Michael Jackson's Personal Items For Sale On Flickr

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Dangerous Incorporated



The items in this group of pictures are available, unless noted.
Thank you for visiting my site.


This collection was originally meant for the eyes of only a few people before I list them for auction, but I have been requested by the organization I help to make it public and open access to MJ fans and the general people to better benefit our charity project.

The items listed here were donated by Mr. Michael Jackson and myself with the specific purpose to collect funds to lend our support to a charity that we've helped together for the past 17 years, every year.

Michael and I became close friends since 1993, when I Directed and Produced 5 of his Dangerous World Tour concerts for his Television Special, with an attendance of 100,000 fans, each.

I am an executive working in the entertainment industry who has loved and admired Michael for many years and who also grew up listening to his music and in awe of his talent.

None of the fabulous items offered here have current established or pre-set prices at the moment. I wanted to showcase several of their pictures here first, before they go on sale to the public, but you are welcome to make an offer before I do it.

I am open to direct offers before I post them in auction sites. If you have an interest in any of them, please send me a message.

I refrain from making any personal comments regarding myself, Mr. Jackson, his family, life, experiences or any other situation regarding him due to our frienship, my respect for him and because of my active work in this industry.

I will not blog here, so please be kind NOT to ask me any other questions that do not pertain exclusively to this sale.

Please understand that I will not provide personal comments or opinions here, so please be kind NOT to send me your personal stories.

Mike owned and wore these items himself, they were part of his personal concert memorabilia collection. We spent 2 days preparing them for this sale.

These are all RARE vintage items used by him, in excellent condition, many signed, dedicated and dated. They each come with the Production Company COA with a life-time 100% authenticity guarantee.

Many of them are still lightly impregnated with his lotion scent...

Michael and I have helped this small kids hospice for years by offering his fans the oppotunity to obtain some of his personalized things. He gave me more items than usual for this year's charity sale before he was relocating to England.

He signed and dedicated them only one month before his passing.

I can assure you there are no other items like these, and there won't be any more in the future.

Michael seldom wrote dedications, but he gladly made ours extra-special to benefit our on-going charity of the kids. Some are part of his own lyrics and some are lines from poems he loved, or his personal thoughts.

We had fun preparing our items for this year's auction, although he became frustrated a few times when the felt tip of a marker would not gide and skipped over his cotton shirts while trying to sign them, but he did it any way, and that's what counts.

I am in the process of uploading more photographs of other items. I have already accepted a few offers for some of these extraordinary things and they are gone, listed in another group of pictures here, entitled GONE. The ones listed here are still available, but probably not for long.

I am also donating the items that he gave to me over the course of many years, to add to this sale for our little hospice.

Every item comes with a 100% life-time warranty certificate of authenticity and a golden numbered seal from the production company, embossed in the document.

For obvious reasons, no returns are accepted after the sale.

Some of MJ's Items have been auctioned through eBay before. The support received from his fans and wonderful charity supporters was amazing. These listings had several description updates and people's comments. It became a lovely blog in the questions area.

Unfortunately, my listings (Mike's personal Dangerous Mexico Tour Jacket and shirt) along with the stories and comments were recently removed by eBay, so they are no longer available to view.

Payments will be processed through Paypal or Bank wire and are safe, with full warranty. Paypal accepts major credit and debit cards.

NOTE: Please be aware that actual shipping, paypal fees and insurance costs will be added to the item's final agreed price. There is absolutely no cost for handling or packaging materials.

Thank you so much to those of you (you know who you are) for your fabulous support from the very beginning...I love you for it! I welcome our new friends!

These items are posted in numerical order, the ones missing are already sold....

I thank you for looking!

Please be kind to take into consideration that my work is extremely time-consuming and I won't be able to chat or reply as fast and as often as I wish I could for the moment...
Your understanding will be appreciated, especially if you please try to keep your questions basically relating to your offers. These items have wide and clear descriptions.

Reasonable offers will be taken into consideration.

NOTE: This is NOT a request for Donations, a store or an Auction.

This is the display of Mr. Jackson's personal items, donated by him in June of last year.

He gave them to me with the purpose of selling them to raise funds for our children's charity.

Mike's fans have had the rare opportunity to have access to his wonderful donated items for many years and we appreciate their help and support through their purchases.

Donating the procceds of such sales has alowed us to continue with our dream of protecting the Hospice's handicapped kids in Mexico for 17 years.

So... who is that collector? or source claiming
The items listed here were donated by Mr. Michael Jackson and myself with the specific purpose to collect funds to lend our support to a charity that we've helped together for the past 17 years, every year.

Michael and I became close friends since 1993, when I Directed and Produced 5 of his Dangerous World Tour concerts for his Television Special, with an attendance of 100,000 fans, each.



They don't look to me like the signatures of MJ I've seen either.
Well guys, had the mysterious collector these items in (June) 2009? Signed by MJ himself?
I am not sure, but some of them look same as those from another auction back in 2009.
Michael never wrote in all lower case, it was always a mixture. :wub: Same with cursive and print, always a mixture (Just like me! :)) Also, none of that is fluid enough to be his. He held the pen too far away from the tip for it to be as controlled as that looks.
I'm going to close this as this is not Michael's writing and its promoting someone trying to make money off of Michael.
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