Michael Jackson's Theme Park 1998

maybe he can renovate Neverland into that :D That would be QUITE awesome
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I think he will never live Neverland again.. But he'll visit I think.
I'm still waiting for a lot of stuff to unfold.. :timer:
But, does anyone know what happened to this project?

Don Barden pulled out of the deal. In order to build the casino it required a referendum. The voters of Detriot voted it down. Instead Barden started buying Casinos in Colorado and then in Las Vegas.
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I too wish that Michael would move back to neverland, that's where he belongs, and more importantly I think it would be really cool for his children to grow up there and for them to have fun together. But I don't see that happening anytime soon unless Michael has a change of heart, it's sad that it's just sitting there unoccupied and deteriorating.
Don Barden pulled out of the deal. In order to build the casino it required a referendum. The voters of Detriot voted it down. Instead Barden started buying Casinos in Colorado and then in Las Vegas.

Alright.. Thanks for answering my question. It's a pity that the deal was called off.. Maybe it will be reconsidered in the future..

Michael always shouts too loud when he is startin' something lately. Think of the Katrina single project. Too bad though..
Alright.. Thanks for answering my question. It's a pity that the deal was called off.. Maybe it will be reconsidered in the future..

Michael always shouts too loud when he is startin' something lately. Think of the Katrina single project. Too bad though..

He also announced in 1998 that he was going to spend $150 million to build an amusement park in South Korea. That didn't happen either. 1998 seemed to be a year of big plans that didn't materialize.
He also announced in 1998 that he was going to spend $150 million to build an amusement park in South Korea. That didn't happen either. 1998 seemed to be a year of big plans that didn't materialize.

Yes, I also remember this era of Michael Jackson investing in all these ventures that are nowhere to be seen today. I wonder if this is what has lead to the reported financial situation he is now in. For example, one poster said Don Barden pulled out of their deal. Was Barden given any money up front, and if so, was MJ paid back. If anyone can enlighten us, please..?
Yes, I also remember this era of Michael Jackson investing in all these ventures that are nowhere to be seen today. I wonder if this is what has lead to the reported financial situation he is now in. For example, one poster said Don Barden pulled out of their deal. Was Barden given any money up front, and if so, was MJ paid back. If anyone can enlighten us, please..?

I was the poster. There was no money put up, other than Barden's for development plans. It never got off the drawing board. All that they did was have architects draw plans and make a development proposal. Because it included a casino, it required a referendum (a vote) by the general public. The referendum failed.

The South Korea deal never went anywhere either. All there was on Michael's part was a pledge for money and his endorsement and use of his name. Nothing ever happened.

Both of these Theme Park ideas basically were to use Michael's name more than anything. From researching both of these projects, I can't find that he put up any money.
What happened to Michael Jackson's theme park plans?

He put it in Neverland, that's what happened to it.
What happened to Michael Jackson's theme park plans?

He put it in Neverland, that's what happened to it.

Neverland was built in the late 1980's. That is what gave other people the idea of building Michael Jackson theme parks a decade later.
^Mmmkay, so like I said, he has rides in Neverland.

Isn't that enough?
That's a shame. I would have just said, "OK, let's take the casino out of the plans." You don't really need a casino in a theme park, anyway.