Michael Jackson's stuff was moved out of his Las Vegas home yesterday


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson Cleans House

Posted Sep 1st 2009 12:05PM by TMZ Staff

A bunch of Michael Jackson's stuff was moved out of his Las Vegas home yesterday -- and judging by previous collections of MJ's property, there was probably a lot of interesting items in those boxes.

Michael Jackson Cleans House
We're told Jackson's property is being moved to a storage facility in Los Angeles -- the best of which may be used for Michael's upcoming memorabilia tour.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/09/01/michael-jackson-cleans-house/#ixzz0Psjyer4M
one of the member of this form mentioned last week that she was at the house and the guards told her that this was going to be happening soon......but some people on here did not believe her story that michael still had his Vegas house.

this confirms all she said in that post was right.
I stand corrected on the LV house. Hopefully we will be allowed to see some of MJs unreleased stuff soon. I still cant believe he isnt here. I hate this reality.

I was at Michael's Vegas home today on Palomino Ln. They are still moving things out. Here is a link to the pictures I took earlier today. So heartbreaking, especially since I have so many precious memories of seeing & talking to Michael here many times last year. Go to my facebook album link to see the pics:


I was at Michael's Vegas home today on Palomino Ln. They are still moving things out. Here is a link to the pictures I took earlier today. So heartbreaking, especially since I have so many precious memories of seeing & talking to Michael here many times last year. Go to my facebook album link to see the pics:


Thank you for the photo's.....It is just so heart breaking..:cry::cry:......It truly is just so final...I feel like crying again.
Damn :'( I can't accept it, I cried today again listening to "will you be there"
I'm just going to let his soul live on within me... that's what I am doing.....I still cry when ever.......
I took the pictures at MJ's home around 11am yesterday. Apparently, later in the afternoon after I left, Miko Brando was there with a bunch of the movers. They showed on the local news here last night Miko & the movers removing Michaels cars that he use to keep covered and stored on the side of the property. I think some were classic Rolls Royces. Damn, I still cant believe all of this is real. With all the great memories I had there it seems so surreal to me :( I miss him SOOOO much :( :(
Please stop saying that. :cry:
It's breaking my heart over & over again..
I still can feel his presence. :(

That was not my intent. But just as Michael had to accept James Brown's death, we have to eventually make peace with his. Everyone of us will do so in his or her own way and time.

When I get this way, I picture in my mind the images of Michael where he is really happy, laughing.. truly happy... then I remind myself the only thing making Michael sad now might be if he is heartbroken over his fans and friends and family's grief, and of course not being here for his kids. So, for Michael, I really try hard to hold it together. Just trying to send him those good/happy vibes as much as possible. It is hard. I feel he is so close to us all, though, I do.
Those are just the sweetest pictures, the ones of you and Michael together.

Thank you so much. I am very lucky and blessed to have so many precious memories of Michael. I honestly believe he was the nicest man in the world and I loved him with all my heart. He was my life, my happiness. I miss him so much...my heart will ache forever.......