Michael Jacksons This Is It perfomance


Proud Member
Apr 6, 2013
I think that opening of This is It tour were awesome-Light man with videos of History in Glimpes.Michael had some great ideas,and especcialy i like Billie Jean with LED lamps in colours -that would be awesome for every MJ fan!(Special features-behind scenes). And special effects like pyrotehnics and toaster catapults dancers,buldozer on Earth song,Thriller 3D were great too.Ending of show when auddience will have 3D glasses,and dancer would go inside screen,and MJ will go last would be really amzing ending equaly good as dangerous tour ending with rocket man.
But i think that TII would be weak perfomance ,altought there would be much auddience becose it suppossed to be his last tour,altought MJ was just tising fans.
I dont think that he was giving full of his self in TII and he was full of joy most f the time,but in some scenes he was on serious persipted medication. ,because he didnt dance much,he was doing a lot spins,and unnecesarry moves like clap hands,and walking around stage and side walk(side walk in Billie Jean was auwful,i would done better),but having in mind that was rehearsals maybe he would be better,altought he died one week before show starts.

Whats your opinion?
It was rehearsals.
Michael said several times he had to save his voice, he had to save energy too for the shows.
It would have been great shows.
But i think that TII would be weak perfomance ,altought there would be much auddience becose it suppossed to be his last tour,altought MJ was just tising fans.
I dont think that he was giving full of his self in TII and he was full of joy most f the time,but in some scenes he was on serious persipted medication. ,because he didnt dance much,he was doing a lot spins,and unnecesarry moves like clap hands,and walking around stage and side walk(side walk in Billie Jean was auwful,i would done better),but having in mind that was rehearsals maybe he would be better,altought he died one week before show starts.

Whats your opinion?

About the 'unnecessary' moves, this was a rehearsal. Michael was trying out sounds, movement, effects, anything to see if it could be better.
I don't see anything strange about it.

Michael wasn't giving his all, because he was a 50 YEAR OLD man so obviously his energy level is a lot lower than his 20-something dancers.

I think it's a compliment that he was saving his energy for US, the audience. However, it is evident that he seemed very weak and to me, uncapable of doing 50 shows. This is It would NOT have been a weak performance, but I do think that if he'd lived to actually to the concerts, it would have eventually killed him.
Michael always held back during rehearsals. Just look at clips from Bad Tour rehearsals or look at the Dangerous Tour rehearsals and we all know how those tours turned out

Smooth Criminal: Bad Tour Rehearsals:
However, it is evident that he seemed very weak and to me, uncapable of doing 50 shows. This is It would NOT have been a weak performance, but I do think that if he'd lived to actually to the concerts, it would have eventually killed him.

yes i think the same
He could have done all 50 shows with enough breaks in between each show, which is what he was getting. Some people talk as if he was gonna perform on the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th etc. Plus his autopsy confirmed that he was in great health. Healthier than the average person of his age. Michael didn't die because he was unhealthy. Michael died because of Conrad Murray's stupidity.
I just agree with the last part of your post Dutchie for the way Conrat was "taking care" of Michael. If he'd had an ethical and competent doctor, it wouldn't had been the case... :sigh:

Even for being rehearsals, Michael was singing beautifully and proved he could still dance despite his age!
I would have honestly been content with Michael sitting on a stool singing!!!
I have ever confidence that it would have been an amazing show and he would have put on one hell of a performance. Yeah maybe not with the energy of Bad or Dangerous World Tours, but you know, as people have been saying he was 50.

But I do think he would have not likely been in good health after the whole tour
I think that the rehearsals were not really for Michael himself but more for the back up dancers and musicians. Michael knew his stuff and probably didn't need to put a lot of effort in remembering all the dance moves cause it was like riding a bike to him.