Michael Jackson's Message 2009 (???)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am not sure if it was posted, if so..., I am sorry.
Its a Christmas message....


“It is a real privilege for me to be able to have this opportunity – to send all my fans a message on what is a very important day.

Today of all days we focus on loving one and other and giving. Lets do this, not just one day of the year – but for 365 days. But just as important lets love one and other – lets forget hatred and turn to those that are suffering. Not just today, but everyday.

Join me in healing the world and make it a better place.”
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If we dint know this video, its new to (some of) us...

I didnt know this message, never heard this before.

I just remember this being the only Xmas message from Mike is it from 2004?

Great video anyways.

Edit: Thanks earthlyme Ive never seen that before :)
So... its fake... thanks for the detectives... what a pity and ... I would want to believe... that... :angel:
i love how in mj stars message mj's face moves but his fake hair adn head dont move :lol:
and i love how they convieniently dont mention this is an OLD message from 1992 top of the pops show that they've tunred WHITE to make it look like he's saying it from heaven.

Done in BAD TASTE.
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It's always nice to hear his voice but that fake video is kind of funny with, as someone else pointed out already, his face moving but not his hair. Nice try though.
mjstar is so rediculous. they so often try to fool the fans with the worst media tabloid stories and fake videos. LOL.... really poor.
Now that made me cry. I can't believe how much I still miss him. I have so loved those messages of his. Thank you for posting that video even though it is fake.

I'm confused, what is fake? are you saying those aren't MJ words and those are fake? or just that the video isn't Michael speaking as far as I'm concerned, those are MJ words so it isn't fake. I've heard him say it before
This is not a new video from MJ. It's a fan made video, but nice all the same. :)
i still die a little inside when i think about him not being in this world anymore.. :cry:
the christmas message is so wonderfull.. merry christmas and hanukha and all of those other celebrations that people are doing atm! :angel::heart:

omg i cant bare to see his smile.. :sigh:
The Top Of The Pops video just made me smile! His smile just warms your heart.

To think we would've gotten a new message this year too......

I miss this man so much!
I have never seen these messages before...there are beautifull, but so sad :( ehhh , I hope when I go to heaven someday Mike will be There :(