Michael Jackson's Legacy Will Endure


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Roundup: Michael Jackson's Legacy
Will Endure

Letters to the editor

USA TODAY's article asked, "How will Michael
Jackson be remembered in 10 years?" I never
thought that on the day of his death my children
would have danced around like they knew every one
of his songs and that I would cry for the King of Pop
"Michael's legacy? Lots of questions," Cover story,
Life, June 25).

Michael was all the craze when I was a teen, and I
wore out many a cassette tape from trying to lip-
sync and do the moonwalk.

One year after Michael's death, my children still
recognize his songs on the radio. Ten years from
now, my children will be 18 and 15, and I will be
46. I predict that we will still be fascinated with the
music, the life and anything there is to know about
Michael and his legacy.

In fact, I saw the small teaser about Michael on the
front page of USA TODAY, and immediately I had to
turn to the article. That is the kind of hold Michael
had on fans his whole life. There is something
mystical about him, and it will continue forever.

Valerie Delmonico; Columbus, Ohio
I think Michael's music will live on, even more so than Elvis's, because it appeals to young folks. Young people are always the engine of the music industry. A recent poll here on this board showed most of his fans here are between 15 and 25. Not many 50 year old artists have such a young fan base. Also when I go to YouTube I see young people discover him and think he is cool and so on. I think this is his secret and this will make him live on. I think because of the timelessness of his music he has even better chances there than Elvis, because Elvis' music isn't that timeless IMO.
Michael music truly is timeless. It stands on its own. No one has and will ever be able to make timeless music like Michael.