Michael Jackson's life and death, what have we learned from this?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Getting a little philosophical here, lol. If the mods feel this is the wrong place to have this thread, please move it.

But seriously, Michaels death has done more to me then just make me sad. It made me really think. Think about the world we live in and how it has become. And every time I go over it the word "consumer" comes to my mind.

We humans are consumers. That is what we do, and probably why we are here. We consume food, air, space, time, things, even people. We breed and we continue doing what the people prior to our generation did, consume.

In the end, all what we consume are products. Either products of nature or products of man. It doesn't matter, it becomes a consumption either way. The entertainment business is no different from the food business. They are both based on human consumption. And they profit from it. That is why the businesses has become so huge, along with other consumption markets-

Everything we need, someone will make money of. And people always seem to need more, and that is something a business selling you the product will exploit.

I think Michael Jackson's life and death is a great example to demonstrate how this mass worldwide consumption will be the end of humanity.

We consume all the natural resources on this planet, we even kill for it. We call all these things life, looking for happiness, reality and so on. But we all are missing the bigger picture.

There is no reason for all this consumption to exist other then the need to survive. And that is why we have all these bad habits from, because we have the mind of a consumer. But we forget ourselves and the consumption becomes a mental addiction sometimes.

Our environment is suffering from our massive consumption. 1 billion people are starving because we profit on hunger and the richest can eat all they want, while the poor can die from hunger. All because of our selfish need to consume. Because we think that this lifestyle of consumption is going to make us happy.

One of the reasons why I think celebrities often die young, is because they get sucked in by the masses need to consume what they deliver. It is as if they have to give this to us, because we need it and they can also become greater consumers if they deliver. They get rich. It is a vicious little circle we have created for ourselves.

I think part of the reason why Michael had to die young, is because he was put in a place where he was no longer a human being, but a product for us to consume.

And after he died, I feel ashamed that I even after the trial. I thought of only one thing. When will he perform again? When will he release an album, not thinking about just how broken he was inside from the trial. My consumer mind got the best of me.

I did not need for Michael to come back. The only thing I needed was to know he was alright, because I cared for his well being.

But I still had this need to see him be an artist.

This is my lesson from all this. It has been like this for many years but Michaels death finally made me realize.

We all need to stop. We need to stop living like we do. We need to stop thinking about material happiness like we do now. The world is dying because of it, and people die from it.

I don't need to eat as much as I can. There are millions of kids out there who have nothing.

How can I spend money on things I don't need and how can I throw away food I know people need. How can I ask of someone who have gone through pain to make me happy?

I won't. I won't be like that ever again. I don't want people to die because of my needs.

I have known this for a long time now, but it is now I understand that the time has come to act. Before it is to late. This is it. That was Michaels message for the tour. He was right. We are running out of time.
I don't think we learn anything. When Marlon spoke about Michael not being able to cross the street, I remembered how when Michael came to London after the trial, fans on another site were stalking him, communicating through the site how they went from one hotel to the other to find him, and they did it because they loved him, but when Diana died we realised the price she paid for people getting the pictures they bought magazines to see. It was the same for Michael, we liked to see pictures but he paid the price. I hope we do not buy pictures of his children and help to create a market.

As for doctors acting like pushers and suppliers, if you go back through the years, Munroe, Garland, Elvis, this has also been going on for years and nothing is done, maybe if the doctors in this case do some serious jail time he will achieve something in death that will save lives in the future. Taking their licence is no punishment, they retire with a huge bank balance and invest it, so not being able to practice is no punishment for them. They should pass Michael's law, where doctors who get people hooked and and keep supplying do a minimum of ten years and have their assets taken. it shouldn't take the death of someone to have them accountable.
Don't judge a man until you walk two moons in his moccasins.
Good thread, and interesting idea. The thing is though that humans aren't ONLY consumers, because many also PRODUCE. They give something to the world and don't just take. I think Michael is a prime example of someone who takes almost nothing, but gives everything. I think part of what you touched on, the problem in the world, is not that we are consumers, but that the balance of consuming/producing is not in check. The scales are way too tipped.

