before and they were clearly impressed! That’s our Michael! – This is what it’s about and this is why Ghosts needs a public release on DVD, although I hear there are apparently issues with the Kingdom setup as to why they can’t.
Following the credits, the screen went blue instructing us to put on the 3D glasses, naturally we mimicked the beginning of 2000 Watts.. “You may now apply, you 3D glass-es….as we prepare to proceed.”
The disclaimer came on the screen followed by the ‘Michael Jackson’s Thriller’ which came floating out of the screen towards us. The short film looked incredible in 3D, it felt like you were watching it being filmed right in front of your eyes, Michael literally popped out the screen and the colour had been enhanced incredibly. What was also noticeable was that the audio had been changed. The Bass line was slightly funkier and more compressed and other elements of the instrumentation had been stripped out. It was different, but would have been better if they’d left the instrumentation alone as neither Michael or Rod are here to approve the change and we know Quincy is not in the picture with the Estate.
Then when you think it’s all over, at the end of the credits, the zombie’s eyes pop out of the screen as neon green. There was again, massive applause.
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