Look at Michael, his life was way out of balance, he shouldn't have gotten way more in comparison to what he gave, but it didn't happen. The same can be said with the poor people that don't get what they need while the rich get richer. The earth and people also produce, enough even, it's the balance that we need to bring back as a people. When there is balance, there will be enough.
they killed mike! what we learned? that world is fucked up..and if u wanna help and make it a better place u will be called a FREAK and they will put you in prison or kill u!
What I've learned from the death of Michael Jackson is that when it comes to your life, we are not promised anything. You have to live every single day as if it was the last day of your life.

Your family is FAR more important than any MANAGER, PROMOTER, DANCER, CHOREOGRAPHER, BACKUP SINGER, SECURITY GUARD, you name it if is had anything to do with showbusiness and that includes THE FANS.

Michael Jackson was a human being with life issues just like we all have and THEN HE WAS A SINGER. There were choices both good and bad that he had made or he could've made as an human being. He lived his life how he chose to live his life. Michael Jackson was responsible for his own life. In no way do I feel responsible for his death.

I do not fault fans who wanted all there was from Michael Jackson THE ENTERTAINER. To a point when it came to his talents, the fans paid him for that talent in one form or another and, he owed them everything. But Michael still had choice when it came to the business of entertaining his fans.

Consumption has always been a part of the world and I don't think Michael Jackson had anything to do with this. I don't thing Consumption had anything to do with Michael Jackson's death. He could have said NO plain and simple.......

ONLY YOU allow yourself to be exploited.
wonderful thread....but so sad too....

What I've learned is that ultimately the world IS a much duller place. I stop and think about the entertainment world and it really blows right now; I think about how we as people treat each other and how we will grab onto any nugget of information thrown our way (false or true, doesn't matter as long as it sounds cool/crazy) and crucify people; I've learned that even people who seem INVINCIBLE have an expiration date. Nothing that I've gained from his passing or even his tragic life makes me any happier about the world.

Even now, people don't harp about the AMAZING charitable feats he's accomplished, they just want to tar and feather him as a drug addicted pedophile who happened to sing and dance well. "He's just a pop star, why do you care so much?" was a question that I was asked the other day and it really made me seethe. That someone can accomplish as many record breaking feats as Michael Jackson and still be considered "just another dude, whatever" makes me see that no matter what anyone does, it will never be enough. You can do 50 million good things and be judged by one mistake, true or false.
It made me learn how much I really love Michael, and that this world is so unfair :(
what have we learned? that even in death, some people treat that death as a commodity to make money out of. that in our world, some people place more value on $$$$ rather than love and respect. that death can, and does, happen unexpectedly, for all kinds of reasons and that our lives are finite. that the media have lost all respect for the integrity of journalism ethics and are no better than the tabloids.
GREAT thread, I give you kudos.

What I have learned is that the world is greedy, and I was one of those fans that wanted to see him perform again, sell lots of albums with one last album at least, retire with an album that went to number 1 for weeks all around the world. I wanted Michael to at least "prove" to the world that even at 50 he could still dance and sing and make his albums number one. Even after all the sh*t he's been though. And well.... I am upset at myself for wanting that. Wanting everything from Michael Jackson. I should have been happy if he just retired. But you know what? Michael is still selling albums like crazy, and people are STILL making fun of him and accusing him. So I guess I judged the world wrong. I thought it could change. I was hoping for the whole world to see that Michael Jackson that I seen. The wonderful, loving, caring, talented, sweet, funny, loving Michael Jackson. But I guess the world (media) is too focused on themselves. They make me sick really....

but I agreed to alot of your text in your posts. I have thought about my own life. And even after Michael's death, this has made me want to be a stronger person in my own life. A person to have success. A person to be happy. A person to use my talents. A person to be a good family member. A person to care for the less fortunate. A person to take care of my health and dignity. A person to continue my childlike behavior. I love Michael so much.
wonderful thread....but so sad too....

What I've learned is that ultimately the world IS a much duller place. I stop and think about the entertainment world and it really blows right now; I think about how we as people treat each other and how we will grab onto any nugget of information thrown our way (false or true, doesn't matter as long as it sounds cool/crazy) and crucify people; I've learned that even people who seem INVINCIBLE have an expiration date. Nothing that I've gained from his passing or even his tragic life makes me any happier about the world.

Even now, people don't harp about the AMAZING charitable feats he's accomplished, they just want to tar and feather him as a drug addicted pedophile who happened to sing and dance well. "He's just a pop star, why do you care so much?" was a question that I was asked the other day and it really made me seethe. That someone can accomplish as many record breaking feats as Michael Jackson and still be considered "just another dude, whatever" makes me see that no matter what anyone does, it will never be enough. You can do 50 million good things and be judged by one mistake, true or false.

I couldn't agree more. Every day I learn more and more about Michael is another day I wonder how he even endured as long as he did with all of the things being thrown at him left and right since he was a kid. And even through all of that he STILL tried to do good things and be God-like. That's how I KNOW he didn't molest any child, that wasn't even in his heart.. he just wanted to be like God.. which is what all Christians who are truly devout strive for. It's a shame that ppl who are not MJ fans couldn't see that and were blinded by media trash instead of making up their own minds. BUt that's how things are these days... I remember talking to a friend of mine wondering when we all got so obsessed with entertainers and public figures and their personal lives. It's really quite sickening.
I couldn't agree more. Every day I learn more and more about Michael is another day I wonder how he even endured as long as he did with all of the things being thrown at him left and right since he was a kid. And even through all of that he STILL tried to do good things and be God-like. That's how I KNOW he didn't molest any child, that wasn't even in his heart.. he just wanted to be like God.. which is what all Christians who are truly devout strive for. It's a shame that ppl who are not MJ fans couldn't see that and were blinded by media trash instead of making up their own minds. BUt that's how things are these days... I remember talking to a friend of mine wondering when we all got so obsessed with entertainers and public figures and their personal lives. It's really quite sickening.

I agree so much also.
Getting a little philosophical here, lol. If the mods feel this is the wrong place to have this thread, please move it.

But seriously, Michaels death has done more to me then just make me sad. It made me really think. Think about the world we live in and how it has become. And every time I go over it the word "consumer" comes to my mind.

We humans are consumers. That is what we do, and probably why we are here. We consume food, air, space, time, things, even people. We breed and we continue doing what the people prior to our generation did, consume.

In the end, all what we consume are products. Either products of nature or products of man. It doesn't matter, it becomes a consumption either way. The entertainment business is no different from the food business. They are both based on human consumption. And they profit from it. That is why the businesses has become so huge, along with other consumption markets-

Everything we need, someone will make money of. And people always seem to need more, and that is something a business selling you the product will exploit.

I think Michael Jackson's life and death is a great example to demonstrate how this mass worldwide consumption will be the end of humanity.

We consume all the natural resources on this planet, we even kill for it. We call all these things life, looking for happiness, reality and so on. But we all are missing the bigger picture.

There is no reason for all this consumption to exist other then the need to survive. And that is why we have all these bad habits from, because we have the mind of a consumer. But we forget ourselves and the consumption becomes a mental addiction sometimes.

Our environment is suffering from our massive consumption. 1 billion people are starving because we profit on hunger and the richest can eat all they want, while the poor can die from hunger. All because of our selfish need to consume. Because we think that this lifestyle of consumption is going to make us happy.

One of the reasons why I think celebrities often die young, is because they get sucked in by the masses need to consume what they deliver. It is as if they have to give this to us, because we need it and they can also become greater consumers if they deliver. They get rich. It is a vicious little circle we have created for ourselves.

I think part of the reason why Michael had to die young, is because he was put in a place where he was no longer a human being, but a product for us to consume.

And after he died, I feel ashamed that I even after the trial. I thought of only one thing. When will he perform again? When will he release an album, not thinking about just how broken he was inside from the trial. My consumer mind got the best of me.

I did not need for Michael to come back. The only thing I needed was to know he was alright, because I cared for his well being.

But I still had this need to see him be an artist.

This is my lesson from all this. It has been like this for many years but Michaels death finally made me realize.

We all need to stop. We need to stop living like we do. We need to stop thinking about material happiness like we do now. The world is dying because of it, and people die from it.

I don't need to eat as much as I can. There are millions of kids out there who have nothing.

How can I spend money on things I don't need and how can I throw away food I know people need. How can I ask of someone who have gone through pain to make me happy?

I won't. I won't be like that ever again. I don't want people to die because of my needs.

I have known this for a long time now, but it is now I understand that the time has come to act. Before it is to late. This is it. That was Michaels message for the tour. He was right. We are running out of time.

Thank you for a very thoughtful post. I agree with what you say very much about the consumerism

I'm a fan of MJ humanitarianism and he thinks a lot like I do which I resonate with.

What I've learnt is that Ibelieve he was murdered, he said himself there was conspiracy against him. The prescription drugs just created an opportunity for murder and for it never to be proved.

What I've really got at the end of the day, is the importance of love forgiveness and unity across the globe ie wars which he had the ability to draw people of warring nations together to make the world a better place. Many people across the globe who had different religious belief or who did not even know who certain religious figures were ie Jesus Muhammad, Isaac etc but they all knew who Michael Jackson was.

Millions of people singing Heal the World was going to create a massive positve energy at this particular time.

The message of unity is the message I get, treating others as you would yourself, someones elses suffering could be yours. We are all responsible for doing something to make the world better.
Good thread, and interesting idea. The thing is though that humans aren't ONLY consumers, because many also PRODUCE. They give something to the world and don't just take. I think Michael is a prime example of someone who takes almost nothing, but gives everything. I think part of what you touched on, the problem in the world, is not that we are consumers, but that the balance of consuming/producing is not in check. The scales are way too tipped.

Look at Michael, his life was way out of balance, he shouldn't have gotten way more in comparison to what he gave, but it didn't happen. The same can be said with the poor people that don't get what they need while the rich get richer. The earth and people also produce, enough even, it's the balance that we need to bring back as a people. When there is balance, there will be enough.

Kinda what I was getting at. Our need to consume creates the need to produce also. And the more we produce the more we consume, forgetting that the world can not keep this up.

The world will run out of natural resources if we keep up our lifestyles.

1 billion people starving could end up in 3 billion.

Michael never took, but he was forced to give to much. He payed the price with his life.
Yes balance, I was talking to my friend at the pub about this last night. I was saying how I'm lacking enthusiasm right now as Michael gave so much and look what happened to him. Also a younger relative in my family is really ill right now. Then I was clicking my fingers saying everytime I do that a child dies in Africa, what is up with the world?!! Sometimes I believe in karma I said to her but when unfair things happen I said I really do think that the world comes down to 'the survival of the fittest' I'm a very caring person and often get walked over by others, I couldn't even try to be nasty though its just not me. I'm a Virgo and she is a very caring charitable Gemini, she always seems to make me laugh when I want to cry - I asked her how she mentally feels ok to keep going with how the world is and she says her mind just won't let all the positive thoughts go, she holds onto hope that everyday happy things can happen too. I do feel very disheartened about a lot right now, but I'll never stop helping others and being a good person.

From Michael's death I've learnt that to give and care is great to do but don't give all of yourself to others and try and have a happy personal life. As much as I don't give to receive but give out of love, it also has to be noted that when you give so much you don't always receive back thanks and gratitude even for what you give, you can even get people against you when all that you are doing is out of love. I think he gave so much as his life was lonely and was always searching for that acceptance and love. I hope the letters and love he got from some of his fans made him realise how he brightened some people's dark days and gave them the escapism he felt he was put here on earth to provide for people:
"I feel compelled to give people some sense of escapism. I think its the reason I'm here" - Michael Jackson
I'm also so happy he had those 3 lovely children to share his life with, I'm sure they bought him so much joy. My prayers are with them now.

On a different subject.... you know how we in the western part of the world have so much more these days and yet still seem unhappy. Watch this guy on TV, the video is called 'Everything is amazing, noboby is happy' A friend of mine posted it on their facebook status the other day, I think its so true! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jETv3NURwLc
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That there is no order in which people die. Also, never assume someone will always be there.
That we should not judge anyone unless we have walked in his shoes. Too bad the media haven't learnt this yet.